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How does /fit/ feel about wall sits?
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Thread replies: 12
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How does /fit/ feel about wall sits?
There's a bench right next to her, is she stupid?
I'd feel better if she did face sits 5xf
They're a decent way to work the different fibres in your legs that get more from longer time under tension. I hate doing them in a crowded area in the gym though cause they look like they should be easy but your face says otherwise
They used to make us do these as a punishment in the army.
As a volleyball player, I stand by them 100 percent

For reference, I'm 230 lbs and can dunk a basketball off my vertical
Like planks, for your legs.
Needs a skateboard tbqh
Had to do them during lineups when I was a pledge during my fratboy days. Also planks with my elbows on upturned bottle caps

They suck
Lmfao! Noice m8 ;-)
Thread replies: 12
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