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How do we solve national obesity?
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How do we solve national obesity?
Ban powerlifting
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By getting the government out of everything.
a wafer-thin mint
Fat tax
Also make having obese children count as abuse.There I solved it.Also enough with the corn In everything okay America?
Like Japan did.

Mandatory weight loss camp if your waist is a certain size, and fat tax.
this is why the country stagnates. Can't even agree on this most basic issue
Stop giving people benefits if they are disabled from their weight. Literally all you have to do is take their money away and they will starve and lose the weight. Why is this so hard to understand?
hide the salami
its so disappointing that obesity is literally a problem when i am not even obese
1. Solve the "Grocery desert" Issue so that the poor don't need to eat twinkies for every meal
2. Actually, solve the poor problem since the likely % of Poor to Fat is massive
3. Shit, even if poor people are uplifted to a meagre standard of living they'd still be retarded and would go back to poverty immediately so I guess you have to fix education
4. Once they have money and brains, they can eat well
...but they'd still be undisciplined and lack any self control so you're going to have to fund mental health centers

Uuuhhh, become an idealized Canada?
I mean, like not Canada, The Great White North(tm) sort of sucks, but become their idealized self image
>Government out, 64 Oz Cups
>Government in, 16 Oz Cups

Nice bait.

A fairly large portion of the obese population is on welfare and people pop out a bunch of fat ass kids to get more welfare. Also, the government subsidizes the shit out of corn.

Seems like government is the problem. Not sure that giving the government more money is going to fix the problem.

>government in - using welfare to buy 64 oz cups of soda
>government out - people make better choices with their limited income

Nice bait.

So, they just go to the grocery store and use their food stamps to buy 2 liter bottles of soda. What's your point?
You're right I just thought the tax would dissuade people from gorging themselves.
Proper, consistent, realistic education in school. No "We all come in different sizes" bullshit, just the raw truth about nutrition and weight loss.

Declare child obesity of a certain degree as what it really is: Child abuse.

Ban stuff like HAES and whatnot. It is legitimately propagating lies that can seriously harm the health of millions.

Tax fatties. Set flight ticket prices by weight. It's unreasonable that a person who weighs twice as much pays the same I do AND makes the experience worse for everyone.
You do know that there is a higher chance of slim/thin tax
>people still buy shit because they're dumb poor people with no grocery stores nearby

It will, for some, but like most government intervention it's likely to cause a whole host of other problem. Government involvement rarely fixes social issues. The government has been actively trying to give minorities a leg up for decades and yet the disparity between whites and non-asian minorities only seems to be growing, when prior to the government involvement in the 60's the disparity seemed to be decreasing even in spite of a totally racist society.

You can almost guarantee that any bill passed by Congress is going to have the exact opposite effect of its intention.
right because people make such good choices now
what you're implying would work for maybe 5% of those people, the rest would continue to be just as fucking stupid except they'd have an even douchier sense of fake american "freeedom" and they'd probably have more guns and to accidentally shoot their childern/family members with because they're stupid and can't responsible in any way and no one would make them pay taxes to deal with the problems they cause for everyone else with their living

Let dumb people be dumb. Don't waste trillions of dollars trying to save people from themselves.
good on that fatty, workin hard to lose weight. hope that tubbo stuck/sticks with it
All we can realistically do is educate. Anything beyond that, and we risk becoming even more of a thought-police nanny state than we already have.

We should be free to choose for ourselves to drink/not drink that soda. And if enough of us choose to not drink it (i.e. vote with our dollars) then maybe it will go away on its own, no legislation required.
Middle class is just as obese and rich fags are also very obese even if their ratio is lower.
Stop taking out of your ass, people aren't fat because they are poor.

All of our government intervention into these issues have only exacerbated them exponentially. If people want to be stupid and make stupid decisions, let them. If you don't have a government program subsidizes the morons that get fat and collect welfare because they can't work, then there is a hell of a lot less incentive to do that.

If people actually commit a crime (like shooting they're own family members), then hold them accountable, but stop trying to save people from themselves, you can only create incentives for that behavior by doing so.
Yeah no.
>You can almost guarantee that any bill passed by Congress is going to have the exact opposite effect of its intention.

This. It's like people still don't get that the name of a bill (e.g. the "Affordable Care Act") and what the bill actually does in reality are two completely different things.
Middle class fags are stuck in the same precarious situation as the poor and have to drive 30 miles through traffic to get to a proper grocery store.

>rich fags are also very obese even if their ratio is lower
Prove it

So, who decides what the "correct" weight is for the average person? Also, how is this tax enforced without spending billions of dollars going around weighing people?
Internment camps
These are pretty reasonable, but I'm gonna add my own:

Get rid of corn (maybe even all grain) subsidies and put those subsidies into fruit and vegetables instead. Get more grocery stores in poor areas.

Declare that obese and overweight (to a certain degree) people can't apply to get government benefits. People who are already obese and on government benefits have a year and a half to lose the weight (with some sort of educational program included) or they're on their own. This includes things like medicaid. It's not the government's job to solve your self inflicted diseases.

Get rid of "disability" benefits for the obese and overweight. This includes handicap parking permits and the scooters in stores that are meant for people who are actually unable to walk.

