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What does cutting feel like?
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Throughout my entire life, I've maintained a level of fat lending itself to the skinny fat body type. Of course after two years of not being a couch potato, I've got some muscle under that, and I recently discovered that I have the beginnings of abs under the fat. I'd like to reveal them.

But I've never lost weight before, and I don't know what it feels like when you're doing it right and being in a caloric deficit. Does it feel like hunger pains, or is it more subtle than that? Should I be feeling empty throughout the day, or only when I haven't had a meal in a while?

I'm hoping to cut based off how I feel, and eating small portions so that I can avoid going over what I need. Is this a viable method, or do I need to start doing the drudgery of calorie counting?

I don't have time for that shit, I make meals with broccoli and spinach and chard and peas and lettuce and carrot and onion and tomato and olive oil and mackerel and homemade chickenstock. You telling me I have to measure and calculate all of that? Jesus.
Avoid calorie dense sugary shit and it's easy.
feels like hunger desu
>wahhhh counting calories is hard
How the fuck did you pass the first grade?
Lazy sack of shit
It sucks. Thats why most people cant do it. Youre hungry and weak for the entire process. But let me tell you that the satisfaction you get on the other side is well worth it
If you eat properly you won't feel hungry. You may even feel less hungry that you do when you eat junk food. 300kcal worth of chicken breast will fill you up whereas if you eat a 300kcal chocolate bar you'll be hungry again in 20 minutes.
Hungry,pretty much all the time. Mental health will suffer and the amount of self control is insane.

like suffering

but you wont reach your goals without sacrifices.

>captcha is pancakes

fuck off captcha
Most everyone who says how easy it is isnt even cutting properly. A lot of these skinny fat virgins get on here an want to cut so they "clean up" their diet. That results to less sugar and sodium intake. The result is a large loss of water weight but not much actual fat. The scale says theyre 10 pounds lighter and they feel all smug in superior when in reality they have accomplished very little. A real cut takes several weeks most likely months at eating below your TDEE. Hint: your body hates this. Youll have less energy and be more irritable and feel less satiated even after a large meal. Cutting fucking blows because your body is designed to prevent this. Not saying its impossible like some HAES whale. But it is difficult and thats why so many people can make substantial long term lifestyle changes

Cutting sucks balls
IF makes it much easier. Your appetite isn't triggered till you eat something.
anyone ever do cardio twice in one day?

im on a rest day and bored as fuck
I love cutting. I count calories and weigh my food. The discipline that I exercise with my diet leaks into other aspect of my life. I sleep regularly, focus more on my assignments for uni and read more than I do when I'm bulking or not sticking to a diet. I'm drinking more water too and hitting cardio for heart/lung gains.
See, this is the first time anyone has told me this. I'd have thought I'd have picked it up somewhere, but apparently I have to make a thread to extract this information. This changes everything. Thanks for your great answers.

I suppose when I had written off calorie counting I was still making individual meals. Now I make everything in bulk, which could be measured once and recorded in kilojoule per gram. So really you're totally right, I am a lazy sack of shit.
Cutting feels like shit. unless I eat a shit ton of veggies or adderall to kill my appetite

You have to get used to the feeling of being hungry. Unless you're like my friend who has the concept of food is just being fuel. I'm not at that level of thinking so unfortunately I still feel hungry and IRRITATED

It's worth it I guess. Once I started my cut 3rd week I got a big vein on my forearms and girls in my class kept commenting abt it
IF YOU ARE HUNGRY, YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG. FUCKING HELL. It isn't difficult at all. If you eat properly you will not be hungry. Stop eating McDonalds and bread all day and you won't be hungry at all, just eat filling food and you will be full. Go and eat a pile of 300g of brocolli, which is barely even 100 calories and then tell me you're still hungry. Fucking morons.

There is no hope, you're just choosing what to believe by only listening to people telling you "WAAAH IT'S HARD". IT ISN'T DIFFICULT IF YOU DO IT PROPERLY
This guy has it right. Eat nutritious, calorie dense foods and you should not be very hungry at all during your cut. I find myself struggling to hit 1800 cals because I'm just not that hungry.
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Youll feel the hunger, with but a lot of fiber, water, coffe and tea you will learn to face it.

