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Being too tall?
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Is there a point where you're too tall?

6'8" here and I couldn't get the car I've been wanting for YEARS because the inside was too small
Anything over 6'4" m8, that's generally, for cars it's like 6' on the dot.
Become a tree :D
It's bullshit, they make all sports cars for dwarves. I was going for a challenger r/t but I could barely switch gears in it due to the steering wheel placement. so now I'm probably going to look at the chargers because the seats go back further than 10mm
6'7" here. I know your pain
What I meant was 6' on the dot is pretty much the last height a man can sit in a car with some comfort. They might not have an ideal head position, but they can still fit. If you're under 6' and are complaining, you're just fat.

Anything over that is far more uncomfortable.
My husband is 6'7. He loves being tall but he gets mad that everything else is so tiny. xD Like cars, and ceilings, etc.
I'd say anything between 6'1 and 6'3 is perfect, anything below or over that starts to have its downsides
6'1 perfect height m-masterrace reporting in, good to know I'm not a borderline manlet or anything..
I notice very tall people tend to be stooped. I guess y'all get sick of bumping your head into things.

At 5'5 I notice that very tall people tend to be less discriminatory. Guys from about 5'11 to 6'3 seem to be the most insecure about height, for whatever reason. It's like the very tall crowd (6'5+) understand something their slightly shorter counterparts do not.

Make the most of what you have.




make the most of it

stop bitching and making your height, dick, face, parents and everything else an excuse.

You'll make it anon.
I'm 6'2 and generally have to squeeze to get into airplanes/busses/sit at desks properly

my car is surprisingly spacious though
> tfw no bathtub is big enough for you to fully stretch anymore.
Level up to a pool, senpai
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>Flying coach

Being tall isn't a reason you should stay pleb
I'm 6'4" and the only sport cars i fit comfortably are american muscle cars, i cant fit in an audi TT or dont even think of a miata.
Pick up trucks are the way to go senpai, learn from The Rock, even he knows sport cars are for insecure manlets desu
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>Tfw when 5'2 and can fit inside a clothes dryer
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>can't laugh cuz abs hurt

Stahp it anon.
Man I feel your pain, but im 6'8 too but I was really fat, still kinda fat but not as bad as I was, the leg room in most hatches and two door Utes suck
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