You'll see none of these actually really help people choose to stop being fat, but rather punishes them for it. Punishment and discomfort is usually a much better solution than positive reinforcement on a national scale. We currently make being fat a very easy decision when it should be a painful, uncomfortable one. But good luck getting through the legalized corruption in Congress to do ANYTHING close to what needs to be done.
>rich fags are also very obese

want to know how i know you're poor?
>what is ideal weight based on height
You must be new.
>People have shit education
>they can't afford to leave for somewhere better
>idiots like you still insist it's their fault

You gotta address reality if you ever want to solve societal issues, breh.
/fit/pol/x/ crossover thread engaged.

Do you think it's possible it's some sort of conspiracy? Do you suppose our government WANTS us all to get fat, and think that's totally normal/acceptable, so that we literally become physically incapable of revolting when they do eventually overturn the Second Amendment followed quickly by the First Amendment?

Why do you think people continue to have a shit education despite decades of government subsidized public education? Do you think government is going to fix that problem?

I'm aware of BMI and you didn't answer my second question. So, are you going to tax body builders?
I do agree though that airlines should charge based on weight. You should stand on a scale, with your bags, and you pay by the pound.
Obesity is merely correlated with poverty. I'd say both have a common cause: Lack of education and stupidity.
Nice try, Rand. Go back to irrelevance.
Nothing you can do is going to motivate people to eat healthy and workout unless you're standing there with each individual prodding them with a stun gun. Pain motivates people far more than fear. You could threaten a fatty with a tax, and they'll just sit there ignoring the problem. Time will pass, and pressure will build, but the fatty will just start eating more as they get stressed out instead of trying to lose weight to avoid the tax. So flat out taxing fat people wouldn't work, and besides some of the fattest people in America have literally 0 taxable income, and are living off of welfare.

Step 1.) Restructure the EBT/food stamp program so you cannot purchase sod, cookies, or anything else shitty.
Step 2.) Tax the companies producing the product rather than the end users of the product. You're putting pressure on a far smaller group of people who hold a lot more money. Its possible to tax markets straight out of existence.
Step 3.) Get rid of the fuck stupid food pyramid and teach every single child in America about macro and micro nutrients. Drill it into their heads starting in 1st grade. They can continue learning about it every single year, and pair it with sex ed. Also sex ed should be mandatory everywhere.
Step 4.) End corn subsidies to make HFCS more expensive than regular cane sugar or beet sugar.
Step 5.) Allow employers to institute employee health benefit programs without fatty-fat fats claiming its discrimination
Step 6.) And this is where it really gets good, it seems costly, but it would pay off in the end. The government would match your employer's 401K contributions for every month you lose weight from a point where a doctor certifies you as obese until you reach a healthy weight.

Problem fucking solved.
I don't think it's necessarily their ultimate goal, but rather a convenient side effect of their real goal: money. Almost everything modern Congress does is because they're paid by one group or another to do it.

Besides, the first amendment is already a shadow of what it was, and has been since the Alien and Sedition acts. I doubt most people would notice a difference since so few truly ever say anything incendiary and revolutionary in life.

That's a really complex issue that would be hard to address while typing on my phone, but I'm sure you're already aware of the complexity and are just being difficult. An issue being hard to solve doesn't mean you can't solve it, and your method of saying "fuck it" isn't a solution either.
I don't give a shit about them. I give a shit about me. I want to pay taxes for my future healthcare and emergency response needs, as well as developing infrastructure and subsidizing education for ME and my descendants. If you wanna make a bomb shelter in your backyard to hide your money and play cowboys and indians with your disaster/communist-proof redneck militia buddies that's cool, but I value the ability of a state that I live in and have to make concessions re. law and order to at least being able to help its citizens when shit happens. And that requires taxes, and then the subsequent spending of those taxes. If you're upset that the fatties are taking an inappropriately large % of that tax expenditure, then maybe you should consider voting for education and tax reform that targets the fatties.
The government is too bloated and bureaucratic to be that conspiratorial, despite what the Internet says.

But it's completely obvious and not even a secret that food producers--especially sweet makers--want people to be fat. More money for them. The invisible hand is actually what's cramming twinkies and sodas down everyone's throat.
Maybe some group of businessmen got together and decided it would be good for business if 610,000 people died of heart disease every year in the US.
Only if they linger on and rack up huge medical bills for our for-profit Healthcare system, which most probably do.
>government invented McDonald's and 10 nuggets for 1.49
Fuck that's pretty impressive, she must weight two hundred pounds
Through love, understanding, and compassion for our fellow man.

Olympic Weightlifting is a feminine sport for girly men

This guy gets it with the food deserts

But then you went and dropped the ball with the Canada circle jerk

Canadians are the most arrogant passive aggressive beta pussies that there are

They disgust me.
Farm subsidies broham.
They disgust me too, and I'm the guy who posted it

And I'm Canadian
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>Canadian laughing

As a Canadian this gets me every time.
Give people more money, and they'll eat less.
Remember when I was little a FAT person was around 230 lbs, 10 yrs later a FAT person is 300 lbs, now a FAT person is 350 lbs.

It was rare to see a person over 300 lbs 20 yrs ago, now I see 20-30 a day.

Why is it so acceptable?
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It's not my fault that >50% of the US population has a two-digit IQ and can't lose weight.

