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do i look like elliot rodger
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File: Photo on 5-3-16 at 5.20 PM.jpg (181 KB, 1080x720) Image search: [Google]
Photo on 5-3-16 at 5.20 PM.jpg
181 KB, 1080x720
do i look like elliot rodger
Only if I take my glasses off

I should probably let you know that my script is -10 diopters
was elliot rodger down syndrome?
No not really.
fuggin KEKarooni
Take a shower
Your cummy hair is pissin me off
No but you do look like a fag
File: 1462206252945.jpg (225 KB, 1656x1378) Image search: [Google]
225 KB, 1656x1378
Judging from the markings and shape of your face, I would have to say...


Stupid /fit/izens, always bringing Elliots into the threads.

In all seriousness, if i took my glasses off and stood 30 ft away, yeah. Otherwise, no you look nothing like him, not even in rough shape.
nah u look good senpai id suck your dick and keep your cum in my mouth until you got hard again, then suck your dick again with your cum still in my mouth and swallow both loads when you finish.

no homo
dunno who is but i'd like to communicate that you look nice in a not-creepy and genuine way
File: image.jpg (9 KB, 256x144) Image search: [Google]
9 KB, 256x144
No, but you kinda look like Luka Rocco Magnotta.
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