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how dangerous is it to lose weight as quickly as possible? i
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how dangerous is it to lose weight as quickly as possible?

i weigh about 250 lbs and recently found out i have severe sleep apnea.

i read that losing weight (20lbs+) can really really help the symptoms but if i lose weight slowly at 2 lbs per week its going to take me atleast 10 weeks to do this.

is it bad if (for health reasons) i try to rapidly lose weight as fast as i can?
There's no evidence that losing weight "too fast" is dangerous or counterproductive in the long term.

On the other hand, there is a mountain of evidence that being overweight is extremely dangerous.
i thought they said that losing weight too quickly will destroy your metabolism?
Talk to your doc
>years being a fat slob
The amount of weight lost in a period of time is meaningless for health. What is important is the method used to result in that weight loss.
Who is "they" and what is their evidence?

Never trust They. They is a piece of shit who doesn't understand science.
other people on 4chan

what method should i use? i want to lose weight as quickly as possible so ive increased my exercise and i am also eating much much less (but still trying to be balanced)
Cut on like 1800 calories and you will lose weight at a good pace, but over time it will slow down since you are not as heavy as before and don't need as much calories.

This should get you 10-15lbs down. Keep it up for a month and you should have your 20.
if you lose weight too fast you risk dealing with loose skin, if you don't care about that, then there is nothing wrong with it
Loose skin sounds bad, the the alternative staying fat.
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wow 10 weeks however will you cope
Loose skin in inevitable. It can take up to 2 years for loose skin to retract as much as it is possible. So while losing weight over a 2 year period can minimize the amount of loose skin you have, losing the weight and dealing with the loose skin for a while is a healthier option.
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