>we jus need mo education we gon gets it rite
Nobody is sincerely in the dark about their size (except maybe nigresses, they seem to think that being 300lbs is good). If fatties want to lose weight they can figure out how to do it for free. Spending money to remind fat people that they're fat won't do shit.
>fat tax
I wish, but then again I wish a lot of things for this country that seem unreasonable as of now

Pic related, worth $10B

Obesity is more corrected with the 40 million niggers in our country than anything
She is smashing that

Good to see
>blaming niggers
>blaming others
>taking no responsibility
found the fatty

The anon you were talking to.

Poor faggots need to stop making fucking excuses, you are beyond disgusting.
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Forgot my pic.

Stop the fucking excuses seriously poorfags, it's beyond disgussting that you think anyone believes your bullshit...
This is coming from a fucking third worlder, guess what, poor people aren't fucking obese except for the lazy shits that - choose - to eat fast food, really poor people either eat little food or cook their own fucking food.
Found the actual poor-fag too angry at the world to accept others might know better.
I have nothing to take responsibility for because I'm not fat.

If I were fat, it'd be on me and I wouldn't need government subsidized education/meal plans/GIBSMEDAT to lose weight. I would just eat less and move more.
This thread is about Amerifats, not the global obesity problem

Suck our collective red/white/blue dicks
Refer to
You are beyoond fucking retarded anon, stop making shitty excuses, your income level is not a justification for being an obese faggot.


Sorry kid, I'm a tea party conservative, that's not true, poor people are always to blame.
And the data I'm posting is done by the fucking CDC. Yes that CDC.
It's american fucking data. Jesus christ you 'meritards have less brainpower than tuna.

>always to blame
What the fuck are you on about? I'm saying poor people are at fault if they are fat, they can't blame "muh ebil system"
>Implying us tea party conservatives aren't genius IQ
fucking yuroshits
I'd expect the other way around because it's already been pointed out that people will have to spend more on healthcare for boomers/elderly than ever before because so many of them are overweight.
>/fit/ has the same retardation as HAES activists and makes excuses for their shitty behavior
>can't do what any retarded sandnigger with iron pans and rotten goat meat can
The CDC isn't American stupid.
1. Not Fat
2. Not Poor

Stop projecting you dense brown fuck
develop a chemical that causes fat to heat up inside the human body.
20-25%bf and you will likely be very ill.
any higher and you die of hyperthermia.
Put it in all McDonalds drinks, and let nature take its course.
I... This is a joke right?
You can't possibly be this retarded
Here, I'll help you find the answers.

Projectaaan hurrr.
Fuck off nigger, I'm not a fucking obese shit because I'm not retarded like you or the little dipshits you are defending. Just close your fucking mouth and eat like a normal human being. Just cook shit instead of buying tonnes of KFC buckets and soda.

Prices here are higher, wages are lower, and people still manage, you fucking ameritards need to stop being the shame of the world and grow the fuck up. Own up your own stupid behavior.
Everything you say proves how idiotic you are, you can acknowledge that shit is different
>Prices here are higher, wages are lower
Here, but not anywhere else?
Lifestyles between people in different fucking countries are different only on those two lines?
Hah, you fucking inbred goat fucker

We're all laughing at you but you can't even see it
Japan did this shit based on waist circumference, not weight.
I'm not a sand nigger, ahmed, I gave you a single example.
Latin America mostly managed (until it got infected with ameritard culture), Southeast Asia manages, fucking hell man. Nobody is forced to eat like crap.

>b-but muh cultural differences
Okay so cultural differences also excuse Ahmed blowing himself up or Jakub mutilating genitals?
If you can acknowledge it's a shit culture then don't act on it.
Kill yourself. Plain and simple. All you give are excuses, excuses and more excuses.

>Here, but not anywhere else?
Here and in most of the third world. Americans have it good but like to complain, the reason you are all a bunch of fat failures is because you are coddled little shits that act on impulse, with no fucking discipline, stop blaming the evil system and admit you are all just crybabies with a shitty culture, and there is NOTHING stopping a poorfag from losing weight if only they stop acting like retards.

>but annon I need to keep making excuses
Then talk alone you dipshit, keep making excuses for them and defend them all you want. I'm fucking out, not gonna waste anymore time on people who have the mental level of HAES activists or commie dipshits, YOU are to blame for your weight, not the government, not the corporations, not religion not any-fucking-one else.

Peace, motherfucker
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Once again you manage to do it, I've not seen someone this angry in such a long time!

You're not even addressing my point in all of this and you're making up your own arguments at this point
>b-but muh cultural differences
>Here, but not anywhere else?
>but annon I need to keep making excuses

You're an idiot! You know this is an English language board right? Maybe you should figure out how English works first buckroo
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Tbh senpai, you have no point. All you did was say america is different than the rest of the world and it's much harder because of this "lifestyle". Only fatties make this kinda weird ass claim, "genetics", "culture", " opression by the gubmint". Notice how the problem is always without and never within? The average person is weak and unmotivated, plain and simple. The only reason for people having decent weight before was food scarcity.
Damn. After seeing nothing but fat hate pics on here, this is nice to see. Honestly more motivating then a pic of some greek statue with a cheesy quote.
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Part of the problem is that, in general, people have a very poor understanding of nutrition and how dieting actually works. This is clearly evident by how there's a news story every so often about how a guy lost weight eating McDonalds. Some people simply do not understand that its calories in versus calories out.

So probably educating younger people that shoving donuts down their throats is a bad idea and they should really get rid of the the food pyramid because its just such a fucking bad idea.

