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How are Marines so jacked? Are they all on roids? Source is a
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How are Marines so jacked? Are they all on roids? Source is a Terminal Boots vid that I think got removed. I've been lifting for a year and have all the spare time and nutrition in the world and I'm nowhere near that. They see only 4 years of active service.
>I've been lifting for a year
High test naturally
a)from what I've heard if you're on base in the middle of nowhere or on a shit deployment there isn't much to do but workout
b)they have high bf% with their muscles, makes them look bigger even though they are probably natty
You don't know anything about the military OP.
It can be more than 4 years and most often than not "marine physique" comes from sitting around on base with nothing to do but eat shitty food and work out. And then you get paid for it.
You seriously need to increase your food consumption if you've lifted for a year and still aren't there.

Provided you are eating right and not shitty ready made meals and fast food....increase your portion size by a fifth and keep lifting hard (4 days a week at least)

Oh and yeah marines are definitely on roids, but these body types are still achievable.
Marines are typically high test males. Little low test scrawny bitch bois don't usually sign up to run head on into a spray a bullets.
>fell for the Marine = badass marketing scheme
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Sure thing buddy, whatever you say.
I've got the physique of the right guy and i only lift since 6 months. Their program and nutrition may be better than yours.
Bruh maritime security gets more "action" than marines.
You gonna start cutting?
Every Marine I know are manlets who got picked on all through high school and couldn't get into college.
Terminal Boots are Cav infantry. They have nothing but time to work out.
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But I don't want to become a fatass. I "bulked" for a good while then stopped bulking when I started to look fat. But I'm nowhere near the size of the guy on the right who looks twice as big as me. Currently doing TM, stalling hard and tapering off though. I'm not at 1/2/3/4 either. What program would you suggest? I also run every other day for 3 miles.
I'm that but I dropped out of college and joined the Navy.

What if I'm a college grad and want to enlist? I can't go officer because I'm not a US citizen, not that I'd want the responsibility anyway.
Don't fall for that troll. The guy who says everyone should look like that after one year is full of shit and doesn't understand anatomy.

Keep progressing. Stop comparing.
I guarantee that a vast majority of Marines do NOT roid. It may be more common among MARSOC guys, but that's a pretty select group.
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Rudy Reyes, recon marine who played himself in the HBO mini series Generation Kill, most jacked marine I've seen and he does some weird shit in the gym. I wanna know if this guy is natty.
Since you have college credits you'll mostly likely get it in your contract to be bumped up to E3 after boot.
Not in the Marine corps. Highest is E-2
>most jacked marine I've seen

I've seen more jacked DI's but they were either manlets or not white.
Sorry. Guess it's different for them. Just my experience as a sailor.

Thanks dude. I'm trying. But my low test beta cuck body can apparently only produce so much muscle. Maybe I'm not doing enough volume or pushing myself enough. I'm also training with suboptimal facilities.
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You sure? Here's another pic from just googling quick.

Either way, this guy runs some insane distances at a great pace yet keeps all the mass. My gut tells me he's on some gear.
Dude, you're looking great. Keep at it. Strong, hard, thick, etc.
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switch to total body routines and run them 6 days a week instead of 3 days faggot, run before you lift and ill guarantee you'll have enough cardio to handle anything thrown at you.

oh and do 100 of these as your warm ups
you will improve your total body strength and mental strength considerably, if you cant grow then workout more if your slow then run shorter distances for speed run for time not for distance if you run that 5k then beat mother fuckers there and back so your legs make gains instead of lose gains
Marines do pushups and pullups all day long until they can't do a single more rep. Then then do they exact same thing again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and so on.

Also, they eat like a horse and have mandated lights out at 9pm.

If you lived your life like that, you'd be ripped too.
How did you fit all of that in your ass? That's where you pulled it out from, right?
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you mean basic training right?
marines have a rather easy PT test when you look at how fast you have to run, the difference is there normal PT is slightly harder than other branches because of the culture but there hardly the most badass people out there, look at the chairforce and you see the home of Special Forces Operations

clearly the marine recon/same MOS have its various uses in combat, almost all the POG drill instructurs and tech school teachers have seen more combat that the vast majority of boots due to luck of assignment isntead of career field choice
>look at the chairforce and you see the home of Special Forces Operations

What? Explain

the air force has special operations and they just so happen to have the planes so majority of special forces are concentrated around air force units

get your head out of your ass and understand that all 4ish branchs do particpate in combat, FFS you see how we dont fight with combat lines anymore and now the line between POG and infantry is gonna blur much more as the years go on
Pararescue and Combat Controllers have some of the most rigorous SOF training
You're a funny guy
For you.
Fruity Ruuudyyyy
All the marines i know have been lifting for multiple years before and after they began.

Youre gonna look good with few years lifting.
>I've been lifting for a year and have all the spare time and nutrition in the world

Their daily grind is way harder than your 1-2 hours per day of fucking around in the gym.

Also: high test environment.
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mechanics/crew chiefs bitch about the same thing i dont see there lard asses getting stronger or better, ive seen people who hit the gym and sit at work all day be outright stronger and faster than the daily grind faggots, honestly intensity and volume is all you need, everything else is extra, i guarantee you all of these marines go straight to the gym after work becuase they know the daily grind isnt enough for the real deal
>mechanics/crew chiefs bitch about the same thing
Mechanics and crew chiefs are beta bitches, which is why they aren't trigger pulling Chads.

Selection bias.

