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Things old people say at the gym
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>be me.
>go lift with my father.
>he's almost 60.
>we both have been training martial arts all our lifes.
>he sees me doing 2pl8 for 3x5
>says lifting heavy weights will make me slow.
>he does 1pl8 for like 10x10 when he's stronger than me.

I don't even bother trying to debate him, old people are stubborn as fuck.
I was talking about bench press by the way.
I hate old people. They say millenials are the entitled generation. I've never seen such a lazy, manipulative, entitled group of people as I have with boomers.
He is right you fucking moron

Lifting big weights WILL make you slower at any fighting, better to do lighter for fast explosive reps
>doesn't know about the 10x10 routine
But he's right though

its easy to call others entitled when the world was handed to you on an incredibly cheap platter.
That's fucking retaded. The only way i would get slower is by adding a ton of mass which won't happen as a natural lifter eating maintenance calories.
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Boomer pls. The last generation calls us lazy, self entitled, and without discipline. Who brought us up?

And anyways, at least our generation is less religious and more accepting of other people.
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>at least our generation...more accepting of other people.
For once trips aren't the truth
More like cucks
Tolerance is the virtue of the unprincipled man
He's right. Different CNS activation. lrn2science.
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>explosive reps
Worked for Dempsey vs Willard, Tyson vs Scaff, Cro Cop vs Sapp, Fedor vs Zulu...
If I was an old person who lived a life where "racism" wasn't yelled at everything, women had morals, and fat acceptance wasn't a thing, then had to watch as our generation encouraged black people to turn into angry mobs of protestors, allowed women to have sex with anything and everything without judgement, praised people as they cut off their genitals so they could get different ones, brainwashed everyone that their body is fine the way it is and fat isn't unhealthy, and finally caused anyone who disagreed with any of this to be labeled a bigot and disregarded, I'd be pretty fucking pissed at our generation too.
But theyre also the same generation that let the jews do all this to us.

They stopped our fuhrer, they let the marxists remain in power.

We must fight the jew and regain our lost morals.
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Love it.

Not the best route at all. Religion is valuable.

Things the previous generation pawned off on the youth

>unfunded government pensions that will drive many cities into debt and eventual bankruptcy. Any city that had large strikes used promises of future retirement money that isn't at a massive surplus will have this happen

>Allowing social security age to be significantly lower than the average age of death. It is completely unsustainable and again puts the burden on the youth.

>allowing the government to become the bureaucracy it is. The people were not vigilant and now career politicians are the majority of politicians. They use their influence to gain funding from large businesses and then use their position to make the donors exempt from industry standards creating industry monopolies or oligopolies.

>allowed the monopolization of the drug trade by giving all business to the black market.

>allowed the socialization of education reducing the standard for our nation

Boomers are the gullible generation that have nearly doomed us. I would like to hope that we can change things democratically-however it seems that they were too foolish to even keep that option alive.

>They traded the birthright of their children for a comfortable retirement

I'm pretty sure you are either a liberal leftist faggot or a cuck. Maybe both.
Agree with the "religion is valuable" point. Mostly because it seems to be the only thing that keeps the masses moral. The sluttiness of college women has gone up directly with Christianity's unpopularity among college kids. So many people are overweight. How could these same people be expected to live morally, unless they were made to believe that they would suffer for eternity if they didn't?
>live in a generation where you can literally be outright racist and get away with it, kill people for their color
>treat women like property

Things change for the better
>this world sucks now!
are you ruhtarded?
>less religious
>implying this is a good thing and cucking western civilization to a bunch of fucking monkeys
Think of it as a culling. Those unfit to naturally live moral lives will not.

Their lifestyle is their punishment.

Those that adhere to morality, structure, and principle will strengthen their traditions and stay close to those that share values with them.

Look at
>the jewish community
>chinese immigrant communities
>wealthy Christian communities
>wealthy morman communities

Basically any wealthy religious community will have its offspring marry to other strong-valued families with wealth so that their heritage will continue. Those without principle do not last more than a generation.

>he's never had to work with lazy ass boomers
>free speech is actually real, and you can have an opinion on a race based on statistics
>implying this is bad
>you could indiscriminately murder black people and face no legal consequences
>implying this was true outside of 1800s Alabama
>women were treated like property
>implying a wife who agreed to marry you and cooks, cleans, raises your children, and provides emotional support in return for your emotional and financial support is a slave
Every Mormon family I know personally is wealthy. How do they do it? A lot of Mormons live in my city and they're all pretty successful.
They supplanted the kikes as God's chosen people.

> be scientist
> workup to 350 lb bench with 3-5x3-5
> now alternate between
> 200 lbs, 250 lbs, 300 lbs, and 60 lb dumbbells
> high velocity, volume training (10x10), etc

You're both wrong; he's more wrong. Recently, I've been focusing on zero rest schemes to get better at sex. My ex wanted to do all kinds of crazy shit, getting fucked against a wall, upside down, in tight spaces, etc.. and my endurance was lacking. For example...

> deadlift
> switch plates (squat if possible)
> pendlay row (works core, best row)
> switch plates back (because of goblins)
> hanging leg raises
> deadlift
> ...

Zero rest. Be quick but be safe. Stay in motion.
Mormanisn was started by free masons which have strong familial traditions. Their children are..."encouraged" yo join. Not directly. That's against the rules. The benefits are made clear to them so that it seems like an obvious choice.

Free Masons watch out for each other like you wouldn't believe. If a judge is a free mason and someone accused of criminal activity under his jurisdiction is one and offers a sign to him that judge will do everything in his power to help his brother-as a minimum requirement. He can break the law if necessary.

The Mormans are mostly masons and confer all manner of business benefits to each other. They basically have a financial leg up and give it to their Children. That's what communities are for though.
>less religious
>a bunch of sandniggers trolling the world in the name of god

This. We're less Christian because "woohoo feminism marriage is a dated construct women should be whores!", but that line of thinking for some reason goes hand in hand with "so what if Muslims make women cover their hair? That is just their culture, and we need to practice TOLERANCE"
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>tfw poor ex-mormon
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