Another problem that is evident is that people don't like to struggle and the idea of having to go through hunger is not a fun one. I think it stems from the fact that people always want to feel pleasure in this day and age.
Getting the government out of everything would mean, in this case, stopping giving benefits to fats, stopping protecting them from being fired for being fat/unfit to work as a normal person does.

The problem America has is being too nice. While giving benefits to mentally/physically disabled people is a good thing (when they can neither be held responsible for their condition nor change it), they should have never been extended to include fats, because those could change.
People who buy and prepare food for the super obese should be criminally charged. All those 600lb people who can't do anything for themselves, but still gain weight? Someone in that situation is a damn criminal. People who feed their children into obesity should be criminally charged too.
Fats are always surrounded by fat enablers.
You really want an answer? By properly adjusting portion sizes and reducing the sugar content of all of our foods.

Good shit.

Both of these are good. Especially the disability thing. My mothers disabled with severe nerve damage and neck damage to the point where she literally can't lift anything more than 10lbs yet she still walks everywhere and eats healthy, these fat fucks have no excuse and shouldn't be allowed to park closer to stores and in fact should be forced to park farther away so their fat asses have to actually walk to get the food they need.

As you said before though, Congress won't do fuck all about this issue though, they're in the pockets of businesses and especially the food industry. Anything that changes the status quo and potentially reduces profits isn't going to survive.

Our government needs real reformation, and a new president isn't going to do jack shit if Congress is the problem. Say what you will about Obama but his wife has done good with promoting health. Man, I love America at times but this nation really is going down the shitter.

Nuke the USA.
We're a nation where our own fucking government enables fats. It's going to be difficult getting any sort of legislation that punishes enablers when the ones making the legislation are enablers themselves.
Its really amazing how the food industry convinced people that they are too poor to lose weight. They seriously led everyone to believe it costs more to eat less without even questioning it.
B-But calories in versus calories out is a myth! Some people naturally gain fat even when on a deficit!
The food industry and diet industry work well together. The food industry fattens them up and the diet industry makes it big when they try (and inevitably fail) to lose weight. Don't expect this trend to change anytime soon since neither industry wants the profits to stop coming in.
It's too fucking late, they've organized advocacy groups and they'd rather throw massive bitch fits than accept that being fat is not ok.


Incidentally the woman on the scooter in this vid died recently from being fat. She was in her early 50's.
This has to be a really elaborate joke.
1. Stop subsidizing the corn industry
2. Start subsidizing small to medium size farmers
3. Start making propaganda about how being fat is unamerican or something
4. Give kids from a young age education about what to and what not to eat
5. Stop giving fatasses scooters for free, those are supposed to be for actual disabled people
6. Make it socially unacceptable to be fat

This, in every school.

Fucking makes me so fucking mad that I didn't get to do this when I was younger.
Introduce more Italian food.
The way she lands back will fuck up her joints (even more) though, she should have bent her legs
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Goddamn every kid in this is lean as fuarkk. Amazing it took so little time for everything to go to shit. Too bad the American obsession with safety and liability will ensure this amazing stuff never sees the light of day in schools. Wish I had access to that crazy parallel bar roller coaster that guy dip-hops through, shit would be fun as hell. Also, every single kid could do deadhang pullups, you'd be lucky to find 1/75 capable of one in an average gym class now. Just fuck my country up senpai..
She's a big girl.
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Omfg. Just imagine what the world could be like! No fatties or SJWs or beta cucks, the future could be reshaped into something glorious.
We have to give the JFKChallenge another shot. :^)
this is the answer. not that shitty "gym" class that my high school had
Government incentives
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It still pisses me off every time I see that.

How do we get this into at least 50% of schools?

How to get in UK as well?

How to start own school and do this?
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Holy shit they actually did


I'm speechless, it's brilliant in its simplicity
New law that forces all companies to add DNP to softdrinks.
That's horrible desu
this is awesome. think i'm going to pay for the program unless it's online for free somewhere??
You probably could torrent it. In the end, it's not much different from most other circuit training/HIIT/booot camp regimens. The reason it's good, is because they also taught proper diet, and encouraged competitiveness.

The colour of the shorts denoted how good you were, akin to coloured belts in martial arts I guess.

>Students moved through the program based on a color scale: white shorts were for rookies, while red, blue, purple, and gold signaled serious ability. White shorts had to do a minimum of six pull-ups. Today, a Marine can pass a physical doing only three. Most boys, Orchard says, got to at least red. Getting to blue was a big deal; gold athletes were “crazy impressive.” Those who wanted a rare Navy Blue rank had to do 34 pull-ups and carry someone on their back for five miles. Only 19 students in the history of the school ever earned one.
Obese people who make no effort to change their lifestyle need to be gassed in nazi style concentration camps.
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You clearly never been poor.
That was the most badass fucking thing I've ever seen on this site.

This should be implemented all over North America.
Put warning labels on sodas, kinda like the warning labels on cigs.
We need to make a point to fat people that it's only a matter of time till they die, and the only reason they aren't dead yet is sheer luck.

Because of this i feel the government should make a mandatory lottery of people with a body fat over 20%, these people will then be put into a lottery and every 1/1000 person in this lottery should be chosen, every week.

When this person is chosen, a government funded militia of /fit/ men will beat the shit out of them until they can't move and they're left to either die or live if they can.