If you dont want to count your calories for ever, you can do it for one weak or two, until you learn how many calories have a portion of every food
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I have never been able to lose fat weight without logging all my foods on an app. The thing is, these apps get hella fast and easy to use once you get used to using them for a couple weeks. I spend ten min per day logging my shit max. That's only if I have a lot of shit to log. Usually it only takes me like 3 min per day to get everything logged, and it tells you much more than calories. It tells you macro amounts and percentages, sodium, micros, water amounts (depending on the app and whether or not you have payed to unlock the super advanced features.) Just using the free version ive dropped 20lbs in 2 months without using dnp or anything weird. Just eating more veggies, fewer calories, cleaner foods, and logging it all in to know exactly how much ill lose by the end of the week. Get a calorie counting app anon and practice using it for a couple weeks until you're proficient and can log everything you eat with ease.
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Forgot to describe how it feels. You will feel hungry more often if you don't get ALOT of low cal veggies in (Pro tip: Buy the cheap frozen bags of green beans and broccoli. Inexpensive, easy to steam, and will fill you up with just over 100 calories. Beware that corn, carrots and peas are slightly higher calories than other veggies. Keep that in mind.) If you don't get enough complex carbs in you will feel tired. Drink lots of black coffee and exercise when you feel tired. You will crave unhealthy food a lot, and that's the reason few people are shredded. It just sucks not eating delicious foods and soda for months at a time. But if I can do it then you can too. You just have to get good at fighting your instincts, and that takes practice. You're going to feel like you are losing muscle, but if your lifts aren't going down then you aren't actually losing muscle, you just had less muscle than you thought. You thought your big arms were really huge when really they were mostly fat. If your lifts start to go down, you aren't eating enough protein and drinking enough water. Drink loads of water and pee all day to help feel full, in addition to veggies.
>High in cals.
30 cals for 100 gr
So nope
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I second this. Cutting makes you better at other aspects of life. This is 100% true. I am this guy:
It sucks at first because you are eating less with none of the benefits because you're still high bodyfat.

Once you get over the hump of the first few weeks seeing your bodyfat decrease is just as rewarding as seeing your lifts go up imo.

Your priority shifts from gaining strength to getting lean.
All these people saying they're hungry and losing a ton of strength on a cut aren't doing it right.

I drop a couple of reps maybe from my working weight at most and I'm never hungry.
I usually eat my carrots mixed with corn and peas because that's the way they come at the store I shop in (the cheap frozen veggies not the expensive fresh ones). So that's probably why I thought they were higher cal than most veggies. But you're right, that isn't that bad.
Jesus christ you don't even have to meal prep in bulk to count calories, just read the fucking nutrition facts label of whatever you shove down your gullet. If it gives a number of servings per package calculate how many servings you're eating. Why the fuck do I still come to this shithole board
Don't make it sound like meal prep in bulk is a bad thing though. You don't have to but it's not a bad practice.
This, just make most of your cutting calories come from protein. Get some caffeine in you before working out if you insist on it and bam, new PR's while still losing fat

>What does cutting feel like?
Doesn't feel like anything to actually burn the fat, you only feel hunger.
I've started losing alot of weight(from 300lbs to 220 lbs over 8-9 months), and the only thing I feel is my stomach having a 'burning' sensation.
I buy those too and then I separate the different veggies because autist.
I eat the carrots first, have the peas for special treats and feed the corn to my dog because it's vile.
Insane progress. More veggies though senpai.
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Vile like tastes bad, or vile nutritionally speaking? I eat that fucking corn up, it's delicious. I'm american though so I eat everything..
80 lbs in 8-9 months sounds a little dangerous, stretch marks and loose skin
It doesn't have good micros and is high on cals. It's just yellow little sugar bombs imao, but I'm fucking weird with food so don't take me too serious.
>don't take me too serious.

No i'm actually with you. I'll just stop buying the kind with corn.
what's the name of that guys YouTube channel in OPs pic?

I used to watch it ages ago
A slight discomfort in your stomach. Can be dulled by drinking coffee and lots of water. Just remember every breath you take you're losing fat. You could also try intermittent fasting to group your meals into a few hours.
Yeah that was my mistake, but I felt motivated as fuck, and the hunger pains started to feel good.
Not anorexic though, I keep with a meal plan now.
>Just remember every breath you take you're losing fat.

Not OP. Weirdly enough this helped me get through tough days.

Question about intermittent fasting: Do you still drink protein shakes or anything? Because the body needs protein regulary unless you want it to start taking it from your muscles. The body cannot store protein like fat
>hunger pains started to feel good.

Same here, once I saw enough progress. It was like productive masochism.

Now that I eat the greens I realize that there's no need to feel so much discomfort. Still, "what doesn't kill you..." and all.
Yeah true. I started to eat alot of veggies now but I've always feel empty when I do. Probably a part of a fatass mindset that stuck with me.
you will feel mentally and physically dull and want to quit any time you have to exert yourself
>you will feel mentally and physically dull and want to quit any time you have to exert yourself

This is 100% true for me aswell. If you can OP, begin to only shop for groceries once a week. and always shop with a full stomach. Else I would always use some kind of fat-logic to get a bag of chips or candy.
What? You clearly aren't cutting right then. Or at the very least are making it way harder than it needs to be.

I've been cutting and I never have to starve myself. Plan ahead. Eat satiating foods. Don't eat crap like junk food that has a lot of calories and isn't satiating that's an easy way to go over your calorie limit.

