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I had wanted to go to the gym early this morning, but I ended
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I had wanted to go to the gym early this morning, but I ended up getting like 5-6 hours of sleep (after drinking). Is it still worth it to go or is it a waste of time?
go and you'll find out
This, you can always stop mid workout, or go lighter, better than nothing, you bitch.
I mean like will I even get anything out of a workout? Even if I hypothetically had a perfect workout would it even be worth it?
Yes, even if you just warmed up it would still be better than nothing
Sleep determines the gainz you made from your last workout. Not the next one, where you break the muscles down again.
This is every weekend for me. Drink, sleep by midnight and up by 6 to workout. Just drink water you'll be fine.
But I got 2 hours of sleep less than usual. Won't losing a REM cycle make weight lifting today pointless?
Being tired isn't gonna to change how lifting will tear the muscle. Unless you're literally too tired to lift the weight. Kind of sounds like you're hunting for an excuse to not go though desu. If you need a day off just take it man.
jesus man, no it won't. While you're here worrying about your precious sleep chads busy benching after not sleeping at all.
Do you feel okay physically?


Then just go you fucking nigger
Just take a fucking day off you bitch, you won't be happy 'til someone agrees with you so you can justify slacking off.
Last time I worked out hungover was the first time I deadlifted 3pl8.
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