Eventually no one will risk being fat.


My thought exactly. Thats a strong bitch
tax people for being unhealthy, pay people for being healthy. As much as I dislike the idea of the government being involved in peoples lives, it is. We have national health care, we share the costs wether we like it or not. Some people will feel the responsibility to their fellow man to be healthy for a strong nation, but many will not. They will need to be punished through taxes or the loss of reward

What is healthy? should be taken from a few factors, Resting heart rate, 5k time, blood pressure.
purchased. will download later on gym's wifi. i'd post it on youtube for you guys, but i don't want to cuck the filmmakers

just getting rid of nationalized healthcare would be great for overall fitness.
If you paid 500% more than a regular person for health insurance, you'd have to think it through. Or then not get health insurance, die.

Either way, everybody would be better off
>If you paid 500% more than a regular person for health insurance, you'd have to think it through.

They will just go without health insurance nad leave the hospital with the bill. So we will all have to pay.

In the end, you will need to pay people not to drive up the cost of healthcare through being unhealthy.
Holy shit they actually did it, the absolute madmen.
I think it'd work out, literally.
Scenario A:
>Get fat
>Company tells you to shape up or get out
>You shape up
>Everyone's happy

Scenario B:
>Get fat
>Company tells you to shape up or get out
>You get out
>You get unemployment benefits only as long as you can show to doing something beneficial for your health
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How many people on fit could even make it past the beginner level? Goddamn.
Make gym memberships that include personal training tax deductible.
Color-coded aisles in grocery stores displaying how good the food is for you.
Prominently displaying calorie content vs. daily recommended calorie intake on all food products' packaging.
Somebody writes a hit song as poppy as "all about that bass" but with the opposite message.
Commercials with subliminal fat shaming.
Providing healthier options.
Force schools to only provide proper food.
Nutritional codex for schools and ALL public sectors providing any sort of food for people.
Disregard butter fatty culture and create new healthy food trends.

The faults are in your roots. Americans are told to eat shit from the beginning. They have to make an effort to eat healthy. It should be the other way round.
1) Introduce tax to shit food as is on alcohol and cigarettes
2) introduce metabolaw same as Japan whereby local government and employers are fined based on the % of their residents/employees who are over a government mandated metric (Japan use waist measurement)
>all that joint damage
Why don't they just eat less and get cardio on a bike before doing all this crazy shit? I mean good on her for doing SOMETHING but still.
I know I could, at least. I have passed everything but the shuttle run, man lift and carry, and pegboard, mainly because I've never done those.
I forgot the standing board jump. Also I was only on about the minimum performance, the only one's I know I can do ceiling, is Pull ups, Push Ups, Dips, Sit ups, and possibly the 880 yard (half mile) run, mayber even the full mile.
Also, stop treating "fat" as an emotional issue. ie. ask people about their weight more often to make it more of an objective issue.
Canadacuck here
you're stupid this country sucks I want out ree
Welp, I know I'd be fucked.

Poor, isn't the issue. Rich or poor, Ignorance as to proper nutrition is the overall cause.

A large % of obese individuals just happen to be poor. The government gives irresponsible people money (welfare) and then everyone is surprised when they spend it irresponsibly. Government assistance has become a way of life as opposed to a helping hand. They need to have welfare stores where the food is provided and rationed rather than just handing out cash and watching people buy chips, soda, pizza and ice cream with the public's money.
>tfw black
I'm sure I can do all of those at the hardest level except swim
> what are human rights
I might have to train my mile down a little, but l can consistently hit 8:30s for my warmup
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>so fat you can't breath
>that high impact cardio for someone very overweight

I mean im glad shes putting in work but she will fuck her knees to kingdom come if she keeps dropping on them with her kind of weight.

She needs something lower impact to save her joints
Elect Scooby as our next president.

>Scooby 2016
>tfw still puritan
>tfw Manifest Destiny
>tfw destined to be the manifestation of obesity
The fat acceptance and haes stuff is almost always white women
somewhere between minimum and median i think as i don't to make an assumptions about things I haven't tried. But for everything I have i'm right at about median. I'm also in my 40s.
It's self-inflicted. The landwhales have left humanity behind as far as I'm concerned
That's impressive.

Her poor knees tho
Get rid of food stamps, instead have government run food assistance programs that provide brown rice, oats, and chicken breast.

The government is funding people's poor eating habits


The fact that the new Obamacare model does not consider preexisting conditions when signing up for healthcare and premiums, almost makes me want to become a Republican.

genetically engineer hot dogs with legs
Allow pedophiles to touch fat kids
What is dnp?
why the fuck would we want that?
If everybody is fit, nobody is fit.
Give them a year's notice, tell them that if they don't improve their BMI by a set amount within that year, they get executed. EZPZ
Damn that bitch is flying
Make fat shaming socially acceptable

>fat ass goes to doctor, doc tells him lose weight you fat fuck 90% of your health issues stem from being fat

>goes to work, coworkers tell him lose weight fat fuck youre clogging up the aisles

>goes to grocery store, cashier judgmentally asks him if hes sure he wants to buy all those sodas and chips

itll work itself out then
Stop enabling them. Being obese should not be acceptable or encouraged.

concentration camps
I have.

I ate as little as possible and did zero eating out.

