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I'm struggling to understand the purpose of cardio while
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I'm struggling to understand the purpose of cardio while cutting.

Is it simply to allow you to eat a few hundred calories more per day? If so it seems pointless.
Are you actually retarded?
Don't ever post in my thread again unless you plan on contributing.
To burn off fat by creating a caloric deficit you fucking dope.
So why don't you just create a caloric deficit by eating less?
But he is contributing by letting you know you may be retarded
You also create even more of a deficit by adding cardio. It helps you get to your goal weigght faster and it's good for you.
what's the point of that if you're not going to go under TDEE-500 anyway?
How about being healthy you dumb fuck
>I'm struggling to understand the purpose of cardiovascular health

it's like eating vegetables. just do it, man.
Or you could eat a little bit more of the food you like and get healthier at the same time.

I guess it's not absolutely necessary but it makes cuts a lot more pleasant.

But only someone who isn't retarded would know that.
I swear /fit/ is the most dumbest board on this site, OP asks a valid question and then is called a retard by retards.

OP, the higher number of calories you burn off, the greater your body composition will be. This has been observed but we have yet to find out why it happens.
So basically what I said in the subject post? Thank you for contributing nothing.

In no civilised country is that a valid question for anyone over 12 years old.

I can tell from your posts that you have never done a cut before and are probably fat.
cardio is so fucking boring

I can only tolerate it if im on my bike, outside. inside it's just shit, unless you have a tv to watch or w/e.
>anon is walking wit his big muscular gymbros with his manpurse fannypack to carry muh protein n wallet cuz he rather wear compression pants like a faggot than something practical like basketball shorts
>negro with a quick attack steals and runs from anon
>anon cant beat nigger to a black pulp cuz he cant run for shit cuz nocardio

Stay pleb.
Heart gains

Only women do cardio to 'lose weight'
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I do cardio so I can set my alarm at 3:30am to eat peasoup and then go to bed again feeling all warm and gassy without going over my calorie limit.
It might get to a point where eating less is not viable! Otherwise you would starve, so instead of eating less, you work out more.
This is such a stupid question.

How about for health reasons? It is important for overall health. Also like you said it allows you to eat a little more or simply have a larger deficit.
>TDEE 2500
>eat 2000, cardio burn 500
>total = 1500, so -1000 for the day

>TDEE 2500
>eat 1500
>total = 1500, so -1000 for the day

what's the difference
For weight loss its the same. For health purposes cardioversion is superior, obviously.
Cardio makes you fucking hungry though. Always. Every time I go for a 40 minute cardio sesh I feel hungry.
>hurr durr I don't like working out the most important muscle in my body
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>what is heart

Yeah that doesn't work so well when you on a cut at 1200. If I cut lower I feel sick so I work out instead.

And my goal is to be healthy, not thin and still out of shape and with a shit heart.
I crank on my pud at least twice a day

cutting at 1200? how skelly are you?
A better question is why cut at all? Why not just stay fit?

OP is subhuman mind.
> tfw 21
> tfw I act like a 40-year-old woman, bringing my tablet and headphones to the gym and watching TV shows while doing treadmill shit

Probs look retarded, but if you're self-conscious, you don't go to a gym. I enjoy it. I barely need to time myself - I just stack three episodes in a row, and when the last one finishes I know I've been going for an hour or a tad over.

Alternatively, music.

It's the added bonus of blocking the timer on the treadmill so I don't clock watch, which makes it take even longer.
In terms of strict math, there is no difference. But keep in mind, your body's goal is never to just lose weight, it's always to stay alive and maybe lose weight. By dragging in just a basic math formula, you've simplified health and fitness to a point where it's no longer relevant to humans (which is why people are calling you a retard).
doing cardio for purpose of losing weight is a good indicator you're basically a fucking retard
>if you're self-conscious, you don't go to a gym

I have bad news for you son
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I do it for conditioning, muscle development, and weight loss
Which is?

I genuinely don't care how other people at the gym see me. They're either too busy working on themselves, or they're people I'll literally never see outside the gym anyway. I don't talk to people there. I go in, do my work out, and leave.
>30 minutes a day of cardio means 200 cal daily
>1400 a week, which means half a pound
>literally just by running a tiny bit every day
>also building leg muscles and improving your heart (cardio = heart in latin)

Gee I don't know.

It's pointless only if you go "oh, I burnt 200 cal today, which means I can eat 200 more to compensate!!1!". Even at that it's not entirely pointless due to the other benefits, but yes.
How slow are you going that 30 mins is 200 calories?
I burned 395 calories on my 30 min run today? Is that bad?
confirmed not gonna make it
90% of people on this board are self-conscious. That's why we're here.
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I was just using it as an example, but you can easily burn 200 just by walking at a standard pace in those 30 minutes, which only proves OP how much more you could burn.

pic related, you at age 28
Cardiovascular health.

