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Thread replies: 255
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No thread in catalog. I'll start:

Currently on SS and my squat form has gone to shit. The weight hurts the fuck out of my upper back when I unrack the weight, I severly round my back once I break parallel, and my hips shoot way up with a rounded back. How do I squat a 5RM with good form?
If your form is shit, the weight is too heavy. Reset and work back up in smaller increments. If you've already done reset, switch to an intermediate program like Texas Method.
I want to be fuccboi/ottermode.
here's my plan:
>300 cal deficit
>run 2x week
>lift 3x week
>A1=Chest and Tris compounds
>A2=Chest and Tris hypertrophy
>B1=Back and Shoulder Compounds
>B2=Back and Shoulder hypertrophy
think it'll work?
That's a curlbro program without the curls.

Run, do push ups, do pull ups, calorie defecit. All you need.
Are prominent veins the result of low body fat percentage, or low arterial compliance?

1.How many carbs do I need for 1g protein?

2. What nutrients or foods do I need to repair joints/ligaments and help with recovery?
Was a little late in attempting to make another one, so I'll just repost my question here.

I suck at cardio, but have taken up swimming. My arms and legs are my limiting factor while I'm swimming. Like my breathing and heart rate feels like I could keep going, but my extremities are too exhausted to keep up form.

Eventually everything evens out and the rest is needed for both the heart/lungs and the limbs. Should I reduce the actual swimming time and replace that with some kicking and stroke drills, or just keep things as is?
kinda have the same problem as OP, the my upper spine feels heavily weighted, and hurts when I unrack the weight. what should i fix in my setup, bar position or both?
Does doing bench press and DL when you are younger actually stunt your growth?

my 14 year old bro is worried about this
Fatass here, apparently my daily allowance is 2265.5 cal, would a cut at 1500 be too drastic? Also, when on a cut what should my macros look like? Would 10% carb, 45% Protein, and 45% Fat be okay?
No, but it will fuck you up if you don't do it properly.
I wouldn't let my 14 year old brother do bench presses at all, and only DLs if I watched every rep.

Just have him do pull ups and push ups

I think I might be stunted my shoulder growth doing weights too young.
Are "whats my BF" threads allowed here? I have a good range of pics (front, side, diagonal, leg) and I'd like to know /fit/'s opinion, but if it'd just be spam, I can just go to BB.com or ask some gay russian lifter I know later on
post here >>36746911

Do the honey test if you're going to post otherwise don't waste our time
they mostly are, just expect to be made fun of and don't expect too many replies.

you should ask in our CBTs though
>1.How many carbs do I need for 1g protein?
Wut. Are you asking about macronutrient ratios?

2. What nutrients or foods do I need to repair joints/ligaments and help with recovery?
No specific foods, but if you know one type of food tends to give you inflammatory problems, then I'd avoid those on the off chance you weren't avoiding them in the first place.

No, it won't stunt growth.

That deficit is fine if you don't plan on doing much lifting during your cut. If you're a beginner, you'll be able to make some gains obviously, but that will eventually slow down a lot, and that eventually will come even sooner the higher the deficit. As for ratios, it's mainly up to you. Arguably, hitting macro numbers in terms of grams is easier to manage than percentages, but some people like lower carb cuts, others don't. That's entirely preferential as both offer about the same in terms of fat loss (though low carb cuts also reduce water weight while on them).

Great shitty answer
thanks friends, didn't think of that acronym (mostly browse the fat boards)

will do
How do I put ring work into my current routine, its similar to SS:

Squat, Bench Row 3x5 +accessories

ohp deadlift 3x5 1x5 +accessories


How do I into ring work? Total beginner here but I already have a set of rings at home. Can do it any time

if you don't mind, what's the honey test? i can only find stuff about honey purity tests and colonoscopies
How often should I be lifting on a deficit like that? At what point should I adopt less harsh of a deficit?
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You know how when you help someone move, they always tell you to lift stuff with your legs? Should you?

I always thought that the one thing that makes a deadlift different from a squat is that the weight is in front of you. That means your form has to change dramatically, making you use your back a lot more. So it's instinctual for me to lift something in front of me with a deadlift form

If you're going to ask for a body fat or gyno check you need to out honey on the area you're asking about so we can see the contrast better. Especially since most people on /fit/ are uploading cell phone pics.
A squat is different from a deadlift because your knees are in the way of the bar in a deadlift.
That means you have to use your hamstrings more (not your back!).

As long as you keep your back straight, it doesn't really matter how you lift, if all you're concerned about is safety.
The intensity and volume of your routine should determine how often you're lifting on a cut. You should reduce the deficit when you have some more muscle you actually want to preserve. When your lifts start stalling, then you might want to re-figure the deficit, but you probably have some time before you'll need to do that.
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Is it safe to do deadlifts with a wrist sprain? It doesn't hurt that bad, I'm just afraid of permanently damaging myself and never being able to deadlift again.
better to be safe than sorry
Don't worry, my deadlift is fine. I'm more interested in the biomechanics of furniture moving.

Also it's not because the knees are in the way of the bar. At least that's not what Strength Camp says. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdjuX-GRby8

My SS book is away somewhere, I wish I can go get it now but I don't know where it is
When I squat I find myself lifting with my upper back. Is this normal? How to fix.
Do you mean like a good morning?
>Also it's not because the knees are in the way of the bar.
Yes it is.
You shouldn't trust Elliot Hulse.
Should a natty do these golden era bodybuilder routines, or are they just for roiders?
What's the deal here?
The back should always be straight in a squat.
Don't turn squats into good mornings.
Lifting after donating blood. The paper says not to do it, but it also says not to drink either and everyone knows the best time to get sloshed is when you're low a pint of blood.
So for example, I should be working out 3 times a day intensely on my cut? Or would a brosplit without much weight and more reps be good?