I think you mean stupid not poor.
Take a bunch of the food stamp and welfare money given out to poor people and convert it to credits that can only be spent at food shops run by local farmers. If the farmers only provide fruit, vegetables, meat, herbs, spices, etc. and never anything more processed than basic dairy products it would take a crazy effort for people to get fat as they'd be financially forced to eat clean.

Also the farmers would massively benefit and so would the environment due to food mileage, less overall consumption, etc. It could really be sold as an all round good thing except for the lack of dietary freedom it would force on people.
discourage driving fucking everywhere

encourage walking and bicycling places

of course this would also ential encouraging living in cities, requiring cities to stop being a binary choice between hipster playground and abject ghetto
These are all shit though except the first one.
2) "Good" food is too general of a category and doesn't mean much when it comes to food. I.e. food containing fat was and still is considered "bad food" because it's calorie dense, despite people reporting that it satisfies them more and consume less afterwards and it does slow down the process of digestion to make a person feel full longer. So they take foods, take all the fat out, and now that it's bland and tasteless they dump in a ton of sugar and sweeters to make the food edible again, and this is touted as "healthier and leaner" than the regular food, and this is, in the best case scenerio, the food that will be on the green shelves. So basically this is a bad idea because no one really knows what good food is.
>The worst case scenerio is Nestle will decide what the "good food" is and everyone eats shit until they're like the blobs in wall-e.

3) The daily recommended calorie intake is useless to most people, the average sedentiary american will not need 2000 calories yet it's the average. Then there's a bunch of people who need a lot more calories than that.

Basically the problem with these rely on people being too similar, when that's really not the case. The only thing that's going to help people become less obese unfortunately is education so they can apply this information in their lives, calculate their own calorie intakes, etc. What I'd like to see on a food label is mandatory % daily value for sugar, they have it mandatory for everything else except sugar thanks to the food interest groups and government enablers. Also the amount sugar should be listed right under the calories since it's arguably the most important after the calories. They hide that shit in the bottom because they know most people will never read the entire label.
>tfw America is too far gone for any of these wonderful ideas to save us

we're fucked arent we, bros?
purge the corporate niggers from government so they can't change the laws to make maximum profits
Problem with this is it doesn't work everywhere. There are no farmer's markets in cities. Hell I live in a small-medium town and I couldn't tell you where ours is if we even have one. Granted it's Florida so farming is different but still
cut my hair?

fascist scum
You know this program was under JFK, a liberal president, right?
define liberal, satan. he was an anti communist proponent of army special forces
VAT on food
>tfw so poor I literally can't afford to be fat
>struggle to pay rent let alone get enough food to gain weight
Fat people make me so fucking mad.
I sugest stricter controll of medication that increases appatites and weight gain (No, they're not related, medication can be screwy), Nutritional education programs in schools, and rationing sweets like soda.
>create law
>yearly, one must see doctor for weight
>if not at minimum or under, be placed under higher taxes on them

fuck you, fatties
Make PE mandatory, overhaul school lunches(and food industry altogether), limit vending machines in schools. We should also fine overweight people like how we'd get fined for not having health insurance
If everyone understood losing weight from a thermodynamic standpoint (or really just grasp what a tdee is) i think we would see a drop in obesity. It wouldnt happen overnight, as willpower takes time to develop, but if people saw measured results without a huge change in lifestyle over time i think a large portion of people would see improvement.
Fuck you. CORN IS GOD.
I mean, as long as that control wouldn't be so strict I would still have access to the drug that made my seizures go away but makes people gain weight, then fine. That said, I know this board harbors people so focused on aesthetics they would rather me have uncontrolled epilepsy and be in 31 jeans than 34s...

...for example, this guy. The school used to send my parents letters saying I was overweight, while running competitively 9 months a year and swimming the other 3, and in size 31 pants.
Proper mental healthcare, removing the stigma of going to a psychologist, etc.
Oh and better education, in general AND when it comes to nutrition.
The food pyramid isn't a terrible idea, it's a good way to give people an idea of what sort of food they should be eating, but it's something that is nearly useless on its own. Kids should be taught about the basics of how weight gaining works, and how losing weight works, and then be given general dietary guidelines after that point.

Allowing for a kid to become morbidly obese should also be considered neglectful, if not flat out abusive, and there should be consequences. Doctor's can have courts remove children from their parents care if the kid's being needlessly put in a situation where they're getting diseases, or not being fed enough, there's no reason why it shouldn't be the other way around.
fuck where did we go so wrong
I used to hate weebs but honestly Japan is based. I live in Australia and we need this.
underrated post
Legalize shaming. Worked for me.
real life achievement points
This did the exact opposite for me though.
Although maybe it was because I was actually trying to lose the weight when people made fun of me.
She's pretty spry for a bigger gal
>10 pull ups
>32 push ups
>12 dips
>60 sit ups
>6'9" jump
>34 sec 200 yard
>rope climb with arms
>20 sec agility run
>3 minute half mile
>7 minute mile
>carry a person a half mile
>6 holes pegboard
>36 sec 50m swimming

Why are you on /fit/ if you can't do these?
This. Food stamps should only provide enough food for you to maintain a healthy weight and you shouldn't get to choose what you can get with them.
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>I hope that we will not find a day in the United States where all of us are spectators except for a few

Fuck, that actually got to me man
make it illegal to be over a certain weight unless you have proof of a valid medical condition. Make sit-down jobs have recess or some shit, where you have to go to the gym for 30 minutes and walk/jog and do some calisthenics.
>valid medical condition.
There's no such thing. I was on the media team for the Access sailing world championship (disabled, physically and mentally). There was one chick with no arms and half of one leg with 3 toes (some congenital bone thing). She was competing, played trumpet with her foot and wasn't fat.