If you just eat smart you don't even have to torture yourself.
This is the exact kind of incorrect information that irritates me
I used to be a gluttonous scumbag... I cut away approximately 75% of my food intake and spread the small meals I eat out with 3 hour intervals. if I get hungry in between my designated meal times I eat a few nuts and or drink something so my stomach has something to work on but I have stopped eating until i feel full .I stop eating when I am satiated lost 20lbs in two months
I did the whole lean bulk and cut for years

Slow as shit gains and feel like crap for 9 months out of the year

Now I eat dirty as fuck, bulk and build mass and strength real fast and do a 3 week cycle of dnp, so I feel like shit 3 weeks out of the year, and I look juicier than ever

if you eat clen and tren hard anything is possible
I can't ten because hairloss, I can only do weight loss stuff
I normally work out in the afternoon so I'd have a shake during my eating window. If I work out early in the morning then I have a shake post workout, which breaks the fast, but my next 'real' meal would still be in my eating window.
Yohimbine is an herb that made me get lean really fast in fact so lean it I got scared and decided to quit. People were always talking about how shredded I was irl. The attention activated my autism and that made me want to stop too. I was looking like a poor man's Rocky III. Rocky III body is what my goal is. I don't want to get any bigger than that.
Cutting feels good.

Food feels like it has a purpose rather than just being shovelled down your throat like the normies. Every nutrient has to count, and nothing feels better than a good balanced meal when you are truly hungry.
You see your weight lowering on the scale, and you feel like you've accomplished something
Your muscles start to show, and your confidence improves.
People compliment you on your weight loss making you feel better, and those who don't think weight loss is possible become petty in the face of evidence, making you feel better than them.

That is of course if you do it right, and not pussy out due to a lack of willpower.
intermittent fasting is the way to go. eat one large meal a day, supplement with walking/biking or some cardio. you'll get shredded as fuck fairly quickly.
like bags of sand
is that gothic king cobra? I remember watching a documentary on him by trapped, it was pretty good.
So have any of you actually seen Gothic King Cobra?


Surprised nobody is asking about that pic.
>Surprised nobody is asking about that pic.
Nvm I was wrong.
If you eat clean you won't have much physical hunger, just mental hunger.

You really have to pick your poison on this one.
yeah that doc is based.
Apparently he's still making youtube vids this was from 20 hours ago.


I think he's one of those guys who is trapped in time. He'll probably never change.
I don't eat anything that comes in packets. Most of the veg eat is home grown, and the rest is farmers' market produce, which has no labels. All the meat I buy doesn't come with nutritional information either. On the occasions I eat bread it's home made, so it all has 8 or so components which are a pain to track down.

Perhaps you are used to america's obsession with plastic and assume everyone else eats food that comes in packets. Not so in other parts of the world.
Cutting because of how you feel makes you a faggot
Source: high school emos

can you get it in australia?
Sorry, but you guys are wrong. It definitely helps you feel fuller with healthier foods, but there definitely comes a point in your cut when you're just always a little hunger. Especially when you're getting pretty lean. Especially when you're cutting at a 1k kcal deficit.

On the bright side, I've learned to love this hunger in a way. Plus, it makes me feel more alert.
Use MyFitnessPal and buy a food scale.

It's not as complicated as you may think it is.

Unless you are 10 years old or something.

Just know that all of us fatties underestimate how much we eat so make sure to eat ~100kcal less than your daily goal.
>I've learned to love this hunger in a way

I'm anywhere between 1000-1500kcal deficit and I've learned to like hunger pangs just as I learned to like DOMs or shin splints.

No pain no gain baby. It's all just in our minds. If you manage to sleep completely fasted once, any regular hunger feeling seems babby mode afterwards.

underrated kek
Yeah, I don't get a lot of this shit. To me, bulking is harder, because you have to stay in a certain calorie range to not get fat. Cutting is easy, because you can just minimize your shit and wing it. You also have to prepare less food, you don't get messy shits three times a day, and I just feel better. Eating a lot makes me sleepy and drowsy, when cutting I feel more aware.

tl;dr You're probably gonna hate it because you're a fatty and people tend to hate going into the opposite direction.
>I don't have time for that shit, I make meals with broccoli and spinach and chard and peas and lettuce and carrot and onion and tomato and olive oil and mackerel and homemade chickenstock. You telling me I have to measure and calculate all of that? Jesus.

Not going to make it.

you've never lifted for longer than five minutes, I can tell.
Weak willed bitch spotted.
When I am cutting and getting below 15% bodyfat I start feeling almost in a dream-like state. It's hard to explain but it's def that way sometimes. I seem to let go of my inhibitions when I am getting leaner and leaner. Shit doesn't get to me anywhere near as much because I feel so god damn good about how I look, it's almost euphoric in a way.
hey fit i'm 177 cm 60kg should I bulk or cut

You're only supposed to cut if you actually have muscle mass (or if you're obese, which at 177cm 60kg you shouldn't be)

Cut your kcals, cut that heavy lifting bullshit and only work on high rep with cables/machines and cardio.
depends on how hard you cut

cutting ~300-500 calories you just feel a bit hungrier

anymore than 500 though you start to get just less hungry in general after a while. the first weeks always suck on this hard of a deficit but then it goes away.

300-500 is hardest to cut on imo, especially since it takes forever just to lose a lb
Don't forget to drink your exotic tea, do fat spot reduction and use mineral wraps.
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