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Has lifting weights given you all four? Or are you just a phony
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Has lifting weights given you all four?

Or are you just a phony gymcel?
Why do women like asses? They can't fuck 'em.
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> you will always be a jawlet
After I cut 20 lbs I'll have a better jawline, not sure about the abs though
They're a good indicator of thrusting power
wtf my dad told me a ladies favorite thing is pic related
did he lie?
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>vascular forearms
and to think I thought it was HEIGHT FACE FRAME that was all that mattered
I only run and I have all four.

Step it up sempais.
alfa fux beta bux
Genetic potential for their children.
top delusion
The real question is why do gay men like asses since you can't procreate with other men.

Men must fuck.
Lifting weights will improve all of these, even the jaw up to a point with weight loss
>sour grapes detected
All sex is ultimately geared towards procreation, homosexuals can't connect the dots.
makes no sense wouldn't the rich beta be able to get another hot wife anyway?
Ass Virgin detected
stupid ass baby fat is hiding my jaw of the gods

when I suck in my cheeks it looks great
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Sure, but money does not make women sexually attracted to you. It makes them want to date and take advantage of you. You think women touch themselves at night thinking of Bill Gates or George Soros?

Money only counts for being a beta provider. Women are sexually attracted to genetically given good looks. Period.

As an average looking beta with great career prospects you may be able to get a hot wife but she'll never love you the same way she lusted after and adored Chad in her teens to mid/late twenties. In fact the thought of doing with you what she willing did for Chad repulses her. For this reason most marriages go sexless after the 'honey moon' phase and often times the wife ends up cheating on you with her Hot Chad supervisor from her office.

The fact is if you were born with beta genetics you're FUCKED. Lifting or money won't save you because you cannot lift or work your genetics away.
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Breh, just get surgery. It will make you Chad. Believe me.
Holy fuck, how can someone have a jaw like that (talking about the left pic, of course). Did he get in an accident?
Otherwise, that surgery should be illegal. Imagine the disgusting kids he will put onto Earth after fucking his unknowing wife.
enjoy your pegging

Tempero mandibular joint issue whereby one side or both sides have a failed tmj , needs surgical repair via an artificial socket, not genetic.
There are plenty of handsome men who are doctors, lawyers, bankers and architects. Women want those guys.

95% of womens' ideal man is a tall, lean, handsome respected professional who pulls in more money than her parents made and has a badass side like being into mountainneering while not being so autistic about it that he can't still make a good impression at all the parties they'll host and go to so she can show him off.

Soros and Gates fit one of those things.
Mouth breathing as a child
>Pandering to women this hard
You dumb shit.. you don't lift for women. Ever. You lift for your own satisfaction of being healthy and strong. For bonus points, you train for a specific sport, so you can excel at it.

Turn in your /fit/ card at the front desk, your membership here is suspended for 90 days.
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Watching myself turn into a demigod naturally is very satisfying. Fucking babes is an awesome bonus
>Watching myself turn into a demigod naturally is very satisfying.
It should be. For anyone who goes to the trouble, if they don't feel that way then they must be doing it wrong.

On an unassociated subject, that pic googles to 'mumbai high profile call girl'; wonder how much extra she'd charge to let me bang her bareback and finish inside her? She's fucking HOT. XD
3/4 I'm currently cutting for them abaroos
>tfw fat as child
>literally a complete mouth breather
>still have a ridiculously strong jaw and chin

Don't let that meme shit fool, it's 100% genetics

That's Chloe Vevrier
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mew would like to have a word with you
yeah they'll fuck money but they desire beauty
Depending on how old you are when you start (under 30), you will build a much stronger jaw from lifting, especially heavy stuff like squats and deads.

The muscles surrounding and attached to the jaw and hyoid play a huge role in proper spinal alignment when lifting. The bones themselves will develop provided the muscles and connective tissue get the proper stimulation.
Loving the broscience
Because guys with good asses are sexy and aesthetically pleasing.
how fast do glutes grow compared to other muscles on the body? probably different for everybody, but since they are so big, does it take more time?
I wish this was true
God mouth breathing terrified me from 12 up for this very reason. Thanks for reminding me. Now I'm terrified again.
Why do men like tits? They don't need breast milk.
I still drink it though.
From the tit?
Failed strawman. I can fuck tits
Only the big ones
>4 favorite things
>everything except calves

How easy
This is amazing, why have I never seen this movie?

How else do you drink it? From the tap or it's crap.
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they just put all parts of the male there
And now he runs the #1 tech channel on YouTube.
Reading that text in the picture made me a bit mad at first and then happy that marriage isnt really on my prio list of things to do in life so ill never end up there but seriously
And the logic is great
>you think im a bitch for cheating and having no attraction to my husband
>this is why most women wont come out and say it, because you think they are terrible people
Well duh, being a terrible person does warrant us to call you a terrible person.