I do atg but when I get to the bottom I feel as if my back is pushing the weight up and not my legs
Don't do ATG if you squat lowbar.
Not even everyone who does highbar can go ATG.

Post a video.
I pretty much stopped squatting because it feels unnatural and I can't find a coach. I got to 245 for 5. My deadlift kept going up and I got to 380 for 5. I guess my question is, my deadlift has stalled, will it probably resume going up once I start squatting again? The programming is correct
Strong quads definitely help in deadlifts, especially sumo deadlifts.
"For starters, the deadlift is not a squat. I don’t mean that in the way most people mean it. People who say this usually mean “you should start with your butt high, rather than starting with a low hip position to ‘squat the weight up.'” I’ll be addressing this misunderstanding later in the article.

All I mean is that the forces your body has to overcome are quite a bit different. The deadlift doesn’t have nearly the balance of knee and hip extension demands that the squat does. Yes, the knees DO have to extend in the deadlift, and yes, knee extension can aid somewhat in hip extension as I discussed in my last article, but these factors do not influence performance in the deadlift NEARLY as much as they do in the squat. Heck, a properly performed deadlift with the bar close to the shin until it clears the knee, has an external moment arm for the knee extensors with a length of basically zero. As an aside, that’s a major reason most people can deadlift more with a trap/hex/diamond bar – your knees can shift forward so your quads CAN actually contribute substantially to the movement, rather than being constrained by keeping the bar in front of you and the shins essentially vertical."

"In a squat, your knees can move freely. Your knees can track farther forward throughout the lift to keep the load distributed more evenly between your quads and hip extensors, and if you get stuck, your knees can shift forward along with your hips to efficiently make it through the sticking point. You don’t have that same luxury with the deadlift. If your knees shift forward, they’ll push the bar forward as well, throwing you off balance and ensuring you can’t finish the lift."
What's better for lat development: wide grip rows or reverse narrow grip rows
I'm a total DYEL. Just started lifting. Is it normal that I'm finding squatting 40kg difficult? Or should I be breezing through this. Also I'm eating 1800 a day. I'm 76kg and 6"0. Is this decent? I'm tryna do a lean bulk sorta thing.
How old are you?

Because if you are underage then I could see why 88 pounds is difficult

if you are just super hungry skeleton then holy shit you were born with fucked up genes

I could squat 115lb as my PR on my 14th bday

you have long way to go my friend
Give an example
Just keep at it.
Eat more.
i have access to a "free gym"

it contains dumbbells up to 55 lbs each
a pullup bar
a row bar? (that thing you straddle)
an adjustable bench
a press bench
a treadmill
a stationary bike
straight bars for each rack/bench
an ez curl bar with plates

whats the best routine you can come up with? prove this thread isn't full of fatties giving fatties advice AKA blind leading the blind
Idk if I'm finding it difficult, I progress every workout by 2.5kgs, but during the actual reps I'm breathing heavy. And ofc you did my friend.
I already do those but as a second exercise:

What's better for lat development: wide grip rows or reverse narrow grip rows
If you already do those, then your question doesn't need to be asked.
you're such a fag
Was looking at this guy's videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlaVAEkyFy8

That wasn't his question you fucking dipshit. Getting so annoyed with you Fedora tipping one-uppers on /fit/, most of you just talk shit and then when someone asks to to provide any sort of proof you're tell them "Google it"
that is literally everything you need for every compound lift you dumb fuck
nice routine
What kind of foods would be good to eat before a workout if I'm on a cut?
There isn't much of a difference, unless you go very wide grip (which uses less lat).

Also, I've answered a lot of questions in these threads, and I just got annoyed with people asking these retarded pointless questions.
Asked this in the naked butt thread but thought I'd post here too:

Are hip thrusts/glute bridges necessary? I was doing them with great success, but am taking a break due to pelvic pain. I'm 99.9% it's hormone related but if not, can I make it up with sumo/conventional deadlifts, squats, lunges, and bulgarian split squats x3 weekly?

If you're a vain girl who just wants a butt to get fucked in your ass countless of times when you're in your twenties, yeah they're necessary.

Otherwise, no, ofcourse not.
....pls respond
I don't want to get fucked in the ass anon, but some shape and slightly more size would be nice since I'm a lanklet.
Hip thrusts are the best, but the things you listed are great too.
Never push through pain.
Any decent preworkouts that are stim free, creatine free, and somewhat cheap (at most $1/serving)?
When on low carb (not keto) is there any reason not to eat some complex carbs in the evening if I have the calorie budget for it? I'm honestly not hungry enough to eat more protein/fat.
>stim free
how exactly would that work?
Stimulant free, lol.
There are plenty of stim free PWOs, but they all seem retardedly expensive (like most PWOs) or full of creatine.
If it's stimulant free, then what's the fucking point?
gain energy otherways? you gain energy from food, but it isn't a stimulant.
If you want energy, take caffeine or eat better/more.

Asides from roids or drugs (and maybe creatine), nothing really works.
how much time between sets? always hearing memes about people doing weird shit between sets but I'm not /fit/ right now
Fatass here.

I know the general rule when on a TDEE - 500 cut is a pound a week.

Is there a good rate at losing body fat%?
As long as you feel you need.
That's usually a few minutes on big exercises, and less on small exercises.
How often is too often for cheat days? I track what I eat and meet my diet religiously every day, but I'm thinking about adding a cheat day once a month where I don't worry about macros and eat whatever I want. I don't get that hungry, I'd actually probably eat less calories than what I normally force down. It would just be a ton of fat.
When I squat low my calves usually end up hurting, how do I fix this? Is this just something that happens when you go ATG versus parallel?
as long as you dont blow your budget by 3000 calories or some shit that should be fine
>tfw unpopular at work
>social autist with no friends
>see coworkers always chatting
>going for drinks after work, etc.
h-how do i be cool?
Someone explain this insulin spike meme bullshit and how it is relevant to getting built, please
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is the sticky not working for anyone else?

