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Daily reminder to do your cardio. You can't be called /fit/
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Daily reminder to do your cardio.

You can't be called /fit/ unless you can run 5k in at least 30 minutes flat.

>5k in 26:54
my knees are fucked.
what if I swim 2k?
30m ? Do you take a 15m break?
Anyone can run 30 min 5k that's easy. More like sub 15-18 min
Then you can't be considered /fit/, can you?
who is this semen demon
>my knees are fucked.
What are you doing on /fit/ cripple?
>26:54 5k

Choose one and git gud faget
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>5k in 26:54
look at that awful heelstrike
Looks painful
>thinly veiled personal blog

shoo shoo
5K in 22:33 here, want to get it back down to 20 though,
Anny tips or methods to transfer this pace to longer distances beyond 5 km?
progressive overload?
1 minute per workout

i went from 5k to 6k with no pace lost was a big jump though will just add one minute per week till 7k then staying at 7k fo a while
Alright I've been lifting for 3 years and have a decent body. I'm 5'11 @185lbs around 12-15% bf. I have never in my life done really any type of cardio. What's the best way to start?
by doing it. running isn't rocket science
Running has a different method of progress by mixing up length of runs, intensity, and time. It's not as simple as running for 1k more at the same pace every week.
>12-15% bf
>decent body
every week?
try 6 days a week im not making this shit up your body wont notice 1 minute in 22 progress ive overload works i mean look at the couch to 5k.

im not being a smart ass its real simple

yes your right but if your just after that extra 1k then id say that would do it then you can focus on final 2minutes hit at faster speed
Don't wanna make a new thread so I'll ask here. I can't lift because of back pain, but Cardio is alright. Can I achieve a nice looking body with either jogging or interval Cardio? I will eat well too of course.

Just run for like 30 minutes. Cardio isn't complicated. If your joints are fucked like mine you can do cycling or swimming.

Find the intensity where the work is a challenge, but isn't too challenging that you have to stop.

If you want to do HIIT, this is a simple routine:

>5 minute easy pace warmup
>30 seconds maximum effort (sprinting, cycling, etc.)
>60 seconds very low effort low pace
>repeat above two steps between 5 and 8 times
>5 minute easy pace cooldown

u need to lift

what are your stats u might find your bak pain will go with weight loss and sleeping in a new bed

couch to 5k can recommend enough
If I wanna run just for general health reasons and to lower my resting heart beat would HIIT or jogging be better?
187 cm, 78 kg. Some strength from work. I've tried both hard and soft beds.
hit if you keep it up
consistency is better
100 workouts are better than 10 great workouts

might wanna work on your form and start real light i get back pain form deadlifts so i dont do them

I've used the following template for running progress to great effect:

1 day a week of 5-8 kilometers at standard 10k pace
1 day a week of 800 meter runs with 400 meter slow jogs (4 repetitions)
1 day a week of 12-25 kilometers at a slow pace
2 days a week cross training (swimming or cycling)

When you get too deep into cardio it starts to get shitty though.

You can do both. If you want to do cardio 5x a week, do one HIIT and 4 steady cardio routines.
You sure Cardio won't work though? I really enjoy it.
look at mo farrah

Thanks bros. You helped extend my life most likely.
How do you guys do cardio on lifting days? I'm always too exhausted
>that delusion

15 min 5k is elite level.

Run faster
Looks good. When healthy I do something similar.

1 long run a week for about an 1-1.5 hours which comes to 6-9 miles at a slow pace.
1 4x800, or something similar, session a week.
1 tempo run 3-4.5 miles at a faster pace but up a long and very steep hill doing lapa
2-3 days a week playing soccer which helps me get in sprinting
3-4 days a week of lifting

And I'm not even training for anything.
5k in 18 is already 6min/miles, that's already breddy fuarking fast
> muay thai 2x per week
> mma 2x per week
> bjj 3x per week
> lifting 3-4x per week

i.. dont want to fit in running
So who is #bothworlds here? Meaning that you do running as 50% and weightlifting as 50% of your sports routine.

I think I am somewhere near 18.30minutes with the 5km. But on the deadlift I am on 70kg. Most of my dumbbell exersizes are near 15kg, with the top ones being 17kg.

Recently I also ran a 10km and was nearly dead on 40 minutes. (its harder than 5km)

But does anyone else have experience in pushing both cardio and weight lifting to their maxes, side by side?

I think that I am already near the top, in the running competitions, everyone ahead of me doesnt have big upper body muscles.
I did 5km in 20:55 today
Did I do good?
Used to run them in 22:xx, got heart problems, now I consider walking the hill near my house intense cardio.
LOL dat delusion. 6min/miles is an 18:40 5k bud. yall bitches are probably running 3 miles and calling it a 5K. can't trust any of your times
Hes optimised to be one of the best long distance runners in the world, retard. You can be huge and do cardio>>36696335
Skinny fat here to say I can do a 5k in 20 minutes or less. Not good standards desu
I did 5x10 squats with 1 minute rest today. Does that count?
Remember that everyone in /fit/ could be an olympic athlete
and then u get knifed / gunned down and all your practice goes to shitter
or you could've run like anyone with > 100 iq

30 minute 5k is the running equivalent of squatting the bar.