Kind of sad that men are screened impossibly hard for "bad genetics" by women so most guys i know who are great guys cant find a gf but retarded chicks, bitches and fat chicks can get a bf and start having kids willy nilly
Future is starting to look very dark
Does lifting actually do anything for your jaw besides decreasing bf? Does tensing your body for big compunds actually stimulate growth in the jaw muscles?
chew this for jaw gains:


you're welcome
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Sick of seeing this type of shit all the time on this board.
Going to the gym, cleaning yourself up, eating well, and wearing clothes that fit will make you reach your fullest potential with your genetics.
Don't have good facial genetics? Google surgery or looksmaxing.
It sucks but it's life.
>Wah wah all the girls care about is looks
Yeah and I'm sure that last girl you rejected doesn't think the same thing about men.
Why do men like asses? Does it matter if the ass is strong or not?
I think most guys are pissed off and curious as to why it doesnt work
Its not as simple as "clean yourself, cut your hair and dress in fitting clothes" if you want a gf
The lists of things you need is neverending and even when you become fit, have a nice face, good job, college degree, good dress style, nice hair cut and every other thing you can imagine you can still fail at getting laid/a gf

Im with you, such is life and we need to deal but its not out of place to say its fucked up
Like if you saw an Ad for work at Mcdonalds that required you to have a masters in chemical engineering aswell as 10 years experience in the field
That might prompt a "well thats not right" but if thats what they demand you better deliver if you want the job

An ass with a good amount of fat shows that she is healthy and has excess energy to support a baby growing inside her.
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bro it's actually very simple

just be Chad
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>I think most guys are pissed off and curious as to why it doesnt work
Yeah man, I just think most men can't accept it, hence the whole PUA shit.
>Its not as simple as "clean yourself, cut your hair and dress in fitting clothes" if you want a gf
That's true, you gotta have a good personality, be interesting, and somewhat preoccupied with interests and hobbies.
>The lists of things you need is neverending and even when you become fit, have a nice face, good job, college degree, good dress style, nice hair cut and every other thing you can imagine you can still fail at getting laid/a gf
When all of the above are good, the failure will continue because the guy is acting like an autist or is going for women above his league. Yeah, unfortunately leagues are a thing, but as long as you're realistic and aim for people you can see yourself being in the same tier as, I promise, things will be better
>Im with you, such is life and we need to deal but its not out of place to say its fucked up
It's incredibly fucked up. One of the hardest pills to swallow.
>That might prompt a "well thats not right" but if thats what they demand you better deliver if you want the job
Us men have been given stupid expectations for women too. It sucks for everyone.
glutes and jaw
I constantly get comments on my ass
>yet another ss victim
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Seriously you posters of this shit better just off yourselves.
It's obvious already, just post some shit about the sky being blue or some shit like that already.
This is a board for realistic people, bring that shit over to r9k where it belongs.
no, its geared towards bonding. procreation is the result
genetics + low bodyfat
>veiny arms
genetics + low bodyfat
genetics + low bodyfat

I'm too fat for abs
Veins are visible when I have a pump
My jaw is mediocre. Not ridiculously weak, but not HTAM either.
At least I got a huge muscular ass, right?
currently skinny fat
see above
it's improved but weak jaw

im in the same boat as you anon
>I promise, things will be better
Things can always be better but personally i have doubts about dating and women in general
but this ties into another thing

>Us men have been given stupid expectations for women too.
My only expectation is her having a good personality(warm) and not being morbidly obese
I have a simple guideline, i talk to girls and if i find she has a warm personality i ask her out and that has landed me one girl and two dates in an entire year
Last gf i had was abit heavy (165cm tall and 70kg) but she was kind and loving so i loved her, i dont think my standards are unreasonable but im still having problems finding girls who meet them because they arent interested mostly due to them already having a bf

I do think youre on to something about many guys, especially in the r9k and TRP crowds. They most likely are a 4-6/10 who wont do jack shit in life and refuse to improve while still only going for that 10/10 super hot girl and cry when it wont work out but this is far from the case with everyone
Don't stress all this shit, better yourself and have confidence in what ever you are. Happiness and success will come to you.

I know this sounds hippy but not everything in life is so grim
I want to believe this but its been so long ive lost that hope, i still fake it IRL ofc because even suggesting youre doing badly will cause people to fuck right off if they think you cant offer anything to them and that puts me in the opposite position of where i want to be
Money talks, so what the fuck I need to say to to your girl-immortal technique, 'Rich man's World'
>aim for people you can see yourself being in the same tier as, I promise, things will be better

>tfw 5/10 and refuse to date girls in my league
>Refuse to date used up 5/10 whores

fml senpai.
This. All lifting has done is made me very vain. While all the immigrants and old guys in my gym are perving on the female aerobics class, I'm checking out my legs.
Nothing quite as satisfying as finishing a gym session and knowing you're doing something good for yourself.
No because bulking. I'll get them soon though
No, bad genetics probably, my forearms never were veiny even when I used to be skelly
Nice jaw line and the cut hasn't begun yet
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