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Hello everyone. So, I’m looking for ideas for exercises (or
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Hello everyone.

So, I’m looking for ideas for exercises (or even routines) that I can do in my dorm room. I have access to a single dumbbell and a lot of body weight, haha. I know I can’t do anything substantial with this, but money is an issue and I gotta start somewhere. I’m looking to do as close to full body as I can.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
You can do curls. Lots of curls
bash yourself in the head until you die you useless fuck

The dumbbell is kinda heavy. Dunno if I'm strong enough (yet) to do this
do bodyweight exercises

pushups, situps, planks, squats, make sure to run to burn off that extra fat, do burpees lots of burpees
Get another dumbbell.

Alright, this is what I was figuring would be the suggestion. Now, the muscle I'd get from doing these would burn off fat because of an increase in my metabolism. So, what do you mean by "burn off that extra fat?" Are you saying because running burns more calories initially, it's short-term rather than long?
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>Now, the muscle I'd get from doing these would burn off far because of an increase in my metabolism
What the fuck dude. You clearly have no idea what you're doing so don't spout bro science as if you do.
As much as I don't want to help you here's a solid program you can do with no equipment but a pull up bar (a single dumb bell of apparently unknown weight is not gonna be of much use)
3xf push-ups
3xf sit-ups
3xf chin-ups
3xf body weight sit-ups
Every other day. On rest days run a couple miles. Increase your protein intake. You're not gonna see amazing results but starting from 0 this should help.
Meant to say body weight squats for the last one.
Shouldn't you have a school gym? Don't tell me you're too much of a pussy to use it.
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Pretty much this.

OP could also read the sticky.

Thank you. I guess I should do more research. From my understanding, muscle burns more calories than fat, which I thought this means your metabolism rate increases
Also, the dumbbell is 20lbs + bar, and I have another 10lbs I could add to it
Here's an exercise. First you bend over and pick up the dumbbell, then you put it down, walk outside, and sign up for the campus gym.
>shoulder press
>goblet squat
>pull ups with added weight
it's a start

Anyone have experience doing this? I'd need to find something for the pull-ups, but it seems doable
You can buy a pullup bar at walmart for like 10 bucks.
This! You need two for efficiency, OP. Then go here http://www.dumbbell-exercises.com/ I've been doing dumbbell routines at home since new years, enjoying it a lot.
Have you got any results? What do you do for triceps?

woops. Just saw the link
>What do you do for triceps?
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