Also, What are the best Ab exercises that you guys recommend?

Sticky seems to be down. And my favorite ab isolation exercises are the cable crunch and (hanging) leg raises
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Is two months too late to get in shape for summer? I'm fat by the way...
Are BCAAs useful in any way if I'm not on a calorific deficit and eating reasonably? I understand they are useful for muscle retention when on a cut, but I'm not cutting.
So I'm not the biggest fan of squats but love deadlifts, and my current routine (UL split) has me do deadlifts and squats on alternate leg days. As a result, I've been skipping squats and doing deadlifts instead pretty much every time. I'd like to stop doing this but really want to keep deadlifting every time. My current leg day looks like this:

Leg Press
Leg Curl

I was wondering if it'd be suicide to do it like this:

Leg Curl

This way, I get to deadlift every leg day (yay!), and I'm pretty confident that I won't skip squats if I do this. However, I'm worried about doing both squats and DLs on the same day, as both exercises are pretty taxing. Is this a valid idea?
You can get better looking in two months. The best time to start was months ago. The next best time is right now.
My current week goes as followed,

>Monday: Chest
Flat dumbbell press 3x10
Incline dumbbell press 3x10
Decline dumbbell press 3x10
Dumbbell flyes 3x10
Weighted Push-ups 2x10

>Tuesday: Back
Deadlift 3x10
Pull ups 3x5
Seated rows 3x10
Dumbbell rows 3x10
Dumbbell Shrugs 3x10
Seated rows 3x10

>Wednesday: Shoulders
Dumbbell shoulder press 3x10
Arnold presses 3x10
Side raises 3x10
Front raises 3x10
Reverse Flyes 3x10

>Thursday: Legs
Squat 3x10
Leg press 3x10
Leg Extensions 3x10
Leg Curls 3x10
Calf raises 3x10

>Friday: Arms
Close grip bench press 3x10
V bar tricep extensions 3x10
Skull crushers 3x10
Bicep barbell curls 3x10
Alternating dumbbell curls 3x10
Preacher Curls 3x10
Reverse grip curls 3x10

Now can I max gainz by doing all of this monday rest day then all of it the next or is that stupid? also is this an ok program?
Protein timing:

How important is it to eat a slow digesting protein before I go to bed? What types of proteins are recommended? I want to maximize by gains but I don't want to waste money on casein, which is the only thing I see recommended.
Just eat some cottage cheese before bed
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>had about 1050 calories to spare for my TDEE - 500 limit today
>went to diner
>ordered a midnight breakfast of 2 eggs, 3 small sausage links, 4 pieces of bacon
>meal comes with sides of toast and home fries, decide to hold the toast
>now filled with regret, thinking I went over my calorie limit

How badly did I fuck up, anons?
Some cursory googling gave this:
>2 eggs - 175 calories (depending on the size and what it was cooked in)
>3 small sausage links - 200 calories
>4 strips of bacon - 180 calories
>home fries - 500 calories (being generous here, though it could be higher or lower depending on the amount of oil and the serving size)

Adding those up, it's about 1055 calories. That was taking some liberties on the amount of oil/butter used to cook everything, so it could be a lot higher, but I'd say that's the minimum assumption you can make
Too inefficient
Need to train bodyparts more frequently

Are you a beginner? Do a beginner orutine

>arm day
Are you retarded too?

Anything like that is a meme. Total intake at the end of the day is what matters
Get a casein protein before bedtime if you want to be unnecessarily autistic about it (cottage cheese or something)

I would probably do squats before the deadlifts

99% of the time, no. You can and should be getting plenty of AAs from regular foods

Google '21st century ab training'
My favourites are ab wheels and leg raises though, I like to avoid any extra lower back stress
Anything in particular you are looking for in the sticky? If you google 'liam rosen sticky' you can easily grab a cached version from google

Be nice to everybody. Don't suck up, just be pleasant. Be OK with staying silent sometimes and don't try too hard.

Post form check
Are you keeping your heels down? You should be pushing from your heels at all times and not shifting off of them

Have cheat meals, not cheat days

As long as you are making progress to your goals, you can be more lenient

It depends how fat you are
The fatter you are, the fatter you can lose both weight and bf%

As anon said, rest as long as you need. You may need even up to 7 mins between sets on heavy compounds if the weight is high
Isolations can be kept to lower rests, but better performance = better gains


Just have some carbs and protein
>if I'm on a cut
This doesn't matter

Read the sticky
Hop on any proven beginner routine
You just need the basic compounds covered with decent frequency (vertical and horizontal pushes and pulls, squats and deads)

>plz spoon feed me
Fuck yourself

Everybody starts somewhere
Don't get too hung up on weight, worry about progress and technique

I guess that's not too bad, then. In any case, I've been eating at a pretty good deficit the last few days, so I'll just have to resume eating better tomorrow.
barefoot squat/deads. Yes or no?
You now have cancer anon
I am so sorry

1 day isn't the end of the world, Rome wasn't built - or destroyed - in a day

Post form checks
You don't need a coach to learn how to squat
Squats do help deadlifts

Any routine that covers 1 bodypart only in a day is pretty much worthless

Post form check
Deload and work back up

The bar should still be kept over the midfoot line in both lifts and it's a point of emphasis on a deadlift to keep the bar close to you
The difference between a squat and deadlift is that one starts on your back and the other starts on the ground and is held
>making you use your back a lot more
Technically, the back should not be a prime mover in either lift

What type of ring work?
SS goes over how to add dips and pullups (you obviously have an easy slow to insert pullups on B)), are you going beyond those? Just keep similar muscle groups together

Mostly low bf and genetics
If gym allows and you don't somehow slip, yes.
How the fuck do I activate my glutes at the bottom of a lowbar squat? A lot of people say it's the key to solving butt wink.
I just recently started counting calories and macros to get serious about gaining some muscle mass. But with the macros that I calculated for myself, I'm having a hard time hitting the carbs. What are some good foods for this? Rice, Bread, etc?
The only shoes I have are sneakers. How badly are they fucking up my lifting?
WHY have I been bloated for the past 3 weeks? Everything was going fine and I was losing weight. I'm still eating at a good deficit, working out, etc, but my belly is always like a balloon and I won't lose any more weight.
Is plateauing bad? Like, really? Suppose I reach a level where I don't want nor need to go higher? Is it okay to just stay the course and keep at whatever weight happens to be my limit?
Depends on how soft the soles are. If they're like running shoes (which are meant to absorb force) you could possibly be losing power on your lower body lifts.
Asked a female acquaintance to an event today. Have never asked a girl out in person before (besides prom).

