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Hairloss treatment the natty way
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Some dudes asked me about how i stopped my hairloss and unfortunately the thread got closed.

Old thread: >>36571515

My promised response. Yes i wont let you down brahs.

Ok lets start faggets:

You will need to buy these/do these:

> Scalp exercises
> Buy emu Oil
> Buy coconut oil
> Buy pumpkin seeds
> Stop using shampoo
> No hair gel
> No intensive brushing when hair is wet

As of right now, my hair hasnt moved 1 inch since i started. It is more dense than before and i can tell my hairline is going anywhere for a long time. My hair just feels and looks awsome.

Im also starting to see signs of NEW hair growing on bald spots. I dont know if i will actually manage to move my hairline to where it was many years ago. That would be fucking awsome though, time will tell.

I helped out many people already. Most probably just tried out some stuff and quit after a short time. But one guy actually contacted me after 1 year. Had the same results as me.

> LibertyPrime if you read this, yes its me brah
> PART 2

Lets start with the first fags.

> Scalp exercises
As you may know, your scalp consists of muscles. These muscles are called ocipitalis (back of the head) and frontalis ( your crown ).

Basically, over the years these scalp muscle get very thin and tight, taking away the required "envinronemnt" to grow your hair back.
Imagine your hair follicles as a tree. Imagine that tree being planet just 1 m deep into the ground. That tree is probably going to fall of pretty soon heh? It will probably be pretty unstable heh? Thats what happenens when you have a TIGHT and THIN scalp. Working out your scalp muscle basically "plants" your hair follicles in a much more "deeper" and stable envinronemnt.
It is also providing your hair follicles with a lot of nutrients, because of the increased blood flow.

Some people also say a very thick scalp can block DHT from reaching your hair follicles, but dont quote me on that.

I could link you to a website that is owned by Tom Hagerty. This guy explains the entire exercise in a very detailed way. As he spend a lot of effort creating that website and still answering questions in his forum after 10 years he thought : " hey, why not make a bit money off of it, i think i deserved it ". And he is true with that.

He offers a DVD for 25 bucks that shows you the exercise. You do NOT need that dvd, he explains EVERYTHING on his website.

But despite this fact, i still get shit on for linking his website. So im not going to do that, people will just call me a scammer.

Again motherfuckers, he explains the entire method on his website, you dont need his fucking dvd. If he was a greedy mofo, he would only offer the dvd and no articles that explain his method. Its very useful, but people go ape shit and start calling me a scammer.
> PART 3

> Emu Oil

Emu oil consists off the whole Vitamin E family.
Emu oil is one of the few oils that is able to penetrate all 7 layers of your skin.
Emu oil is known to boost collagen in your skin, which is crucial for healthy hair.

Emu Oil needs to be applied to your balding area, preferably your entire scalp ( So not the hair itself, but the SKIN ). Which can be difficult if you have long hair.
Do not fucking eat Emu Oil.

As with the scalp exercise, some poeple say Emu Oil blocks DHT from reaching your hair follicles, but again. Dont quote me on that.

>Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is just fucking awsome in every way.

It penetrates all 7 layers of your skin.

It is also rich in Vitamin E.

I eat 1 tea spoon of it everyday and i apply it to my scalp just like Emu Oil. Just take a few drops, and rub both Oils onto your skin. I do that every night before sleep.

I also apply it to the rest of my skin because its so awsome.

Generally coconut oil is just awsome for everything, not just hairloss.

> Pumpkin seeds

Please dont ask me why, thats too much fucking science here. Just buy 1 pack of pumpkin seeds or whatever and eat a handful of it everyday.
> PART 4

> No shampoo anymore

Believe it or not, but a lot of people would have LESS hair falling out if they stopped using shampoo. Everytime you shampoo, your hair follicles shrinken ( you weaken them basically). You flush out all the nutrients in your scalp and destroy the natural protective layer of fat on your skin.

Dont use any shampoo. Including "hairloss treatment" shampoos and shampoos claiming they are " all natty brah, no chemicals".

> Then what the fuck am i supposed to wash my hair with? FAGGOT!

This is what i do. Try it out in different ways and see if you like it. If you dont, then accept your bald head.

I fill a plastic bottle with like 0.5l of luke warm water. I put 1 tea spoon of coconut oil in it and 1 tea spoon of emu oil and maybe a halph tea spoon of baking soda.

Close the plastik bottle and shake it a lot of times, until the water is all white-ish.

