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Fuckin Sleeves
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How Monday of you fucks have to cut your blouse to fit your arms through the rolls

It felt so wrong to be cutting up the uniform...

Fuckin iPhone and big fingers and me being retarded

Muhreen corpse
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>not having several sets of camies for summer, winter, inspection, duty, etc

Stay booter.
>being this much of a peacetime, air wing fag

There are only two types of cammies, you non combat fuck.

Field cammies and cammies that aren't field cammies yet.

Luckily NWUs are loose as shit so fattiest don't look as bad, so I got no issues there. Wish we could roll the sleeves higher though. I get shit every time I don't follow the 3 fingers rule or whatever.
Blouses are for women you stupid nigger dick.
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Ok army
I've had low tier bb marines in my unit do it, some of the MMA dudes when they were bulking

chesty would probably be proud of you and mire them gains so I wouldn't feel bad bro
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