>hey Katie
>are you free Thursday night?
>no, I'm going to [other event], why?
>I was gonna ask you to [event]
>oh okay

What could I have done better? Not thinking too hard on it of course but I would like to learn from it.

They are like running shoes, yes.

Is it worth it to go out and buy a pair of lifting shoes? Money's a bit tight for me right now.

Or should I just go barefoot?
Is C4 Pre-workout as evil as everyone says?
Does doing it that way help? Better than flat soled/lifting shoes?
I squatted barefoot for quite a while when I first started lifting, so I'd recommend that. Unless your gym has some weird rule against it, barefoot would seem like the best option for now. Lifting shoes are fine, but not necessarily needed. They may be good if you plan on lifting even more in the future.
I got bad fuckin jitters, but it could've been just me.
How tall should a dip station be?

How far apart should parallel dip bars be?

What is the proper angle for angled dip bars?

How thick should the handles be?
With shoes, you want an incompressible sole. You are still technically 'barefoot' inside the shoe. Going barefoot, you eliminate the middle man. So unless you want the heel of a weightlifting shoe, barefoot is better.
The only downside is grip on the floor (which shoes do better)

>I was gonna ask you to [event]
>are you free for this thing on this other day instead?
Should have followed up
If she still blew you off, she's just not interested.

Why would you ever WANT to plateau?
>I"m ok with htis
>I will never be better
Said nobody successful ever

Sodium and water weight?
Maybe you're just fat

See above
Incompressible soles provide better balance and connection to the floor = better lifts

It's typically easy to hit carbs. Oats are good too and the /fit/ staple
Tall enough to do full ROM without touching the ground

Everyone varies in how far apart they like them because everybody has a different bone structure
Outside shoulder width is the only cue to give, other than take a nice natural grip that allows for ROM safely and efficiently with vertical forearms
Take rings as an example. Everyone will end up wit hthe rings in different positions because they are not fixed

Angle is not necessary, it's a comfort thing

Thick enough to grab and squeeze tightly
Complete fucking newfag here. I have a chance with a christmas-cake from my job and want to get fit. I'm 6-3 and 260lbs.

The first big link on the sticky doesn't seem to be working. Am I just an idiot or something? Could someone point me to where I can read it? I don't want to be that faggot who asks a ton of questions until I've done some reading.
I'm around 182, 6'3" and skinnyfat. No real arm gains, but still have a gut. Should I be trying to eat more to gain muscle or trying to burn off the fat? Like should I go full bulk, cut, or be focusing on a lean mass gain? Been working out for about 3 months but want to know for sure what direction I should be going for and how I should be counting calories and macros.
It's tough in squats, you should just google nad get different answers, but here's a stream of thoughts

Push from heels, always
Picture a string tied to your hips, the string should pull straight upwards out of the hole. Hip draahve
Spread the floor wit hyour heels. Spread the floor with your knees
Squeeze glutes at the top
Do a quick glute warmup before lifting. Fire hydrant circles/kickbacks are a good point of reference for this
About the plateauing, not the same anon, but how do you continue progressing when you have reached the "natty limit" for strength and aesthetics? I know I'm faaaar away from there, but still
Bulk first, then cut. This is the rule of thumb for everyone but the massively obese. You want to add muscle as soon as possible because it gets harder the older you get and the longer you train.
It's down
Google 'liam rosen sticky' and go to the google cached version to read it

Common knowledge says skinnyfats shouldn't cut
If I were you, I would start by cleaning up my diet. Then eat at maintenance and up the calories to keep progression on lifts going
Think about cutting after you are decently strong
Thank you. Fuck, I really needed clarification on this. I'm also this anon >>36759903 so I'll keep working on hitting my macros. I also keep getting a mix of different TDEE measurements and want to make sure I'm not getting weird numbers. Is this website accurate with it's numbers?

No website is going to be 100% accurate, and neither is you counting
Counting calories properly will take some degree of trial and error, based on your weight trend.
Keep tracking your calories and weight and adjust calories as needed based on your weekly weight change, being mindful of the harsh mistress that is water weight
Question to all ex skinny-fats:
How did you get rid of your visible ribs? If I overeat it all goes to my belly.

Also, does there come a point where you can't feel your ribs anymore (using your fingers)?
ah alright. Thanks for the help. Hope you all make it bros.
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Here are my stats from a free scan.

Should my main focus be lowering my bf% while maintaining muscle? I don't think it's as high as the scanned 23.6%, but it's definitely around 20-22% bf.

you just need to get thicker everywhere, slow bulking and lots of compounds
Is it true that fapping ruins your gains? If so, how?
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How useful are those?
There's a chemical in your brain that releases when you reach orgasm, it's an energy-sapping chemical that makes you tired. Fapping before a workout is a surefire way to lose gains or just have a shit-tier workout.
Have I fucked up my height gains? From 19 to 22 I ate very little and generally poorly, with lots of stress. My family usually grows during this time, but I only grew half an inch.
Height is genetic, generally there's very little you can do to alter it even if you do eat well.

