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Stupid questions general
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Found none in he catalog.

My question: I did some blood test a few days ago, and everything is fortunately alright, with the exception of hemoglobin. It's 13.6 g/dl when it should be between 14 and 18 g/dl. That's not a huge deficit, and all other stuff that points to a lack of iron or whatever are just fine.

So, what can I do to make my body produce more hemoglobin?
I think you're looking for "QTDDTOT"--questions that don't deserve their own thread.

>>36695763 Try here
Seems like he has a unique question that requires some actual educated insight. Are you retarded?
Normal values vary between laboratories. You are within the reference value I'm familiar with.
Concentrations of stuff in your blood varies depending on your hydration level. Dehydrate yourself to elevate hemoglobin if you want.
You could also move to a higher altitude, do a ton of HIIT or take EPO. Or tap blood and hemoconcentrate it and infuse it back in your veins.
Iron supplements and either l-arganine or l-carterine
This plus increase red meat intake and eat liver every now and then (chicken/ sheep) grilled or stir fry with onions is delicious
>Non fit posting
>AIready a thread for random questions

>Saged, repoted

Stay mad though
Do you mean l-arginine? If so (i'm not the OP) I just started taking that shit for my willy. Seems to be having a helpful effect along with exercise and eating better. Admittedly, years of being a lazy alcoholic turd has its side-effects.
Just Cmd+F'd for "question", didn't find anything.

Thanks a lot
>iron levels in blood isn't health or fitness related
I can do 10-15 pullups/chinups and I weigh 73kg, but I can barely bicep curl 20kg. What the fuck? Am I biologically screwy or is this normal or what?
And yet it's in a thread called "stupid questions general"
You might be the one with trisomy 21 son
The health part is long gone
How have you not noticed?
Shouldn't "Weightlifting" and "Powerlifting" trade names?
File: autism.png (165 KB, 604x604) Image search: [Google]
165 KB, 604x604
>calls someone a retard
>doesn't read title of thread
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