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I just finished SL. Where should I go next? SS, P/P/L split,
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I just finished SL. Where should I go next? SS, P/P/L split, Madcow 5x5. What does /fit/ recommend.
What are your stats, how do you 'finish' a linear progression program

Also get out
>doing SL
You're supposed to keep doing the program until you stop making progress, you arn't "finished" after the first week
>not doing SL
>"finished" a program with no set end
mirin those paradoxical gains
Where did he say he had only done one week?
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>Stall on 1x3
That is the end of the program. Why is everyone in this thread being such a facetious fucking douche. Do you honestly expect someone to do SL forever?
What did he mean by this?

It's because they're idiots who probably think you could just do SL for 2 years and deadlift 3000 pounds
Post your stats.
SS/SL till fail on (around ~1x5/2.5x5/3.5x5/4x5)
TM till advanced on StrStds
Sheiko until you have left humanity behind
Probably true. I'm just so tired of seeing advice posted by beginners who've just started SL/SS and think it's the be-all-end-all destination program to use forever because they're making gains on it and not just the first step into the fitness world. Fucking newfags.

Please stop giving advice.
When you say 1x5/2.5x5 I hope you do not mean 1pl8 and 2.5pl8

1pl8 OHP is easy, but expecting EVERYBODY to get a fucking 2.5pl8 bench for 5 reps or a 3.5 plate squat for 5 reps is taking it way too far. Maybe if you have the height/build to bulk like a fucking madman, but for the average guy who cannot really afford to put on 50lbs over 6-8 months those are not always going to be realistic numbers.
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