Also there might be a case where you can't cut anymore calories without wrecking your body. You need >60g of carbs for example and protein and fat also have their own minimum limits. Add micronutrients into the mix and you end up having to eat let's say x amount of calories yet your cutting range is smaller than x. That's when you do cardio.
Cardio doesn't help on a cut. In fact it makes it much harder.

Cardio is to help your heart
>starvation mode maymay

top zoz
I get the opposite desu, I get less hungry after I've done cardio, so not only do I burn calories but supress hunger by doing it.
>if something doesn't make me look better it's pointless

To each their own. The way I see it, people generally don't find watching people walk on a treadmill for an hour very interesting.
>tfw always have had a treadmill at home
>so used to being able to watch shows and shit while doing cardio that I can't do even 10 minutes at the gym without being bored out of my mind

Fuck cardio m8s. I know we have to do it and I do it too, but fuck it's boring.
>this is bait
That's why you go full yolo and just bring a tablet or iPad to the gym and watch shit there with headphones.

Works for me, makes time fly by.
Cardiovascular health and general fitness gains
You're not the bright kid of the class are you?
I just warm up at home and the gym is a 5 minute drive away.

I don't even touch the cardio at the gym, fuck that noise.
>I'm struggling to understand the purpose of
the human heart and circulatory system.
>Is it simply to allow you to eat a few hundred calories more per day? If so it seems pointless.

You guys didn't understand the question, I was asking how cardio assists a cut and in your confusion you seem to have resorted to anger.
It also improves your metabolism
>how cardio assists a cut

Your metabolism, retard. That's how.

Cardio burns calories. THEN afterwards, if you worked hard enough, you continue to burn calories as an "afterburn" effect.

Cardio is low intensity for the CNS, so it is easy to maintain on a cut.

So eat a dick, you fat nugget.
Well cardio is good for cardiovascular health for starters. If youre into fitness you should do some amount of cardio per week. It will benefit your gains if done within reason.

As for cutting, it will help you burn calories and lean out easier then if you just eat less food and lift.
So exactly what I said in the OP then? Thanks for contributing nothing.
Here's the long and short of it, from what I can gather:

It assists in a cut by burning more calories, plain and simple. Yes, you can simply eat less and take in less calories, but there's a logical limit to how much of that you can do.

Alongside the caloric benefits, it also boosts metabolism and strengthens your cardiovascular system.

That's it. There's your answer. It helps by burning calories and increases metabolism and cardiovascular. Done.

Why did you need to make a thread for that? There's a QTDDTOT up at the moment.

No jackass, you didn't understand the answer.

No reaI man gives a fuck about caIories. lt's about having a heaIthy heart and card. system.

>A heaIthier body overaII

SimpIe enough
So if you already knew, why did you post a thread about it rather than a) Googling, or b) posting in the QTDDTOT?
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>exactly what I said in the OP then?
Do you know WHAT doesn't burn calories?


Unless you flap your hands real fucking hard.

Stay chubby, faggot.
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LOL, this is what i imagine you look like
Okay so I was right all along.

>Why did you need to make a thread for that?
I know a lot of people who only do cardio while they are cutting, I was wondering why.

lmao I'm just toying with you guys at this point, you probably started lifting to compensate for that low IQ.
>lmao I'm just toying with you guys at this point


top kek
I read while I use an elliptical or a bike. Never have gotten bored of cardio, therefore.
> lmao I'm just toying with you guys at this point, you probably started lifting to compensate for that low IQ.
How to spot someone with a fedora collection 101
>inside it's just shit, unless you have a tv to watch or w/e.
>unless you have a tv to watch or w/e.

So basically it's fine inside for like 100% of people here (and really, people in general) since we all have some medium to watch things/be interactive with (TV, computer, phone, etc.)
>lmao I'm just toying with you

>l'm just pretending to be retarded!

Sure anon.
>tfw milfag
>tfw have to run 5 miles as a standards test
Running is boring and gay but at least being trained in cardio yields some serious health benefits.

Honestly, i would rather be a skinnyfag runner than a builtfag powerlifter. I try to meet a happy medium between weight training, calisthenics/bodyweight, and sprints and endurance.
>>cardio = heart in latin

r u for fuckin real my man

it's greek
Real question: why the fuck does anyone do cardio indoors?

That shit is boring AF, no wonder you guys all hate it. Nothing beats running/biking outdoors.
>be someone who lives somewhere with snow
>it's like -10 out
>don't really feel like running/biking on slippery shit
>don't really want to feel like a popsicle
I cannot watch shows outdoors, nor is it air conditioned.
>live in a big city with shitty infrastructure
>running in parks is a big risk of getting mugged
>running in sidewalk means dodging other people and having to stop for cars all the time
>not watching cute anime girls do magic on TV while running
Why even bother?
Yep your right, weight loss would be the same!

