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does anyone on /fit/ live in London?
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does anyone on /fit/ live in London?
Ontario, or England. Also

I'm from Puebla
South West london cunt, wanna go to gym together?
Place is a full on overpriced shit hole. Evacuating to up north as soon as possible.
started going to the gym a few weeks ago and after today I feel like my biceps got smaller, only a small part of it looks like what it used to, is this a thing? Did I get aids? what is up /fit/

I am 5 11 and weight 140 lbs and look like a disgusting fat slob, I really don't know what I'm doing wrong and I am tired of looking/feeling like this
Scotlad is the best, if you wanna go to north go at least up to Yorkshire/Glasgow
Going to Scotland this June for the highland walk, I'll check it out then as I've never been :D.
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T.O also reporting in
south west is best
be careful in yorkshire some parts are great others complete shit no inbetween
Yeah I live in Croydon and I work all over London.

It's a full on fucking shithole. The majority of boroughs are actually minority white/british. Most boroughs are rapidly becoming slum tier 3rd world toilets full of crappy corner shops and litter.

There are some lovely areas but they cost out the ass and you're still walled in by miles of trash.

I've been working here a year and I've fully had enough. Moving to Sheffield and going back to Uni to get a fucking good career going so I can afford to migrate to texas/kansas and spend all my life BBQing, shooting guns, building muscle cars and fucking trashy blonde girls.

Avoid London at all costs unless you like living in filth.

ps. yeah i live in Croydon which is especially cruddy but I've also lived in nice areas of North London for a few years at a time and it's still no better.
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I see you senpai
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For the sake of us, pls leave London.
agreed. it truly is a shithole unless youre filthy rich and can live in the posh parts, and even then you're surrounded by (rich) shitskins
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