So is fapping at night okay, then?
Once you did your last rep, feel free to start fapping immediately
depends, how weak are you?
it'll only work out some of your bicep and mostly your upper back
>bf% 23.6
not even close mate
> not even close mate

is there any way i can have 3 to 10 beers a week and lose weight? I guess to clarify would walking every day or working out to burn the calories still work? i read that alcohol calories dont burn like normal ones?
>depends, how weak are you?
I'm pretty weak, i only started to lift. I can bench about 80 kg.
>it'll only work out some of your bicep and mostly your upper back
I thought about adding some chest expansion work and static holds after main chest workout.
do you want to lose weight?
if so count (over count) the alcohol whether they metabolize differently or not

you probably need to pack on more mass bro
80kg is pretty good.
I started the SL 5x5 this week. Is it fine to start with what the app recommends? I'm sure I could do more than 50 lbs for BP, but I don't want to risk it.
Just know that 50 lbs is probably including the bar. You can increase, but take it slow.

I know it includes the bar, and I'm fine with that.

I just feel a bit silly only putting 2.5 lbs on each side of the bar.
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I'm a thin, weak, nerdy nothing. I'm the butt of my friends' jokes because I'm so small. But something awakened in me this year. I know I can get larger.

I'm 6'0", 125lbs and I have essentially no body fat on my (around like <5%).

I have tried lifting, nothing happens. I've heard I should do pushups and general workouts before I lift, so I do, and nothing happens. I am afraid to go to the gym because a huge number of people and girls I know go there, and I'd be pathetically weak. I only have a single dumbbell at home with a maximum weight of 25lbs, and I've been lifting it like crazy (it's my only equipment). I cannot stress enough how pathetically weak I am.

I cannot eat much because I have huge problems with my stomach acid, makes me sick when I overeat and I get nauseous for hours sometimes. I'm also anemic and I hate the taste of meat.

I just need somewhere for me to start. I know that if I get started I'll work until I get to where I want to be, but I can't figure out anything I can do. I've always quit after one month of no visible improvement.

I apologize for asking such a dumb and general question, but I really just need something to get me kickstarted.
Something that would help you out is to READ THE FUCKING STICKY

I swear, you newbies refuse to read it.

If you want to get bigger, calculate your TDEE and eat 500 calories more than it. You should gain around a half-pound per week.

>I cannot eat much because I have huge problems with my stomach acid
See a fucking doctor. Surely they make a pill that makes it possible to eat.

>I hate the taste of meat.
Unfortunate. Meat is a great source of calories and protein. Bulking on veggies is still possible tho.

> I've always quit after one month of no visible improvement.
You're not going to see visible improvement in a month. You're probably not going to see much after 3. After 5, you'll see little bits of improvement. More definition overall, etc. etc.

We live in a fast food world and we believe that any changes that don't happen immediately must mean there's something wrong. Weight management is slow. Gaining weight is hard, losing weight is hard. It's slow, it's tedious, it's not pleasurable for a lot of people.
Sorry, I remember reading the sticky a while back, but I guess I just skimmed it.

I'll just keep at it until I have the confidence to go to the gym, then I'll keep at it even more.
does drinking a lot of water cause water retention?

I'm cutting and I'm already way past losing my "water weight", but I like to cook my oats with large amounts of water and it worries me.
My friend just gave a jar of pic related and i read up on it and im not actually sure how it works. Does it bost metabolism, burn calories, supress hunger?

Are fat burners a waste of time?
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Forgot pic
How do you determine if you have a slow metabolism? Does anyone know any definitive tests? How do you find your TDEE if your metabolism is significantly slower than normal?

I'm pretty sure my metabolism has slowed or was slow, since I was on a 1100 kcal diet for approx 7 months (Sept. - Mar.) and lost only 10 pounds over the entire course of that time. My TDEE should have been around 1890 given that I was 19, 5'5", 135 lbs, 25% bf, and worked out 2-4 times a week.
I tracked all my food on MFP and even with a generous 200 kcal upward margin of error/day , I'd still be at a 500 kcal deficit/day, so I should have lost more than just 10 lbs.

I gained all my weight and more back within a week (spring break), and essentially started over (now 20, 5'5", ~133 lbs, 23% bf, and working out 3-5 times a week). I'm aiming for 15-18% bf (female) and at 103 lb LBM, that'd be an ideal body weight of 122-126 lbs, which should be achievable within 8-12 weeks, assuming my metabolism isn't fucked.
I really don't want to fuck it up this time, so I want to know:
1. if my deficit is right this time (25% deficit from 1960kcal/day = 1470 kcal/day)
2. if my metabolism is fucked
and 3. if it is, if I can fix it/how.

[I'm sure some of this is in the sticky, but sticky is down rn and can't find a copy of it on google]

TL;DR: I probably fucked up my last weight-loss attempt, trying again, want to know if metabolism is screwed up/how to fix it.
How strict do I have to be with my meal timings on a cut? On a 2K cut I had a 761 cal breakfast and then 8 hours later I took a 1090 cal lunch and now it's been 7 hours since then and I'm gonna take a protein shake post workout but I'm concerned about being hungry as fuck. Should I eat a real meal or just down the shake and sleep?

Just drink (and cook) according to your thirst. With water retention you need to think about carbs and salt, not water itself.
Since losing 25 lbs I've noticed that I get frequent pains iny knee is that normal or
No. Your body won't hold onto water as much if you're getting plenty of it. Sodium effects this as another anon stated as does potassium
Screwed up/slow metabolism is a myth. There is some variation, but it's within 10% or so - it shouldn't slow down your weight loss especially if you used an error margin of 200 calories.

What did you put for your activity level? Did you add in extra calories for your workouts? MFP tends to overestimate how much you burned in those.

thank you.
if skinnyfat, would an hour of rowing machine on rest days go well with a strength routine to lose fat and keep noob gains?
Can I do shoulder dislocates with a towel?
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Is MK677 safe for a 19 year old? Trying to gain mass and I heard it could also help increase appetite.