For me I run for:
1. Health purposes, keeps me feeling nice and energetic
2. Being able to eat more, I like getting to cut but still being able to eat enough to have a full stomach and feel satiated. If I go under 2,000 calories, even If I'm doing a light lifting routine, I feel starved.

So instead I lift on a PPL and run each lifting session as well and I'm losing weight at 2,400 cals per day, enough food that I dont even feel like im cutting
Too much traffic and people to get in my way. I would do cardio outside if I lived close to a park or some trails but I'm not going to drive 30 minutes just to run or bike when I can do it at home.

Bro i live in chicago and run. Your ass isn't gonna get mugged. You live in Detroit lol? Just outrun anyone who looks at you like they wanna jump you.

To the anon who said you can't watch TV... music is so much more motivating though! But that's me. I get a lot of my energy from music. TV would bore me even more.

As for the cold, bundle up! You heat up when you run, anyway.

Snow? Obstacle course.

Ice? Buy metal cleats.

>when lunkheads never learn

cardio activates a vastly different set of hormonal reactions/changes in receptor shit

for example, there's alpha-2 adrenergic receptor inhibition, which makes lipolytic transport (fat movement) in/OUT of cells easier.

You can better burn the 'hard to get fat' in your gut, handles, and flank by doing so (in these areas, fat cells have a greater density of these alpha-2 adrenergic receptors).

mild intensity cardio for an hour with an alpha-2 adrenergic receptor inhibitor (yohimbine, synephrine, etc) is beast mode, your body eats fat like a hambeast.

HIIT, on the other hand, elicits a spike in GH that last hours and hours longer than strength or steady-state cardio.

Lastly, yohimbine, alcar, and citrulline/NO things help your body engage in lipolysis quite well = fat burning cocktail.

The 'no cardio' is a meme created by morons who can't science the shit out of a shit to save their life.
>Your ass isn't gonna get mugged.

I've already been mugged 4 times kek


Inb4 jinx and shit but i am a 5'3" woman and have been running outside after midnight in st. Louis and chicago for almost 8 years and have never been messed with

I use it to lose weight.
Forget the weird hormonal crap. There are far easier ways to explain why cardio helps.

Burning 2500 but eating 2000 is better than burning 2000 and eating 1500 because you can get more nutrients in making you feel better and preserving more muscle. Alternatively you can just burn 2500 but eat 1500 and cut faster.

No mater how you look at it cardio is helpful for cutting, and thats without all the overall health benefits it has.

I don't care what part of your diet/weight plan you are on.

Cardio is extremely important for life. It effects tons of chemicals in your body that help you function, feel good, and live right.

Every human on Earth should be doing at least 1hr of cardio per week.
I don't calculate the calories I lose from cardio into my diet. I dont accurately knkw how many calories im burning and quite honestly the calories I burn aren't significant enough

Third world country.
Apparently not enough chemicals to let your brain function and differentiate affects from effects

Maybe less cardio will help with that
I go running at night, its top tier cardio desu
>barely control my diet, eat tons of fast food and tasty shit
>only count grams of protein, which ends up being a decent bulk
>lift 4 days a week minimum

Then, when I want to cut some body fat
>keep lifting and eating same as before
>do HIIT 2 or 3 days a week
>long cardio session 1 day a week
>pop some Yohimbine + Caffeine + Aspirine + L-Arginine while fasted and go for a 40 minute LISS cardio session
>don't eat for 5 hours after
>lift fasted and have lunch afterwards
>fat melts

It's super easy, as the most tiresome, annoying and infuriating part of fitness is dieting
>I'm struggling to understand the purpose of cardio (while cutting)

How about to maintain a fit and healthy cardiovascular system? I can tell you're DYEL just by this thread alone. Only DYEL faggots go to the gym only to focus on trying to look good.

Its as if you don't want to retain muscle when you cut.

>hurdur just cut more calories guise, means i can sit on my ass at the computer more hours!
>Running on treadmills
Literally why? If you're running outside, you exert more force because you're actually moving your own body. On the treadmill you're essentially just putting one foot down after the other to stop yourself from falling off because the treadmill is the one moving you. Guaranteed if you can run a maximum 20km on a treadmill, you won't even come close to reaching that distance if you did it outdoors.

Protip: Do rows or the bike instead. They have added resistance which imitates the real thing.
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nigga u fucked up
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Whenever I use the treadmill I do it at max incline

i find the treadmill boring as shit--only used it once when the weather was so bad that running outside was impossible. i do have to say though... it kicked. my. ass. i have never limped so badly after a run. i walked out of the gym in a t-shirt into a blizzard and just sat there for 10 minutes.
How the fuck do read a book while on an elliptical?
doing cardio for health purposes is good

doing cardio mainly for weight loss is full retard
Actually that was a great contribution.
>1200 calories a day
Like I go running downtown all the time without worrying about getting mugged. YOU KNOW WHY? Because no one messes with runners! Like what are they going to steal from me? My iPod nano and some running shoes? GTFO
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