If a chick with no arms and half a leg can keep weight off no one has any excuse beyond being a lazy fuck
we need to give this to trump
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pic related, and while most people here whining about metabolism and thyroid are full of shit, your anecdote is useless because there are legitimate differences between folks who while severely disfigured have normal chemistry and people with normal bodies and fucked up internal chemistry

rare? sure, but "no such thing as a valid medical condition" is preposterous of you to say, without even touching on HAART dyslipidemia
Fat people holocaust would be a good idea.
now japanese need to use weightlifting too. Not just cardio. Most japs are skellies
1. End subsidies for meat and corn.
2. Tax shitty food to pay for good food.
3. Public funding for weight loss programs that prove their effectiveness, and fines and penalties for scams.
4. Pay people to lose weight (No, really. This has been actually proven to work REALLY WELL even for very small amounts of money and it saves money in the long run on healthcare costs.)

>Blaming the government for everything
My god man, grow up. "government is the reason everything sucks" attitude is so simplistic and immature. Do you really think corporations would willingly tell you what is in the food you eat if they weren't forced to? Because guess what, restaurants aren't forced to advertise that shit so they don't, but the food you guy at a grocery store is so they do.

If you're house is full of garbage you clean up your house, burn it down and live on the street. You don't solve the problems with bad governance by getting rid of government, you do it by cleaning shit up.
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Hey, spics seem to be doing alright.
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>Holy shit they actually did


It's not illegal to be fat and there is no concentration camp for fat people. Jesus /fit/ is stupid sometimes.
No but they did fine the prefecture government and/or relevant employers.

Source: live in Japan.
You know 'food deserts' are caused by fat fucks, not the other way around? Every fucking store used to sell produce where I live, but now it all is really fucking near rotten or non existent because of the following scenario:

>Be store
>notice produce isn't selling very well
>start removing produce and use shelf room for stuff that keeps better and sells well (junk food)
>junk food flies off the shelves due to fatties
>start selling less/no produce
>make more money

It's the same reason we have so many goddamn fast food joints and shitty food. People buy it, so businesses fill the demand. I don't blame any business for filling a demand to make money.

Unfortunately there's not really a solution to obesity because people don't take any personal responsibility and expect someone else to solve it for them. And now that we don't make people ashamed for being fat as we used to and have all these FA and HAES bullshit, we're effectively screwed.
Rip knees
>muh bodybuilders throw off BMI

You sound fat. Every fucking fat fuck who wants to shit on BMI acts like there's hundreds of thousands of poor bodybuilders who just weigh too much (by no fault of their own, of course!)
>the government needs to end all these programs and do all these things to make people healthy
>omfg stop blaming the government
>people don't take any personal responsibility
it's depressing, as a veteran, to see a lot of other guys at the VA blow up like blimps and shrug it off as "oh well fuck it, my antipsychotics made me put on 50 pounds and get diabetes, nothing I can do about it"

>expect someone else to solve it for them
I needed drugs in a bad way for a while, so I went up a few pants sizes, but when my brain chilled out (and I saw some disgusting photos of myself), I started shopping for weight neutral drugs or drugs with weight loss as a side effect. I was exercising the whole time, but when things are altering your metabolism, it was mostly to prevent things from getting worse then they would have other wise.

>And now that we don't make people ashamed for being fat as we used to
oddly, I was always in the middle of the pack physically when I was on active duty, but what I see is the most buff dudes from the most elite units because the biggest fat fucks once left to their own devices
>>the government needs to end all these programs and do all these things to make people healthy

he said to end a single program and fund 3 others
She is going to fuck her knees up. Never jump down.
No, the elites just don't care about public health. THey have NYC, Paris, London etc so most places are simply used for resource extraction. See this:


They poisoned the water supply by accident because they wanted to privatise public property. It's the same in other areas. Make shittier food, because chemicals can mask the shit ingredients and so on.
Sure, let's start by abolishing the corporation, a government creation maintaned by threat of state violence. Then maybe we could get rid of the biggest inteference in the economy, property rights.
>I have a right for you to pay for my problems
You are part of the problem
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>welfare payments are a human right
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Anyone else's fitness getting sabotaged by ssris?
No, what are you on?

Had no issues with escitalopram, but gave me moid swings. Currently switched to SNRI (desvenlafaxine) and also no issues
A version of this was tried in Australia in an effort to stop people buying booze and tobacco with welfare. The parasites ended just bartering for booze and tobacco.
Fuck off crossfit.

