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Love Handles
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So I had heart surgery last July, for which I'm mostly recovered from although it made me get into some lazy habits so I'm quite out of shape.

Not particularly fat or thin per say. Mostly want to get rid of my love handles and belly.

Still a bit fragile so I can't do anything too strenuous like push ups or anything with heavy weights etc. Although sit ups are fine.

Does anyone have any advice on how to get rid of love handles fast?
Probably a caloric deficit
Also, read sticky
Get a knife.
Cut them off.
Op, medfag here, what's the name of the procedure you had done?
Ross procedure. (switching my valves around)
That's a fucking sick procedure, good luck with everything. I'm not qualified enough yet to tell you what's ok to do or not but if you have any doubts just reach out to your cardiologist, as you already probably know.
Thanks, yeah I have regular check ups with doctors, and it all seems to be running smoothly so far. The chest wound has taken longer to heal than normal annoyingly, but other than that I'm okay.

Before I would cycle almost everywhere, but now I rely on public transportation and don't have much reason to walk a lot which is why I've become so unfit.

Btw you're not Gavin by any chance are you?
why did you get surgery?
Try to walk more. If you live in the city there must be parks or something nearby where you can go or just walk down the street or something. Walking 30 mins to an hour a day is probably your best to get back in shape safely.
Leaking valve needed replacing

Good advice. I live in Greenwich (London) which is quite a nice part of the city
No, I'm not. Never heard of him, sorry.

OP had a leaky/diseased Aortic Valve, which is bad because the Aorta is your biggest blood vessel, you basically need it to bring blood to most everything in your body.

He had the Ross Procedure done which involves replacing his Aortic Valve which links the heart to the Aorta. They replaced it with his Pulmonary Valve, which leads to his lungs. Then they took a dead guys Pulmonary Valve and grafted it/transplanted it inside him.

What's cool about it is that both the new aortic valve and pulmonary valve graft grow with him.
Spot reduction is a myth just eat less

Also don't do any physical activity that your doctors don't tell you is okay or you'll fucking die
Forgive my ignorance, but why can't you just use a dead guys aortic valve, thus only requiring messing around with one valve instead of two?
Not an ignorant question at all, a very good one that actually took me a second to think about. I'm not entirely sure that this is the correct answer, but a quick skim of the literature on the surgery gave me this understanding.

The primary reason that the procedure involves a double valve replacement instead of just a new aorta is that within a patient, his pulmonary valve is a very very close match in shape to the aortic valve. He is also a 100% genetic match to himself. It's near impossible to have that same genetic and physical likeness from a random (although they try to get the best match possible).

We need the patient's own pulmonary valve to act as his new aortic valve because we need the aortic valve to grow with the patients heart, which is only possible if it's a genetic match to the patient. It's much easier to graft a new pulmonary valve than to be forced to re operate on the aortic valve to "adjust" it.

Oh I forgot to mention that this procedure is usually done in children and adolescents over a traditional aortic valve replacement for the "Growth" reason primarily, they have better long-term outcomes.
But you said the pulmonary valve would grow too? So is it basically that if they would use dead guy aorta valve and it NOT work for some reason and require operating again, it would be more difficult to perform that surgery than for the same situation with the pulmonary?

So like the aorta is more difficult to get to than the pulmonary so they want to use their best parts in that and use the iffy parts on the easier one.

I may actually have learned something in /fit/ today.
Theyre grafting a part of the pulmonary valve that displays plasticity, I'm not entirely sure why it does though.

Also, the pulmonary arteries and valve are much much safer to operate on than the aorta. You can bleed out from an aortic tear in minutes. I haven't seen it personally, but I know people who one second are talking to a patient, see the distended belly from the bleed, and the guys dead in minutes.
To clarify, it's not a total valve replacement, they graft a PART of the pulmonary to the aorta, then graft the new dead guy part to the pulmonary. Thus the aorta grows with the graft, and the pulmonary is ok with just the graft. Sorry for the confusion, I'm not too familiar with the procedure.
wow you smart how you get into med school i'm slowly trying but god damn i dont see it possible since i am in community college transfering to a regular 4 year skewl
Assuming USA, adcoms don't care about that kind of thing.
Obviously grades + mcat
Make sure you try to find a volunteering position that you don't hate doing, try to do it for 2 years or more, even just once a week/every other week.
Try to get even a single research project presented, posters, or published, but if you can't, at least have some research experience.
Do some clinical shadowing with physician, and try to get clinical experience, whether that be through voluntwering or working as an EMT or CNA
Get a leadership position in a club you like
If you're a minority, you'll have an easier time getting in, unfortunately I'm not.

You will have to make some sacrifices, but it's worth it in the end if that's what you want to do.
i study 12 hours a day no friends
i got summer research ready
i volunteer in the er
i am a minority
i dont have any clubs i am intersted in but i will try next year
you gave me a small glimmer of hope man
join a powerlifting club since you (should) lift anyway
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