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Would you consider this /fit/?
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File: don't mind the cap.jpg (232 KB, 525x684) Image search: [Google]
don't mind the cap.jpg
232 KB, 525x684
Would you consider this /fit/?
Dem chicken legs doe
the only reason to skip leg day

he should be proud, he looks good, probably feels real good too
File: Rock.gif (2 MB, 357x296) Image search: [Google]
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good genetics
This guy makes no excuses
He's got big biceps but that's about it. He could work traps more for sure
>Skipping leg day
>those fucking legs

Kek. He looks fucking stupid.
Do you think you could build muscle in your paralyzed legs by moving them a lot with your arms?
>skipping legday
he really fell for the meme
Nerd who has absolutely no clue what he's talking about detected

He has amazing shoulders and a very decent chest, not to mention that this pose does not at all emphasise the traps, fucking 130lbs poof asshole with glasses. Also he's fucking disabled. yes i mad
They are probably bigger than yours since you don't even workout
hehe look at me I make fun of paraplegics on the internet I'm so edgy and clever
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>seated ohp for the rest of your life.

Them fuckin feels.
Not really, you can't cause contraction of the fibres due to paralysis, which means none of the microtearing or fatigue that results in growth.
>buy property in the hills
>damage spinal cord
>get heavy ass wheelchair
>skipping leg day

No excuses.
Of course. Dude made it and got fitter than many people with working legs and zero excuse to constantly be in a sitting position, but they'll sit stay on their asses, stuff their face and say they have a disability
Cripple detected
Damn. That sucks.
i wish this pic was around when the "Don't let your bros skip leg day" meme was funny
>hehe look at me I get serious on a brazilian paper mache enthusiast image board
What can I say, I just really love paper machè
more like
>rolling over
piss off manlet
>good upper body
>uses wheelchair as to avoid loss of gains from walking

yup. He's good to go
>being this triggered by a funny joke

Paraplegic here. Don't ever stick up for me again unless you have something interesting to contribute to MY thread
>Paraplegic here
Tell me about it.
Good on you for standing up for yourself.
Epic leg day jokes aside, yeah he's doing great.

More importantly though, he can be added to the collage of "no fucking excuses" fit people.
I can't stand offensive jokes.
Yes, and no.
In appearance, and in what they can do from the chair, yes.
But not really, because of the disability.
This why you shouldn't skip leg day /fit, your body's mass ends up becoming too heavy, and you'll be wheelchair bound because your lower body can't handle the weight.
I always wondered if crips can have boners
could a paralyzed person work legs using electric shocks?
unless that nigga can roll himself like 15 miles an hour, no
It would help preserve basic muscle, like what they do with coma patients, but it's not going to help him.
These just get better and better.
Thread replies: 40
Thread images: 3

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