Anyone who has run competitively will tell you that it's a baseline of adequate participation, a starting point you would expect the weakest to begin at.

Granted, I ran in college, and was the slowpoke on my team with a 15:40 (best guy on my team was a sub 4 miler, 14:15 5k guy) so my perception may be skewed. But that's no different than strong guys looking down on weak people in the gym.

These guys get it. A good book it Daniels' Running Formula, which is basically SS for runners.
I did 4 in 20, so I guess I can probably do an extra in less than 10.
I can do 5k in 23 pretty easy on a treadmill but I know that's not really legit.
People at gooflife fitness incoming
18 min 5k runner in HS ( 2 years ago) now college Hurdler and quarter horse

I could still run up on that 18min 5k or even dip below 18 min 5k (not by a lot maybe a sec or two under. But, i'd like to think i can break 18). but in college that isn't shit, to be competitive its sub 15 min at minimum.( by competitive i mean have a decent shot at the national meet some time in the season or bring points at conference)

Yeah right dude, a couch potato can walk into a gym and squat the bar, a couch potato cannot go outside and run 3.1 miles without walking
I would say the baseline of adequate participation for lifting would be squatting 1 plate, at least for men.

Also just finished C25k today, feels good. Can't wait to get up to 10k. I put one of my annual goals to run a 48 minute 10k. I haven't run middle/long distance in years.
>tfw was a cross country skeleton in HS
>tfw could do a 5k in 18 minutes
>tfw that 5k time is not even in my league anymore

Whatever, at least I'm not a skinny aushwitz cunt anymore.
Congrats man! Hope to hear about it later this year.
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it might have been the case for you, but skelly isn't a requirement for being a great distance runner. just look at pic related, one of the best american distance runners of all time

to each his own. im not a skeleton, but im definitely skinny. whatever, i eat as much as i want and do what i love (running). i never exercised to look good; i exercise to feel good

currently 6'2", ~155 pounds. 17:15 5K. 50 mile weeks.
Pic related looks pretty skelly desu
well of course you're going to say that because this is /fit/ and everybody has inflated ideas of what a normal body looks like. but 6'1 165 is nowhere close to skelly. DYEL, sure, but most people are DYEL.
Running is no fun, not sure how people do that shit for pleasure
What's a good way of doing cardio for heart gains, but without burning too many calories?

who have you met that can't do that? Isn't the average maintainable running speed like 8 mph?
Just came home from my couch25k run.

I used to coach a learn-to-run program when I worked at a running store. Yes, a coach potato can absolutely run a 5k in the same amount of time it takes to squat the bar for those same coach potatoes. You underestimate how hard it is to get the hip mobility needs to even get into a good squat while keeping heels on the ground for the average coach potato, and you overestimate how hard it is to run a 5k if you just try.
>bullshit standards of fitness

my mate cant run because of achilles injury but he rows for his college, I bet his biomarkers of cv health (resting heart rate, blood pressure, Vo2max) trump yours

any cardio is good cardio you faggot

That's great that you have ambition, but I would encourage you to do a few more 5ks and try to improve your time rather than jump to the 10k. I say this not because I doubt your readiness for a 10k; quite the opposite! You're probably more able to just keep going longer in distance than you realize, but it's more challenging to run a given distance faster.

You wouldn't hit 1 rep max at 3 plates in the squat and say your new goal is to do 10 reps, would you? You would try to improve your max.

Same way you get strong without lifting heavy.
>average 8 mph

Wew lad, do you live in Gainesville or something?
I run and then lift after
A 30 minute 5k is pretty damn easy but everyone here saying that <20 is easy is a liar. Or just really tall
How do you get strong with

wait a minute
>5k in 30 mins
What kind of dat fuck are you?
I've been Running once a week for half a year and I can Manage it in 21 mins
OP is a fucking retard, anyone who isnt an immobile lardass can run a 5k in 30 minutes or less. But 2nd guy, that is way overkill. People who train like hell to run the 5k would have trouble getting under 18 minutes, thats 5:45 or better for each mile.
My best so far is 24:16, but I'd love to get faster. I could do with losing some weight and training more and better for it, but it's pretty much on the down-prioritised since I'm having more fun with lifting.
5km in 22:58 and I dont think Im good at running.
kekked, got a point, 20 minutes, how old are you senpai?
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This guys well above 15
I ran 2 miles yesterday in under 14 mins. Thats the best I can do so far.
takes me like 34 min. Running ain't my strong point, being strong is

Whew lad. I tell you having asthma is fucking shit.
Then again, I'm still overweight
Too lazy to run more than 10/15 minutes, running fucking sucks, swimming is better.
I get my intake of cardio through longboarding. That counts right?
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