Just basic ring work like static holds, tucks, L-sits and skin-the-cats. nothing advanced even like ring muscle ups or levers.

to make it clear goal is to get myself comfy with the rings but main focus is still on lifting
Which do you find looks better
1. grill with low enough BF to see ab definition but extremely small boobs
2. grill with mb B cup boobs but no ab definition and very slight gut.
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I've just started weightlifting for the first time. I understand the connection between rest and muscle growth. Youthe body need to be able to grow the muscle that you "tore" back stronger.

My question is if there's a connection with the soreness you feel, and that healing process. If I'm still really sore from Monday's workout, should I lift again on Wednesday?

I can do it, I don't mind the pain, I'm just wondering if this means I'm not resting enough to get stronger.
I just bought my first motorcycle and now I'm starting to lose motivation to work out, what do?
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First time poster, please be gentle.

Does anyone feel like doing a bodyfat percentage estimate based on these shitty pictures? I can't decide whether to start bulking or keep losing weight a bit more.

178 cm
68 kg
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Question here: What are some good breakfast foods for cutting? Pic related is what I ate today. like 540 cal.
On the subject of cutting, do you bulk then cut, cut then bulk, both at the same time, or neither?
I just eat the same types of food any time of the day, so for me if it's a good cutting meal for dinner, I'd eat that for breakfast too.

Work through the DOMS - it can be discouraging in the early phases, but you will feel less and less soreness after working out as your body gets used to the lactic acid it's producing. Nowadays I have almost no soreness after a workout.
I have heard that stunting growth is a myth, but I would still make sure he doesn't do anything too heavy until he's about around the ages of 17+
Well why do you think that's the case?
I'm a dyel beginner and I'm struggling like crazy with the presses.
I thought OHP was awful but today I had to go all out so I could complete my impressive 110 lbs (yes including the bar) bench.
Is this ever going to get better? I'm not looking for easier but this is just ridiculous.
You should start fucking lifting and stop being a dumbass talking about bulking or cutting as if you were a professional bodybuilder or powerlifter.
Started lifting about 2 months ago and have been doing 5x5SL with good strength gains but minimal muscle gains, my goal is hypertrophy<strength so was wondering if I should stop 5x5 and move on to an actual hypertrophy routine.

Should add also that I find 5x5 boring and hard to get motivated for, I just go to the gym and lift weights but my heart isn't in this routine
Also any routine suggestions if I should move on

also it doesn't matter either way. Cutting more will mean you lose time getting bigger but will look leaner and better when you choose to do so. I'd do that unless you can't wait to put on some muscle
best program for a complete novice who is an actual skeleton and cards only about aesthetics?
You're right, what I meant to say is: Am I a hungry skeleton that should eat more or am I a skinnyfatty who should eat less?

My posture is messed up like all hell, but I'm working on it.
Thanks, guess I'll keep cutting.
>178 cm
>68 kg
Start lifting.
Eat a bit more, so you'll hit ~80kg in about 6 months.
wouldn't go for Hearthstone, never been a fan of its cards aesthetics.
What can I eat to replace oats for a week or two? I think I've been eating too much of it, I feel sick every time I eat it now
If a pizza has d=28cm, then the same kind of pizza of d=20cm would be roughly half the size, and have half the calories, r-right?

I'm absolutely terrible at math.


100 is about half of 196, so yup, about half the calories.
>minimal muscle gains
because you're still weak and small, keep lifting, you'll never be big without lifting heavy things.
How to optimize rest?
I have atm nearly every day some sort of physical activity, three days lifting, two days soccer training, 1 day soccer match, 2 days physical labour for about 6h and some additional fun activities like volleyball, dancing etc.
I feel burned out physically in the morning and cant really get out of bed because my body feels tired, how to help my body regenerate?
For macros, how do you know what split is best for you? Is it a personal thing or does it depend on what your goal is?
>and some additional fun activities like volleyball, dancing etc.

It's a personal, but it also depends on your goals.
Any physio around?

Fell and got my hand in a weird position on saturday. There was some pain and a crackling sound, but not more sound than when you crack your fingers or so. For about half an hour it really hurt badly, but the pain went down the same day. I could open and close my hand without issue the same day, but putting weight on my hand or using it for something made me feel some minor aches. Bending my wrist forward or backwards does nothing until I reach the end position, theres a slight 1/10 pain scale ache. Noticable but not alarming.

If I challenge my range of motion like using my hand like a "hammer motion" I get some minor ache on the outside of my wrist.
If I bend it backward I feel it on the inside of my wrist, just under the palm. If I open and close my hand in the same position I feel some tenderness on the backside of my hand.
Neither of the above are painful. Its dull aching.

Whats the prognosis here? I'm competing in weightlifting may 20th. What are the chances I can still compete?
So if I'm going for building muscle mass, do I do one with more or less carbs?
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descriptive pic of what happened
Probably more.
is it normal to feel great after working out for two weeks?

I feel like I'm making noticeable gains already. My whole core is a lot more solid, i have some actual meat on my shoulders, my pecs are getting pretty hard. My posture seems to have improved dramatically.

Is this placebo, or are the first few weeks/months this easy?
alright thanks
Because socializing with friends and people in general. I like doing them but not on a competetive level. Its questionable if they even drain me physically enough to mention though. The biggest part is really the weightlifting and the soccer training and work.
What's your lifting routine?

It's not normal. You should be very worried. It's probably psychosis and/or cancer. RIP in peaces anon u were too young to leave humanity behind.
Strong Lifts atm. I started to work out very recently so maybe thats the main reason my body cant cope witht the additional stress.
You'll gain a lot of strength in your first year.
Do 3x5 instead of 5x5.
You'll progress faster, and you'll be less tired.
Ok, i will try it. Thank you.
Does anyone still get out of breath going up a load of stairs

The 4 flights of stairs at my uni leave me more out of breath than the 3 mile run there every day
You're probably fat, or you have terrible conditioning.

cmon just told you I run 6 miles a day Im not fat
I've got a lot of improvement to go, that's for certain.

