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What other hobbies does /fit/ have? Have you applied the discipline
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What other hobbies does /fit/ have? Have you applied the discipline you've learned from lifting to other hobbies and did it translate well? Any drawfags? Any sportsfag? Any random obscure hobbies fags?

>inb4 lifting is my only hobby
have fun telling grills that the only interesting thing you do in life is pick up some metal circles on a metal stick and put them back down
Right now, focused on reading more for self-improvement. I just moved to a new state though, so I'm going to start looking at other hobbies soon.
Softball, volleyball, hiking, camping, snowboarding, kayaking (I wanna start whitewater but I dunno how to into it).

I'd like to join a hockey league but I can barely skate.
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Self-improvement talk gets bitches wet.
Anybody into art here? I know jack shit about the subject but lately I've been really interested in learning. It seems like an amazing way to open the creative part of the mind, and you can constantly keep improving.

Where does one start?
You could always see if there are any art classes or clubs in your area, or find someone nearby that has an interest in it and they can help you.
First friend I made here is actually a concept artist.
I read. I'm also an incredibly good researcher. I don't know what else to call it. Also I'm starting my computer science degree in a couple months.
>"art", without specifying
>open the creative part of the mind
Seriously though, but stop this faggotry as soon as possible. Consider it a life-hack (hopefully the last one).
Artfag here

Depends what are your goals? What do you want to pain? People, landscapes, cars or other objects? And what style do you like? Realisitic, cartoony, anime-ish (dont draw anime-ish)?

Learning how to draw takes longer than getting fit, keep that in mind, But as soon as you get over the 2d way of thinking into 3d your art gains are going to skyrocket. Plus drawing muscles makes you better understand how to later hit them in the gym
Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain is actually really great for teaching you the basics of drawing, and it also emphasizes the idea of learning visual arts to improve how you physically perceive the world.

Backpacking, especially low grade mountaineering with some scrambles and bouldering along the way.

And mixed martial arts (it's fun if you can find a gym full of nerds that are fascinated by martial arts instead of idiot bros that want to be "the deadliest on the street")
I play piano, and make knives.
Nope, but this Nathan fellow seems like my kinda guy. (no homo)
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>TFW too handlet to play great piano or 8-string guitar.
At least I'm not wristlet, and can literally crush bricks with my grip.
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>criticizing his lack of knowledge about a subject when he starts off saying that he knows nothing about the subject
Honestly you don't need the largest hands to play piano, you just need to pick songs to learn that don't require you to stretch your hand too far. My hands are medium small i'd say and i've been playing for over 10 years.

it's like working out with your voice.

i started singing around the same time i started gym-ing, and i find that exerting control is very similar in both.
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-Mountain Biking
-Music production
-Baseball (Go Royals)
>play MtG
>guns in general(history, design, shooting, etc.)
Not a whole lot that translates over with the grills tho.
Anyone have some suggestions for some things that interest women? Its fucking mind numbing trying to explain smithing or guns (i never mention mtg for obvious reasons)to a woman who either does not give a shit or has no idea what I'm saying?
I fucking love playing Mtg every Friday and weekends with my brehs. I also still go skateboarding just for nostalgia every once in a while.
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Comfy tier hobbies combined with fitness. Feels pretty good.
>Mountain biking

Getting bigger is kind of a disadvantage in all 3 of those so I sometimes wonder why I even bother lifting weights.
Anything that they could eventually get themselves into. There seems to be a recurring meme of girls not enjoying talking about the gym but I genuinely enjoy talking about it with my boyfriend (and just fitness in general). This is a perfectly valid hobby to discuss with a girl. Obviously make sure it's not the only thing you can talk about, but it's always interesting (and they could even join you if they don't already go).

Anyway, hiking, tennis, camping, cooking, baking- all fun to talk about and eventually do together
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Drawing, watercoloring, snowboarding, playing music, reading. You know, the usual weeb stuff.

pic related
Guns, cars and racing, motorcycles, building models, camping, history and vidya.

Lifting is the most recent hobby I picked up really.

Depends on where you live. When I lived in burbland it was nightclubs, movies, music and such. Then I moved out of the city and most girls here seem to be into camping, trucks, hunting and country music.
how did you learn?

>tfw can't sing
>sound like an american idol reject
>coworkers often sing lines from recent pop songs (e.g. hotline bling)
>want to be able to join in too
If you don't have perfect or relative pitch, I'd start by trying to hum out single notes till it starts to...feel right? You definitely have to put in time for your voice to get alot better. I know its gonna hurt but if you're feeling super serious you could always record your voice on the phone and listen to it. It REALLY sucks but its the best, fastest way to improve imo : ^)
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Small-scale farming and fishing.
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pic is an early birthday present to myself.

just got pointers from a sound engineer i met via my bandmate, looked shit up online and sing out of habit whenever i'm home alone. i'm not technically trained really, i just kinda have a naturally decent voice that needed (and still needs) some fine-tuning.
>you could always record your voice on the phone and listen to it

i do this all the time, haha. you think it sucks? i love doing this. there was a point at which all i did for hours a day was record myself on my phone and listen back and make improvements. it's fun.
Well I'm a lot better now haha, I'd say I have the confidence and skills to sing most anywhere and it would be acceptable but at the start, dude it was PAINFUL because you know how shit you are.
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>reading from time to time
I collect spores, mold, & fungus.
That filename caught me off guard lol
pics of your collection pls
Hi, Mike.
> playing vidya
> browsing 4chan
> watching anime
> playing airsoft by myself
kill me
>I'm also an incredibly good researcher
>I don't know what else to call it
call it autism, everybody else does.
I don't really consider lifting a hobby.

>What other hobbies does /fit/ have?
Lots that I have barely time for. Painting/drawing, guitar/bass, graphic design, photography

>Have you applied the discipline you've learned from lifting to other hobbies and did it translate well?
No and not at all. I made the experience that discipline can absolutely ruin every hobby I have. If they somehow become part of my strict schedule, then I would lose all interest in them.

Lifting didn't help me get better at school or 3d even though I should be practicing every day.

I would consider hobbies everything that I don't want to get good at but enjoy for its own sake. Like vidya for me or learning stuff about medicine and the human body.

There is a difference between a hobbyist and a tryhard amateur.
ive never understood how reading is any different from watching tv. Always seemed like old cunts with nostalgic views.

Doesnt do shit to help you develop yourself at all.
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poker and golf

but mostly poker

no limit holdem. considering attempting to go pro
Probably because they only know reading as schoolwork chore. It seems hard and cumbersome, so they think it's somehow good for them. It's weird to me, because it tells me they don't enjoy it, and I absolutely don't see why you would do something that you genuinely do not enjoy.

It's not a real hobby though, as it's merely consumption. To me a hobby needs to be at least somewhat productive.
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