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Why does everyone hate freelee and the durianrider?
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Why does everyone hate freelee and the durianrider?
Annoying fucking bitch and acts like veganism is the only way to be fit and healthy.

Pro-tip: it isn't
>tfw they will die of cancer due to chronic radiation poisoning
Pretty much because they're huge fucking assholes.

Veganism works for some people. Vegans all have some fucking superiority complex and think anyone who isn't vegan is a terrible person.
have you seen or heard them
lol @ how gray and yellow his teeth are even in professional pic intended to make him look good

bananas are fucking radioactive.

the energy they feel is mutation.
She's a crazy ass bitch. Made a video where she went around the mall telling little girls that they're overweight and need to go vegan.
Did some math, eating 70 bananas almost doubles your daily radiation exposure. Not much, but not negligible either.
Muh buzzword
>freelee fitrawvegan
>willingly changing your name to this
holy good fuck
What the fuck does that even mean Z are you denying the physical existence of radioactive decay?

>Muh buzzword
>muh memes
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>you only have to take one look at us - the proof is in the pudding
how do they shit? bananas clog me up like concrete
More bananers
I think the energy they feel is from being mentally unhinged.

you have to really fuck up for radiation to kill you. there are subhuman BRs that sit in irradiated sand every day and drink radiation juice and they don't die or have any worse problems than your normal BR

I imagine the high fructose diet will kill them before the radioactive potassium does

totally white teeth are unnatural and unnecessary. I think these two are insufferable retards but there is nothing visibly wrong with their teeth

bananas shouldn't do that. are you okay?

banana fact: the entire banana industry runs on a monoculture, and has for almost a hundred years. They try to keep the pests and disease down with chemicals that kill and sterilize subhuman Brazilian harvesters (doing god's work), but eventually the pests are too stronk and they switch to a new kind of banana. happens every 40 years. I have no idea if any of the pesticides stick around or get into the flesh of the banana, but I'll bet you the FDA didn't count on someone eating 40 bananers a day.
Motherfuckers clearly do not eat 70 bannanas in a day, ever. Its fucking insane to even suggest they do. Its a scam.
eat them brown and speckled, not green.
>tfw Armageddon will be a battle of yellow vegan mutants against mutant mass mutants
who cares...

If this fag conned a fat bitch to eat only bananas and ended up with this hottie good for him.

I might try it for shits and giggles seeing how cheap bananas can get (29c a lb at ALDI) but it seems incredibly boring and isnt a banana like 100 calories so 70 = 7000 calories a day?
Where in the fuck do you get a supply of 70 bannans a day?
This. They are both insane. They're going to develop type 2 beetus before hitting their fifties, and get alzheimer's before sixty.

And their teeth will be goners soon too.
YLYL has gone too far.
this is now a "who will give in and fap to the crazy bitch" thread
Because they are the vegan form of broscience
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claiming trips
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>you have to really fuck up for radiation to kill you.
They won't get radiation poisoning you ubernigger, they just have a slightly higher chance of cancer
> there are subhuman BRs that sit in irradiated sand every day and drink radiation juice and they don't die or have any worse problems than your normal BR
That's because Brazilians die of aids and drinking shit water before they get the opportunity to get cancer.
>I imagine the high fructose diet will kill them before the radioactive potassium does
True desu
Terrible ? Nah. I look down to you like the filthy double digited IQ retard you are.
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they should be locked in jail for scam that is possibly dangerous for people's health
>inb4 retards
not everyone had opportunity to learn stuff
Ehhh, this one got me. I'd pound it out in a heartbeat, haha.
I guess she went totally banana
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