Was sure that thing was going to break.
Good for her, though.
dubs checked
SSRIs should cause minimal problems, though newer studies indicate they all cause some small weight gain over long enough periods if I'm remembering correctly

if you're concerned solely about weight, what does your psychiatrist think of bupropion? I disliked taking it becuase it drove up libido and made climax difficult

I'm this guy. I put on serious weight from valproate, litihum and several atypical antipsychotics, but it is coming off thanks to stopping all of those and getting on lamotrigine and topiramate, along with stopping pot and drinking (and of course watching what I eat)

I'm hoping to start on oxcarbazepine and modafinil next month, and had been considering phentermine for the final push to shed the last of the medicinal extra weight, but srsly doubt my psychiatrist will prescribe me it, since I am no longer ham planet.
legalize performance enhancing drugs.
You want to know the real culprit? Its milk.
Not soda. Not sugary snacks. Milk. Milk always gets a fucking pass because of all the hoops and hurdles the milk lobby goes through to make it seem like its the best damn thing you can put in your body.
Reality is, milk is nothing more than liquid calories. And its.. in.. EVERYTHING. You want to fix the problem? remove the free subjugation milk has. People drink this shit thinking its good for them when really they are just piling on useless calories.
I've never been much for dairy, but I'm lactose intolerant. Between that and not enjoying starches and being sober, it's pretty easy for me to keep calorie intake low and feel full.
Seriously? Have you even seen the nutrition label for milk?
Stupid opinion honestly.
No, you shouldn't be able to pay later at a hospital. A hospital shouldn't have to let anyone in that they don't want to

>replace is with mare milk
>problem solved overnight
How do you convince ER doctors not to treat people who fail the wallet biopsy?
Then who would make the best music, movies, and shows for you uncreative retards to view?

What other country would make worthwhile websites for you to be a retarded nigger faggot on, like facebook, youtube, 4chan, and make other useful websites that everyone uses like amazon, google, paypal, ebay - I could go on and on about how the US creates more modern day uses than any other country, but you get the point.
What is there to solve?

A bunch of people choose a disastrous lifestyle choice, so be it.
The only 'crisis' originates from me having to pay for their conditions through taxation.
If that was not the case (Ausfag, public health), then I would not give a single fuck.

Public Healthcare has created a moral hazard in these people, just as bailouts create moral hazard in markets.
>does 3 burpees
>rewards self with tub of ice cream, baconator, large fries and diet coke
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Canada is also fat as fuck m8.
Get rid of plus sized models
The point of a model is to be an impossible goal to work towards, but the pigs have started screaming that its not fair that they dont get the carrot. We used to have hercules and superman hung in front of us to better ourselves, but now we just have fat, attainable bodies to surpass.
define plus sized

ashley graham is fucking hot, but also not hamplanet
The point of a model is to be a mobile mannequin.
Traditionally they're tall and thin cause clothes look better on tall and thin people.
Recently, some designers started using models with different body types because the average customer is now obese and can't judge how clothes will look on themselves based on a thin model.
Lots of fat Americans instantly lose weight while living overseas (Europe or Asia) for some time. There's more to it than willpower and habit.
She's killing those burpees. She just needs to eat a caloric deficit for a year!
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Reintroduce this in school rewards for physical fitness, something that a common person obtain too, like a small badge or special priviliges or some shit.
That is so much bullshit.
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>tfw you did not make it to the beginner level
na its actually not. My mother ran the Italian summer study abroad program for a university and most of the land whales lost a shitload of weight in a pretty short period of time. The dorms were like 2 miles from class and they had to walk back and forth multiple times a day. The city is built into a hill. They had to get food from the cafeteria which is Italian and doesn't feed you like a pig.
>milk has fats, carbs, protein
>soda is just sugar
>soda isn't the problem
To be fair though models were never for representing ideal body types, if you bad every plus size model you'd have to ban all the underweight ones too and then there'd be no more models.

get government to legalize fat discrimination

you can eat unhealthy food without getting obese, just eat less of it.
>we used to have Hercules and superman hung in front of us
Males still do. Male standards a are higher than ever, the fat acceptance thing is only being pushed for women.

Some places have started banning underweight models. Ban then both, go with healthy and fit models instead of twigs or sacks of lard
>looks at usa
>sees hordes of hamfucks
Yes, because that obviously worked.

That fat chick is badass, hope starts eating right and she'll be a human shape again.

Also end welfare & corn subsidies. Seriously. Walk through Section 8 housing sometime, fattest fuckers you've ever seen in your life.

Not illegal now except in very specific cases where they have a "disability"

Unfortunately her knees will explode long before she makes it. Whoever told her to do box jumps must hate knees.
this. you shouldn't just jump into box jumping if you can't even run 400m without dying or squat your bodyweight.

>tfw deformed right hand
>lobster hand
>right fore arm is girly
>left forearm is huge
Get a huge tax deduction if you log what you eat everyday for the year into something like MFP. Just bringing awareness should help a lot of people. Helped me lost 60 lbs before I even had to consciously work at what I was eating. Get a bigger tax deduction for % of excess weight lost.

Like others have said, stop taking recess and physical education out of schools. With the exception of disabilities have the furthest parking spots be free to use and the closest ones be pay to use. Anything that promotes movement.
Maybe ban buying soda with foodstamps? Or other unhealthy foods.
Calories, and possibly macros, should be required at restaurants and take out. Very few places list it on the menu. Since places have it available on request or if you look for it but it needs to be right next to the fit on the menu. People who order these 1600 calories meals need to know what they're eating. Might encourage restaurants to be healthier too if they have to tell everyone how many calories are in each meal

Also better education, schools should be teaching basic fitness and nutrition every year. And reaching out to parents of fat kids
It's kind of like that in cities. I work right downtown. I usually bike but if I drive, it's $12 to park in the lot closest to work, $8 a few blocks away, and I think there's free street parking if you go like 0.75 miles out. The further you get from downtown the cheaper it is to park
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