When you go shower now, make your hair wet first. Now open the bottle and let the fluid run through your scalp slowly and use your hands to "brush" your hair at the same time. This way the oils are applied to your scalp more effectively.

When the bottle is empty, just wash your hair with plain water again and wash your hair with your hands, rub it a bit. (Not too much though, your hair is vulnerable when its wet).

Yes your hair will be oily after you are done. To get rid of the oils on your hair ( not your scalp though, the oils need to stay on your scalp) you just wash your hair with simple water twice a day, and then a towel to rub off the oils a bit.

Trust me, do this for 2 weeks and your hair will feel and look awsome. It did for me atleast.

> No Hair gel.

Same with shampoo. You also put a lot of stress on your hair everytime you are applying hair gel.

> Brushing

Basically, you should stop brushing your hair when its wet, and brush less intensively in general. You are putting a lot of stress to your hair when you are fucking with it too much.
> PART 5

Apart from these, its important to live a healthy lifestyle in general.

- Dont smoke
- Dont drink too much
- Drink a lot of water, no coffee, no soda or other bullshit
- Eat healthy foods. Unhealthy foods are "ok" as long you as still get the healthy ones.
- Sleep 8 hours a day
- Lifting helps with the blood flow in your scalp
If you are so desperate, fap once every 2 weeks. But once in 3 months would be best.

Again please dont bother me with your bro science, i dont want this thread to be about fapping. Its your own decision really. Each their own i say.

> PS:

Dont forget that it took me 1 god damn year to stop my hairline from recending any further.

Any questions that i havent answered 100 fucking times already? Feel free to ask
Thanks for delivering anon.

Your hair must be greasy af if you wash them simply with oils, aren't the?
>Non fit posting
>Massive bIog troIIing
>Not even funny
>Saged, repoted

No its not anon, washing your hair with water twice a day + towel will get rid of the oil. My hair is not greasy at all.
Pls no, i spent 30 minutes writing this.
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That was a great post. /Fit/ isn't simply about lifting, it's about having a lifestyle.

I'll give it a try.
Complete momscience
I use shampoo only once a week. Rest of the time just water. I have done this for six months or so. Why would be oil better?
What worked great for me was derma roller 1.5 mm once per week.

OP here.

Shit, i actually forgot to mention that. Dermaroller is boosting collagen production in your skin too.

1.5 mm is insane though, just make sure you dont over do it. Otherwise it does more damage than good.
Mods, can you do your jobs and delete this broscience trash?

> Broscience trash

It actually worked you retard.

> troll

Yeah i just spend 30 minutes of my life writing out this shit just to troll you.

Never change /fit/

finasteride victim with broken dick detected


I don't bleed myself, just roll 4-5 times each part of my hairline once per week.
Too much trouble for me I just accepted going bald and shave.
1.5 mm is fine, that's what swisstemples did. You're supposed to bleed while needling
Will follow some advices, thnx anon.
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>have had buzzcut for long periods of time
>looks fine on me
>grew a meme cut to enjoy hair while I have it

Yeah I think I'll just keep jerking off and using shampoo.
you know why this is all retarded? If it wasn't, we would see legitimate companies selling the fuck out of this shit.

I'm open to being corrected, if you could find actual scientific data backing up your claims i'll listen, but this is all trash.

The reason your hair is improving is probably because of something else not related to MPB, IF YOUR GENES TELL YOU TO GO BALD YOU WILL GO BALD. There are a handful of other things that could've been causing your hairloss, some of what your doing could've perhaps helped rid of said things.

seriously m8, you can't fight genes by covering your hair in oil.

NOTE: i have seen some scientific data about pumpkeed seed oil orally helping, i believe the study was based in japan or korea.
Someone save this for future info graphics.
To add to this:
If you really want to fight hairloss:
-good quality multi-vitamin
-Pumpkin Seed oil supp (not sure exaclty how much)
-Vitamin d3 supp, 3000-5000iu
-Shampoo with ketoconazole 2%, use every 3 days. Condition after for sure. (For hair health, don't use shampoo's/conditioners with sulfates or silicone. Don't wash your hair every day)
-Minoxidil 5%, recommended use is i believe mornings/nights
-Finasteride 1mg (or 5mg tablets cut into 1.25mg, for $$$ purposes)
>all this bro and momscience shit



This 10000000%

It's genetic. You can't fight genetics with healthy living. If you're balding, finasteride is your only hope.
finasteride nigguh
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>spreading misinformation

there's gonna be a lot of sad baldies in the near future
>proceeds to list bunch of bro-science """effects""" of not masturbating

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