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Fish and Seafood
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What are some /fit/ approved ways to cook seafood?

I really like salmon, shrimp, and cod. However, many of the recipes I find online involve drenching the seafood in butter. I'm trying to cut, so all that butter/oil/grease doesn't sound like a good idea.
I eat a lot of salmon. It tastes great on its own, so all I ever do is salt+pepper and maybe a little bit of lemon juice sprayed on right at the end of cooking. I just pan fry it like 2 minutes a side on high heat. I like it so its just barely above raw inside, yet seared and crispy on the outside.
what oils do you use to pan fry it?
Just some canola or any other high smoke point oil will be fine. Salmon doesn't need basting or butter or any of that stuff since it's a fatty fish to begin with
Canned Sardines and Herring fillets are great , cheap , easy , loaded with DHA and EPA and B 12.. also being smaller fish they accumulate less mercury and other toxins

I think they steam and then bake them in the tin
Sous Vide ftmfw. Get an Annova immersion circulator and a vacuum sealer and it will change your life.
>I just pan fry it like 2 minutes a side on high heat.

I take it this is in a heavy skillet, and your salmon is skinless?
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Have fun with the mercury and smelling like vagina
Smoked salmon with honey and brown sugar is the absolute best.
V*ganGains pls go
>with honey and brown sugar
Cover in cayenne pepper, drench in honey
let sit for a few hours
bake or grill in foil at 400 degrees for 15 minutes, spooning the honey over it at intervals
Obviously, leave the skin side down with the tiniest splash of oil underneath to avoid destroying it removing it from foil
I cook my fish wrapped up in aluminum foil, will I get Alzheimers? Or is that click bait bullshit?
come on dude
just stir fried some shrimp man
pic? I'm curious, what did you put in it?
Alzheimers. Literally just buy a fuckin glass bake ware with a top.
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Bake that shit, nigga.
Baking a good piece of fish requires absolutely no oil. Fresh Atlantic Salmon is so dank all by itself that I often don't even put any seasoning on it.

Shellfish is best steamed anyway.
Bake tilapia at 400 degrees for 15-20 min. Use Pam or canola oil. Salt, pepper, garlic salt, maybe dill and or thyme
Do you also eat it while it's still wrapped in aluminum foil? If so then yes alzheimers
Has anyone ever tried making their own smoked salmon?
alton brown has a food video on this, google for it. pretty sure it's hosted on the food network
>Take a piece of fish
>Place on a sheet of baking paper and then onto a sheet of foil
>Season with salt, pepper, lemon or lime juice, garlic, minced shallots, chilli, herbs(any, but thyme, oregano or marjoram work well)
>Wrap in baking paper and seal the foil.
>Place on a tray and bake in the oven at around 2 hundo degrees for about 10-20ish minutes, until it's done.

Shit's delicious
>tastes great on its own
>still adds salt + pepper
Fucking americans
>Seafood without salt.
Are you retarded
learn to use your broiler , salt ,pepper , fresh lemon all ya need brah

The fuck is a broiler?

your oven more than likely has a broil setting, it changes the heating element from (usually) underneath to above the food, also REALLY FUCKING HOT. Gives the food an 'oven seared' kind of approach, if that makes any sense.
Make a mixture of lemon juice and mustard. About a 1/4 cup.
Place a bit on bottom of small frying pan.
Add salmon filet, pour rest of mixture over top.
Cover and simmer until salmon is just pink in the middle.
Remove salmon, increase heat and reduce liquid by 2/3 or so.
Spoon reduced liquid over salmon.
I usually just add lemon and butter to my lobster
Ohhh the grill part of the oven
I like sardines with a tin of chopped tomatoes, some friend onion and mushrooms, beans and chopped up boiled eggs.
If you can find them, chamomile flowers suit some fish very well.
I usually pan fry talapia seasoned with garlic powder and crushed red peppers, serve that shit on some white rice with some veggies and its breddy gudd.

Its either that or
>top ramen and tuna
>top ramen and tuna

Teach me pls. What flavor of ramen do you use?
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