Get gud, pussy.
Dubs confirm. I've met 2 marines and none of them are particularly formidable or give the impression of being high test
Push ups are just a meme I used to do 150 push-ups a day for a couple years and was between skelly and otter mode
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never deny the selection bias that the military creates go to comm and see 50% or more of the manpower with glasses or Vlasic surgery.

the daily grind that infantry does is mostly cleaning there rucks are really the only grind they got, and yes the geese monkeys are pussys
man i would kill to have your body

i've been lifting for 4 years and have 12.5" arms and weigh 122lbs. Probably because I'm 5'6" and have 5.5" wrists. At least my lifts are high.
Answer: they are not.

Roids run rampant on base, anyone who actually does shit other than eating shit food and being a pogue all day looks ottermode, and the people you are thinking of do nothing but roid, lift, and bulk on high calorie food all day.

Consider the people that are worth a fuck in combat are cardio Kings who can cover lots of ground, climb shit, and generally be unencumbered by high body mass. The fatasses you posted are not putting down the miles, knocking out shitload of calesthetics, and are not helpful when you need to cover 30 miles.

Fuck off you look great

>eat like a horse

Not in basic, that's for sure. You lose like 30 fucking pounds

You're bullshitting because apparently the biggest POGs are also the biggest in the gyms. The actual grunts who have to go on field ops can't train as hard or as often so they're smaller and leaner, also large bodybuilding muscles don't necessarily help you in the military.
>The fatasses you posted are not putting down the miles

But I mean they must be, don't they have PFTs?
I legit look like this after 4 months of lifting and eating, I'd say even better because I'm not 16% bf but more like 12
>american marines
I'm sure a lot of them do roid. As for why pretty much all of them are in great shape, regardless of whether or not they're ripped or ottermode, is because they do have relatively high physical requirements for even becoming a marine.

That being said you're automatically going to root out all of the physically weaker candidates because they simply don't make the cut. Everyone that's left is above average by route definition.

So part of it is just going to be good genetics and stuff like higher T levels and stuff like that. If you have shitty genetics for fitness, or if you have lower T levels, or anything else that precludes you from being fit naturally you're probably not going to make it.

In the end, it's gonna be a mixed bag. Some of them are gonna roid, and some of them are gonna be people who work their asses off pretty much every single day for years to get what they got. And then there's gonna be some of them for whom having a physique like that is more or less their natural state of affairs, not saying that those ones don't work but there are gonna be guys who don't have to work nearly as hard.

The real question at the end of the day isn't how, because that's gonna be different for every different person to some extent, but why are they so physically fit. The awnser for that is simple. They are considered elite forces and most people who are part of the eilet in any respectably military unit are going to be very physically fit.

I imagine that you'll much the same thing of US snipers, as if I recall they're training is supposed to be harder than a marines training. I don't know if they're going to be jacked, but they're going to be at or near their peak physical fitness level.
Why is that always the case? To be permanently jacked you either have to gym rat 24/7 or be black.

I don't wanna say jeans, but it's looking like full blown half off selective breeding denim jeans

No you don't.
Please please tell me more
most of their exercising comes from high volume bodyweight and when they have free time many go to the gym. any fat they accumulate is typically burned off through the fucktons of running
You have body dysmorphya, you look great (except forearms, you need to deadlift).

But the graduation rate for boot camp is like 94%. Do they weed them out already in DEP? All the tacticool fatties who played Call of Duty Modern Warfare and decided they wanted to be a Marine after a lifetime of eating pizza rolls.
Is it really 94% for Marines?
Lots of free time + proffessional chefs making you food every day

Had a bro stationed in Afghanistan, he said it was basically a holiday and all they did was pump weights and play Xbox
#1 You're screened before you even get to boot camp.
#2 Most people have a general idea of their level of ability, and if they don't think they can actually make it they won't waste their time trying.
#3 Marine corps has to spend a lot of money training recruits. Every person that washes out of the program is basically money wasted. That being said once you're actually in the program they are going to try very hard to get your ass in shape and make sure you fucking finish what they started paying for.
#4 If you don't make it through immediatley you can get put back into the system and try again, people who do this are not considered wash outs. Think of it like people who graduate from high school late. It took them longer but they still had to show a general level of proficiency to make the cut in the end.

Here's a discussion between some jarheads on the very same subject.
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Not true, most of these bigger guys are former wrestlers or rugby players/football players.

The biggest guy competing for Marine OCS at my university out runs the majority of us during the 3 mile.
Because your stuck on fucking base and you have nothing better to do then working out all day
>being one of the million fucktard that can do 100+ thir rep push ups

slowly lower your body until your chest touches the floor
(stay there for 1 seconds for extra challenge)
ascend as fast as possible

now go ahead and do 150 of those

god i hate these faggots that claim they can do sooooooooooo many push ups when all they do is shit form
They're soldiers who can tolerate shitty conditions while still successfully shooting and killing an enemy. They aren't meant to be street fighters who'll choke you out for glancing in their direction.
lol you can do all the variation of push ups all you want for 50 gorillion times and still look like shit. Progressive overload nigga
I'm currently an active duty Marine and I can tell you that most Marines are DYEL, the guys in that picture are maybe 2% of the Marine Corps
Hory shet I know that drill instructor.

Planning to enlist as a university grad in computer science, should I go Army, Marines or Air Force? Where will I fit in best?
if you cant look like that in a year you are never ever going to make it
my mate is in army since a few months and somehow gained 10 kilos while he's a hard gainer and usually ate whatever he wanted and didn't gain much. he doesn't even go to the gym but keeps getting muscles. it's weird what do they give armybros for food?
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