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So /fit/, tell me why a routine that consists only of >Squats
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So /fit/, tell me why a routine that consists only of
>Bench Press
>Overhead Press
>Barbell Row
would not give me an aesthetic body? From what I can tell, these compounds work every single muscle in your body and would fit perfectly into a push/pull routine with three exercises per workout. Is there some reason I should include more isolated exercises or will this give me a good body? I've been running for years (went from 320lbs to 170lbs) and now I am finally ready to build some muscle now that my skin has shrunken enough.

Pic unrelated, just my husbando.
For muscular hypertrophy to occur at a level like that, you're gonna want isolation. Not saying it'd be necessary, sure you'll build muscle. But you'd be retarded not to do more than three lifts per workout. I'm sorry but fuck outta here with that shit
Why do you need to do more than three exercises? I can see needing to do isolated arm work since they aren't used that much in the aforementioned lifts and also core work, but other than that is it really necessary?
Mix it up u lazy bastard it speeds shit up anyway.
Add chin-ups and you're good to go.
Bump for interest
Not optimal stimulus for upper chest, shoulders or arms.
That's literally the kinobody workout
It is not
>No calf workout

Well...I started strong lifts.
With added weighted chin ups, weighted pull ups, weighted dips, weighted press ups, hanging leg raises toe to bar and skullcrushers for accesories, so far I have seen a lot of gains everywhere
No calves, no biceps, no forearms, no abs, no obliques, no rear delts, no side delts, no adductors, no hip flexors, no full pecs mass, no upper spinal erectors.
and dips

Worked during pullups, slightly during rows

>lateral and posterior delts
OHP and rows/pullups

>clavical pec
Recruited during OHP and Bench Press

Used to stabilize during OHP, Deadlift and Squats

Same as above

>upper spinal erectors
Same as above

Deadlifts, rows and pullups

>hip flexors and abductors
Squats rely heavily on these for stability
I agreed with the calves/abs but then you went full meme as you went on.

OP, add calf raises and crunches, and you're pretty much done.

You are CORRECT. Compound lifts are a very time efficient way to work large masses of muscles and should be the base of your routine. But I also think it's ignorant to totally reject isolation excercises for some hardheaded reason.

Adding in a couple sets of curls at the end of your workout goes a long way, believe me. Tricep ext, not so much. Especially if you're doing overhand rows/pullups, you'll want to isolate your biceps. Isolation for the rear and side delt may help too. You'll pretty much need to isolate calves/abs unless you don't want them to grow.

Also, incline bench rocks, like anon said. Chinups, and underhand rows for more biceps are good. It is very wise to base your program around compounds, and the NUMBER ONE THING to grow is to get stronger in a moderate rep range, and it's often easier to do that with compounds and like I said, they're more time efficient.

It's more important to get good (strong) at the basic compounds than it is to jerk off doing 6 different kinds of curls. But you will likely also find that adding in a bit of isolation at the end of your workout goes a long way, so don't write it off. A lot of people who try to go with a "minimalistic" routine often regret it for some reason or another.

Training doesn't have to be some strang minimalistic philosophy and you're limiting yourself by doing so.

But the way you're talking about training is much better than a brosplit with nothing but isolation moves.

Also, tip: Don't be afraid to use machines (yes.. I'm going to get some hate for this..)
Squats and deadlifts actually work the soleus dynamically. Although it gets a lot of assistance by the quads, which is why in practice squats/deadlifts fucking suck as a calf excercise (plus the soleus does not have as much potential for growth as the gastrocnemius).
Throw in single-leg deadlifts, sprints or hill sprints, add climbing ropes or ring-work and eat more and you should be all right tbqh unless you have really shitty genetics.
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