Thought I'd throw my stats in, just so any other anons questioning lifting don't feel miserable because their numbers are so low.

Squat 3x5- 65kgs/143lbs
Bench 3x5- 42.5kgs/93lbs
OHP 3x5- 32.5kgs/71lbs
Deadlift 1x5- 67kgs/147lbs

I already know my dead and bench isn't symmetrical with my other lifts, and know I could probably be lifting more than I am (accidentally 3x5'd my deadlift set one day and was fine), but trying to take it real easy and just chuck 2.5kgs on each session for all my lifts until I start plateauing. I've got a few bum discs and a fused L5/L4 so I don't want to take any chances - I'm noticing improvements in my pain levels tho.

Thanks for existing /fit/ and QTDDTOT contributors, I'd be fucked without yas.
So I want to get a pair but I have a problem. My shoe size in my sketchers shoes is a 9. I heard Romaleos 2 fit perfect to size and I don't need to be worried. I also heard that people say to get half size larger or smaller. None of the stores have a pair for me to try on and I don't want to make a mistake.

Do I order them in relation to my size 9 sketchers? Or half a size down? Or half a size up? I'm ordering online and I don't want to fuck up and return it.

Please help
How does /fit/ eat their quinoa?
overpriced as fuck
What are some good alternatives? Oat is good but I can't eat the same breakfast everyday
>but I can't eat the same breakfast everyday
sure you can.

Also oats, rice, brinta, quark, fruit, brown bread.
are press ups actually of any value?

I can do like 40
They're called push-ups.
If you do them weighted, they're a great exercise.
Is 5 days enough to recover from deadlifting?
Last time deadlifted on friday (1x5) and now I want to deadlift again tomorrow. If I don't do it tomorrow the next time would be tuesday. Also, I don't squat because of an injury atm, so maybe that will let me deadlift every A workout, instead of every other A workout.
What do you guys think?
Doing 5x5 atm and wondering when I should stop, I've seen people say they do it for months some for a year, should I just aim for 1/2/3/4 and then find a new routine?
whats an acceptable alternative for rows?
As with literally any program, stop when you're not making progress anymore.

Dumbell rows, cable rows.
I have a connective tissue shortening in my glutes (I guess, I don't quite remember what the diagnosis said -- got the diagnosis at like age 15 or so), so there is no way I can get even close to a 90° angle when bending forwards and keeping my back straight.

Basically that means when doing stiff-legged deadlifts, I have an extremely small range of motion, so they feel basically pointless.

Wat do? Replace with a different kind of exercise that works the glutes? Keep doing them so that my tendons/connective tissue gets longer? If the former, what could be a good replacement exercise?
Try trap bar deadlifts.
Do SLDLs from blocks.
Thanks, looking into it!
is there such a thing as too much rest?

i never rest between warm-ups, but i rest 2-3 minutes between working sets and between exercises.

I'm doing SS with accessories btw. (inb4 >YNDTP)
2-3 minutes is fine.
1-2 for hypertrophy
3-5 for strength
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I'm sick of running during my cardio days

Does anyone use pic related for their cardio? I'm not really into boxing at all, but I hate running.
Hill sprints?
I work out in my basement
>Any physio around?
Reporting in.

Impossible to say without examining you, but a scaphoideum fracture is possible if we're being pessimistic.
You'll only see this kind of fracture on MRI, x-ray won't work.
Rowing machine?
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>havent slept in 36 hours
>eaten a total of 1600 calories in 2 days (120g protein total, rest shitty carbs and fast food)
>60mg adderall + 400mg modafinil + entire pack of camel crush silverss pread out over the course of those 36 hours
>havent been to the gym in a week because of finals

I weighed myself and I've lost about 5 pounds in water weight over these past 3 days.

I've gone on little benders like this before because I'm a college student, and experience tell's me I'll bounce right back (I usually do), but this time I feel like I've done some permanent damage.

So how fucked would you say I am? Can anyone offer some insight?

> modafinil

I desperately want to try this shit (not had it before) so I can focus on my dissertation, two assignments, and two exams. I NEED IT.

Fuck this Earth.

Yeah its good. Normally I would fuck heavily with adderall, but as you know, fucking with clinical meth feels really really bad.

Modafinil on the other hand is a whole different can of worms. I'd say the feeling is comparable to an intense caffeine buzz, but with clarity, and none of the adverse effects of drinking 5 cups of coffee. Mental fatigue absolutely disappears when taking it too.

Like I said, my tank is on empty and by all means I should be crashing, but on the contrary I feel about as focused as if I woke up from a really nice nap.

It does have some really fucky effects too though. Each pill is 200mg, and dosing is pretty hard. I knew a friend that took the entire pill, fell asleep fine that night, but could not fall asleep for the next two nights in a row.
I used sailrabbit .com/bmr/ and put lightly active (working out 2-3 times a week), and didn't record any activity in MFP or adjust my intake based on that, just the rough (probably also a little low) estimate provided by the TDEE calculator.
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My wrists hurt all the time from power cleans and ez barbell curls

ʰ ᵉ ᶫ ᵖ
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5'10" former fattass here. I fell for the cardio meme, and I've been cutting and doing cardio since Christmas. Obviously I have a significant amount of fat on me still, and I've been happy with the weight loss (down from 192 lbs at Christmas to 156.5 lbs this morning), but I'm wondering how much I should eat as I try to lift heavy weights again? I know ideally I could keep cutting, but that's just too hard for me to do.

So, do I eat maintenance+lift, or do I eat at a surplus+lift?

Pic related

Thanks /fit/. Your autism, memes, and fat hate threads, have helped me get to a weight that I haven't seen since middle school! :D

Do you order your modafinil online? I'm really tempted to get some but it's expensive as fuck. I kind of want to try before I buy.
Took 500mg of Dnp last night I think the caps bled through or there was dust surrounding the capsule because my mouth was on fire and my lips were swelled up a little bit when I woke up.

