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>tfw so fucking depressed >have been lifting on and off
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>tfw so fucking depressed
>have been lifting on and off for 2 years because of the depression
>pretty buff but not lean
>just stopped mid workout and almost cried on the way home for no reason

One of these I'm going to kill myself /fit/
>Have friends and everyone thinks I'm a happy cunt

Are there any supps that can help me? Should I start taking test?
I also have 4 blotters LSD here
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Also relevant comic
ZMA m8
>just stopped mid workout and almost cried on the way home for no reason

Honestly this is an issue that needs professional study. Have you considered anything like that? It could really resolve a lot for you and get to the root of this.

>No one here will have a solid answer not knowing you
Talk to someone m8. Friends, family, hell a therapist if you have to. Don't look for drugs, they'll fuck you up
do you do cardio OP?

helps me a fuck ton, lifting has no effect on my mood though
Just started doing like a few hours a week of cycling, hate it.
do running fgt

then post in the running threads
Yo, got diagnosed with MDD (major depressive order) a few weeks ago. Get professional help, my nigga. Therapy and meds do help. Don't drop acid cause it'll snap your shit up mentally.
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I get horrible shin splints evrytime I try to run, that's why I use the bike.
How are your testosterone levels?

This. You can't fix this on your own, anon.
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Same diagnosis senpai
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Don't do psychedelics if you are in a bad state of mind. Wait for day when you feel good and then take them. Go for a walk, eat some fruit, and listen to Ween.
Nobody knows and my parents will get upset. Psychological disorders do not get covered by health care if you're past the age of 18 here so it will also cost my parents a fortune. That's why I want to solve this.

Also, I don't think I suffer from low test, i build muscle quicker than my friends and I'm aldo stronger.
mirin your ween
200 bills to see a therapist
Years of the same feeling to the point you will probably fall into deeper depression
ur choice m8
also how old are you that you have to do things for your parents?
Remember you are your own being unless you are like 19 sure but if you are 21+ common m8
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We're all gonna make it anon-kun
>Thinking about taking LSD while you're depressed and in emotional turmoil

Get ready for a bad time
DON'T take the LSD on impulse, think about it before you do

Talk to a psych, get put on SSRI

You'll be okay, everything is okay
For real though. Friend of mine dropped acid when he was depressed cause he thought he'd learn something or have some epiphany to bring him out of it. According to him, the trip literally expanded his capacity to feel sadness and now he's way, WAY more depressed than he thought he could ever be. Don't fuck with your brain if your brain is already fucked up.
open yourself to a friend or even a stranger on a bar(try girls or niggers [not thug niggers but regular niggers, they are good with emotional shit]) you'll feel better for letting it all out and probably making some friends
I'm 19 senpai

>Hi I'm anon and I want to fucking slit my throat open in front of everyone. Wanne be my friend?
That's why I said talk to friends and family brah. They'll listen to you and try to help however they can.
I never had friends or a gf. Nothing ever interested me except anime and video games, and eventually I got tired of those things too. Working a shitty, minimum wage, gas station job I am totally miserable. Lifting gives me a sense of purpose and makes life seem a little bit better. Thanks /fit/
What workout do you do? How often a week?

What's your diet like?

What are your current stats?

Cut to a lower body fat, get more sleep, and get more sunlight IMO. And don't give up. Power through those dark times with the thought that bad feelings never last forever, no matter how bad you feel.
Body fat vs muscle regulates hormones, which alter how you feel. Same with sleep, sunlight, and eating right.

Also, don't give me that crap saying "hurr it won't help 'cos it's clinical depression". No matter the condition: proper exercise, diet, sleep and sunlight always help on top of any other changes you make
>I also have 4 blotters LSD here

No. Whatever you're feeling, this will amplify it.
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>just stopped mid workout and almost cried on the way home for no reason

I used to get this sometimes. A mixture of lifelong manic depressive fits and frustration.

Meth/coke have been doing me wonders, I however doubt the validity of this as a long term solution.
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