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My bulge shows when I wear my under armor compression pants.
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Thread replies: 34
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My bulge shows when I wear my under armor compression pants. Is that gay?
Yes, wear shorts.
Only insecure fags wear shorts over them.
no, it's only gay to look at it
Yes wearing compression pants is meant to be gay
Wear a shield(TM) .
You DO want to assert your dominance, right?
Only the alphas are gonna make it.
Compression pants are meant to be a base layer (aka under your actual pants)

Fucking virgin wearing them like yoga pants
lmao no. that defeats the purpose.
If you want to be that guy at the gym buy some proper tights and stop wearing a base layer as an outer garment.

>under armour
>compression pants

Unless you're a semi-pro or above skier/snowboarder u gay son.
Just throw shorts over them. If you want your ass to show then throw tight shorts or even spandex shorts over them
No it doesnt you fucking retarded dyel. Compression pants "improve" blood flow or someshit, it makes zero fucking difference if you wear pants on top of them

lmao strong projection
wear a cod piece to cover your bulge
just to be clear, the dude that responded to you isn't the same dude that explained it being a base layer
Don't worry, let us see that joocy pp
These are so faggy


wearing compression pants is gay
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Not at all!
You should wear them all the time, everywhere.
Feel free to pair them with a compression shirt, or no shirt at all.
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Of course not bro. Milli and Vanilli did it.
>implying that's compression pants
Nice dick faggot
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>tfw hot blond guy always wearing compression pants that makes his penis outline visible
>tfw we're at the gym the same hours on most days
>tfw i see his penis everyday
>tfw i can't have it

I can't concentrate on my routine, stop please.
Stop looking at my dick then, faggot

No. Be comfy.
>Is that gay?
Only if you like it
>is having a dick gay
well yes obviously
So what you insecure faggot ?
You wear these pants for sports... Jiu Jitsu, Rugby, Football, Soccer so you don't tear up your knees when falling/rolling.

If you wear these to workout you are a gigantic fucking faggot.
Wait...is he about 6'1" and in california by chance?
I'd say closer to 6'2 but yea SoCal
Was this at a UNI gym down there also? Because I may know the guy you are lusting after
Nope, i'm in Amsterdam kek.
Thread replies: 34
Thread images: 4

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