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>panting and grunting with 20kg bent over rows Just get the
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>panting and grunting with 20kg bent over rows
Just get the fuck out and end yourself.

What kind of grown up guy can't even row 1plate for reps. How to spot someone not having to do any work in his whole life.
Lol, you sound fat
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>tfw rowing 3x8 with 90kg with minimal cheating
Wow, a whole 90kg? I'm super impressed.
I row 120kg with maximal cheating
Everybody starts at the bottom, brah
These people are also benchpressing 90kgs.
are you an arab dude that lives in dearborn?
if you're referring to a single plate unattached to a barbell, please refer to it as "one plate".
I'm referring to 10kg on each side on a ez-bar.
>rowing with an EZ bar
that's the bad part bruv
that is halfplate m8.
Not even half plate,ez bars dont weigh 20kg
Whoa there, stretch. Why would you discourage people from working out, even if they are shitty. You should be trying to help, not snickering to yourself like a conceded highschool cunt.
>1pl8 = olympic bar + 20 kg plates
>10 kg on each side of an ez bar = 1pl8
>60 kg = 30 kg
k, great use of the lingo there m8

>rowing with an ez bar
i row 75 lbs for a few sets.

once upon a time i used to do heavy weight and then i tore my shit up and had to have surgery. i have learned my lesson.
I said that as one person doing 20kg plus the ez bar, and not being able doing 1plate at all being shame itself.
Everyone starts somewhere.
Pretty common for row to be way behind bench due to how popular chest training is. I was one of them, pretty happy now my row is only 10kg behind.
I never even feel like im actually working when I row heavy. I can do ~165 for 5 but I usually keep it closer to one plate for 8 because it actually feels like its working my upper back and bis rather than just me dicking the weight up
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