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Why do I feel so butthurt?
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>Be me ~6 months ago
>gf of 3 years ends things
>depressed but see the big picture, start working out seriously and dieting
>245lbs down to 205 lbs
>gains have been made
>still have good job, money (engineer, rich family)
>qt's mirin new found physique, double lay count over a couple months
>ex now has a new guy who's ugly with dead end job.
>his pics show lots of cringe (bad tattoos, flat brimmed hat collection, ebay samurai swords, owns multiple WWE wrastlin' belts, etc.)
>if she's happy with him thank god we're not together anymore, yet I'm still butthurt
>fall back into depression, realize I was only happy while following my passions and working on myself
>start viewing women as worthless, yet still feel lonely for being single

How do I stop being such a sad cunt?
Easily. Get over your goddamn ex. You're butthurt because you can't understand why your exgirlfriend would chose this loser over you. Your stupid brain is reasoning that, for as cringey and faggy this other guy is, he's better than you.

Get over it. Be the better man. Move on. Work out. Get a fit qt gf and be happy. You don't need no hoe who dates guys like that.
Why are you still checking up on her and her boyfriend you dumb faggot? get over it. shit thread
You will feel bad as long as you want to. Look at your feelings honestly, look at their causes honestly; is it really worth missing out on your chance to be happy right now just to keep feeling bad?

Contrary to popular belief, happiness doesn't have to be conditional. It wasn't when we were kids and it isn't now. All it takes is for you to lose your committment to feeling bad.

If the bad feelings seem insurmountable, or you simply cannot get a handle on them, try meditating, rather than chasing them away with workouts or sex, or some other temporary thing.

tl;dr cheer up m8
find someone who challenges you to better yourself. you need to move past your ex and get rid of those poisonous thoughts about women. they are not all like that, and you know this.
Change your mentality. Don't be sad that the relationship ended, be happy you're free. Now you can do things you weren't able to do in the relationship.

never check on your ex ever. don't go where she goes (within reason no need to shop 10 mins out of your way cause she uses the same shop as you), don't look her up online, don't keep her number in your phone, nothing, otherwise she'll be in your mind way too much.

To be fair he sounds like a piece of shit, so he's only technically 'woman better' which isn't worth much.
If that's actually what she prefers then it sounds like you dodged a bullet.
Never check up on your ex (2). It's a surefire way to make yourself a sad cunt.

Keep working on yourself, since that seems to cause everything else positive in your life to happen organically around you.

Keep grinding. We're all gonna make it.
He's not even "woman better", he sounds like a fedora lord. But, perhaps he treats her like a lady, lol.
Start being a sick cunt mate. Never look at your ex.

It's only been 180 days. You lost a relationship of nearly 1,000 days. Give yourself time, brother. Look at what you have achieved in such a short span - a fine job, a fine physique, a passion for yourself.

Trust in time.
They're all giving you sound advice, OP. Except for one part: you can't decide how you feel. Remember that because otherwise you'll also feel guilty that you aren't feeling how you wish you were feeling, which is simply wronk. Power to you, OP, we're all gonna make it.
This. Witnessed
Not OP, but /fit/ really is the best board.
>realize I was only happy while following my passions and working on myself

dude, you just solved your own problem.
>you can't decide how you feel

This has not been established as a truth.

I'll take stoicism for a thousand Alex.
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