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Went to a whore house and banged a prostitute. How fucked am
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Went to a whore house and banged a prostitute.
How fucked am I when it comes to getting AIDS or an STD or something I feel bad man
That's why I only let them pee on my face.

Anyway you should be fine if you had a condom and didn't exchange saliva.
Assuming that you raw-dogged it, or you wouldn't be asking. You'll probably be fine. Chances of contracting HIV from a single sexual encounter, even with an infected prostitute, are low. If you really lost the lottery then life is livable nowadays HIV+, with the antiviral cocktails and everything. Major downsides would be that you have to take like 15 different pills every day forever, and you'll never get to eat grapefruit again.
If you went in without a condom you should see a doctor immediately

You fucking bonehead
Is protitution illegal where you live?
OP here I definitely didn't raw dog it. It's legal where I'm at and they put a condom on even just to blow you. I appreciate all the answers. On god I hope I didn't catch anything lmfao
Then you're fine. If it's legal, it's regulated.

Where I live, whores are tested before they even start working as a whore, and then get tested regularly. It's the law.

Fuck why grapefruit?

Some of the chemicals in grapefruit react really badly with certain medications, including ones used for HIV treatment.

A lot of drugs have weird interactions with certain foods, but grapefruit comes up weirdly often. There's about a hundred different drugs that do bad things when they interact with grapefruit.
How do you know all this?

About half my family, along with half the GFs family, are either doctors or nurses. They have a lot of stories about grapefruit fucking things up.

Likewise broccoli, for some reason.
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>Likewise broccoli
no no no no no no no no
honestly youre more likely to get an std from a slut you pick up at a club than a prostitute (unless its literally a $5 street whore)
I doubt that. They fuck over ten guys a night
What country?
Professional prostitutes are just that, professionals. At least here they tend to be super strict about health and hygiene. So yeah some random bar lay sounds like the dirtier alternative.
And idk this place didn't seem so clean. My friends been to ones where they wash your dick prior to sex. They didn't do that here

Reminds me of dick examination day back in Elementary school.
>If it's legal, it's regulated
Probably true but doesn't mean its universally followed. Guns are legal to own in the US and it's regulated, yet people are shot all the time.
Fucking kek
Nice pic op
? I think you got molested

You didn't get your penis examined at your school? Where do you live?
are you european?

penis inspection day is a very real thing here in america. I would assume it is in europe too but you never know with you people.
Penis inspection days common bro.

I remember when my gym teacher rounded us up in lower school and did the penis tug test.
I live in the US too, bro. Maybe cause I lived in indiana and everyone is too conservative and afraid of sex. They pretty much taught abstinence only in school, and parents never mentioned sex to children.
What about girls? They dont have a penis. What are they inspecting for?
Grapefruit is fun with caffeine.

It stops your body from processing caffeine properly so you stay fucking jittery for hours longer, even if you're pretty much immune to caffeine otherwise.

plz don't mix preworkout and grapefruit guys.

It has nothing to do with sex. It's just a penis inspection.
Canadafag here, we also have penis inspections. Europeans probably have butthole inspections t b h (because they're gay)
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>exchange saliva

Pls stop you're embarrassing yourself
>kissing a prostitute
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