This is my fourth cycle I did other cycles because I was working in thick snow.

I don't think I'm allergic did the powder just burn the shit out of my mouth and lips making them swell?
Learn proper technique then... in no way should your wrists hurt from cleans...

Eating maintenance means you will not lose any weight

So if you want to keep losing fat, you will have to eat at a deficit. Use a TDEE calculator + body fat caliper etc to figure out your approximate TDEE, then try to stabilize body fat by eating maintenance for two-three weeks or so while lifting. Once you're neither gaining/losing weight, you know what your real TDEE is (and how much you have to eat to achieve that).

Then start eating at a deficit while you continue to lift (or go straight into this phase, I guess), 200-500 kcal deficit is a normal choice.

Make sure you get enough brotein
found out my girlfriend lied about her number of sexual partners (7 rather than 5) and was also fucking some dude when we initially met, but before we did anything sexually (in fact, before we had even kissed). im pretty fucking pissed but im trying to play it cool. also found out she sent nudes to quite a few people, had her nipples pierced and showed them to her friends (this was before we were together)

i like this girl a lot and the sex is pretty good but i feel so violated and cheated. whether i do or do not break up with her, i think i will regret the decision later on. what does /fit/ think?
Break up with her she lied. Imagine what else she's not telling you?

> number of partners

who cares

> fucking some dude before we hooked up

nothing wrong with that

> sent nudes + got nipples pierced before we were together

nothing wrong with that, it's her body

The only thing she did wrong was to lie to you, but really, who gives a shit -- who doesn't lie about the # of sexual partners they've had. Sounds like you're just butthurt because she's better at sex.
ive actually banged more girls than she has, but the fact that she lied to me about it is fucked imo. sending nudes and showing her nipples off to a bunch of people is slutty as fuck.
Refer to >>36765924
Is it normal/ok to be completely exhausted after performing squats on SS and need a 10-15 minute rest before starting bench/press?
Is it better to avoid carbs in the morning if I don't intend to lift until night time? Will the insulin just cause me to put on fat?
Is 3000 cals at 6'1 still a leanbulk or am I getting into regular bulk territory
I mean eat at maintenance as in what my body needs if I just sat around all day. If I ate that and exercised, I'd still end up losing weight.

Or, if I ate 300 over maintenance, or something small like that, but burned 300 calories with working out, there's no effect on my weight, but I guess I'd get more lean muscle, right?

Does that make sense? Your advice might not change, but I wanted to make clear what I was choosing between, because if I'm not losing weight, but losing fat while gaining muscle, I'd be okay with that.

Probably right about the protein. I've gotta find those calipers. I had a pair a year-ish ago.
If I'm doing the Couch 2 5k system and I run 6 days a week, do I keep repeating the same workout for that week or do I just move onto the next week after 3 days?
I pissed in a bottle yesterday. I went to put it in the bin this morning and noticed there was white stuff floating in it.

It definitely was not in the bottle before hand as it was an empty 1L spring water bottle.

I don't know if the particles settles or not. As I only noticed them floating around when I picked it up. I left it for about a minute or two and everything was still floating. Nothing on the bottom.

I'm running tren at the moment. I've ran it before but this is the first time I've pissed in a bottle. So I don't know if this has ever happened before, if tren is causing it somehow or it's just completely random and unrelated to anything.

There were white bits floating that looked like tiny specs. And some bigger, long stringy bits floating around. One in particular looked at least an inch in overall length with several bends in it. Like a long thin piece of cotton? All moving extremely slowly.

Should I be worried? I'm going to piss in a bottle again today when I need to go next. Hopefully I don't see the same thing. But if I do I'll post a the picture in a thread tomorrow once I've left it over night to see if it settles...

Anyone else ever experienced this? Also did anyone else know that you piss like 700ml of piss? I never knew it was that much... I'm really glad I used a 1L bottle.

What your body needs if you just sit around all day is irrelevant (and hard to know anyway). The thing you *can* measure is how much calories you can eat before you gain or lose weight, by doing it for a few weeks.

What you call "maintenance" is normally called BMR. There is no way of knowing what eating 300 over BMR will do to you, unless you know what your actual maintenance is. It might make you fat, or it might make you lose fat.

If you keep eating at maintenance or below, as long as you get enough protein, you will probably continue to turn fat into LBM (since you were fat previously), at least until a certain bodyfat%, once you want to go below you'll probably have to go deficit.
Yup. You're either new or maxing out your 'noob' gains. 5x5 of heavy squats are the only days I go to bed and stay out for like 6+ hours.
Bordering between the two depending on activity. You'll prob gain 1lb per week.
Move to next week. Most people who aren't crippled can run a 5k in a week with some willpower. Be sure to take your rest though.

Clean bulking. (read the sticky)

Eat at surplus but not too much. Don't be a dumbass and eat whatever you want, especially if you want to get rid of the fat.

You're still in it for the long haul. And it's going to take a while. Buckle up, son.
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On a front squat is my back supposed to be ram rod straight or am I allowed to lean forward some?
what are some exercises i can do to help support my squat and OHP? besides those exact exercises, but at lower weight than Working set max, i thought maybe leg press for squats and close grip bench for OHP?
b-b-but people on /fit/ told me that I need to do SS/SL either way, and that broprograms are bad
mine is the bycicle maneuver and ab roller, that I just started doing, but fuck does it hurt good
I'm 2 months in and I'm really surprised to actually see improvement, howerer small it is
>gain weight
>feel fat as fuck
>my abs barely even show

>lose weight
>fuck I'm a skinny little bitch now
>where did my gains go

explain this shit
jump a rope
When lifts are stalling on a cut, is it better to deload 10% and work back up or just keep trying the same weight and failing?
how do you get it? do you need a prescription? Is it buyable in Europe?
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