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Bros do you have any suggestions for supplements that'll help with weight loss. Barring DNP.
I've lost 45lbs natty but have 25lbs to go and I just want to get it over with so I can actually really start focus on gaining muscle. My friend in college was telling me CLA supplements couldn't hurt but I wasn't sure if she's right, since she doesn't even exercise.
I know cutting carbs and more protein is what I'm doing but I was wondering if there's a way to speed things up
EC stack is really only the worthwhile investment. Everything else is usually overhyped over marketed crap.

Go to your local pharmacy pick up Bronkaid and 200mg caffeine pills and start dosing.

Good luck fatty.

This is all the info you will need friend. Be ready to embrace the wave of trolls after my 2 posts.
What this anon says

If you're that impatient just go track down some tren. Just remember that it took years to turn you into a fat piece of shit, and it's going to take some time to undo that. Have patience, famiglia.
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There isn't actually a risk of dying during this EC stack is there? Some websites are telling me it's dangerous or some shit
No. I've used an EC stack before. As long as you don't weigh 120 lbs (doesn't sound like your problem) and you follow the dosages in this anon's post (>>35630817), you should be fine.

Also remember that there are some websites that say that weight lifting is bad for you and cardio will kill you. Take everything you read on the internet with a grain of salt.

I as well as 3 other people I know have used and are still using EC. Neither of us have any issues resulting from EC. You may experience some side effects: increased horniness, stim dick, trouble sleeping. But these are things that can be overcome with the exception of horniness with a lot of water and building up the doses as written out by the "hotnfit" link prior.

Follow that link and you're golden.
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Alright bros I'm going to get on board with this and burn off these last 30lbs
Thanks for the answers!
Good luck. Remember to eat clean and drink lots of water. Don't forget to take a "before" pic as well. One of my biggest regrets.
Start out with a small dose, you don't know of your body might react differently than most. And be careful about mixing other medications
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Will do
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Gotcha. I'm not on any medications right now thankfully so I should be okay.
My first real obstacle looks like getting a hold of ephedrine in the first place. Looks like bronkaid is my only option.
How about if you have Beckers Muscular dystrophy? I'm about 188 lbs 6 ft 15% bf
What's that?
Its funny how losing weight is complicated for people. Either work out harder or watch your diet closer. Stop being such a woman.
It's not hard. I've already dropped forty. I just want to lose the last 30 quicker
If you must use supps other than real drugs, ursolic acid and shijalit are ok
You use?
Question: if you drink say, 4 cups of coffee in the morning, and maybe a Monster later (zero cal monster) should you skip the caffeine pills? I am thinking so,
Nevermind, read the link, says to skip caffeine pills per how much caffeine you drink
Why are those girls heads so large? Is it because of growth hormone?
I don't know....
Pls I don't want my leg muscles to dissolve
who is this semen demon?
I read it count step every make....fuck im autistic
The only shit dissolving on DNP would be fat, fattie.
no but really when you think about it anything is not natty just like creatine and protein. your best bet is to disregard them all and focus on supplemental nutrition to meet your macros. I take a creatine supplement but otherwise I'm able to meet my macros with just food. some people have a hard time doing that though, so they have to take creatine supplements. I don't take a creatine supplement though, since I just get it through food
I think I'm doing okay with food. Just want to speed up the process
Not for that one guy
I've found L-Carnitine has helped me a bit for cutting down
I gotta know who this girl is. Reverse image search isn't bringing up shit.
I found her on /s/ in one of their fit girl threads
Just ordered some now. Seems legit.

Like sophie but actually attractive and feminine
Who's Sophie?
That is Sophie you tool
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Count step every make? Dumb poster tbqh
Why is she standing in the shower? hahahhaha

haha I was just kidding xD
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Neo /fit/ everyone

>Pls I don't want my leg muscles to dissolve

not gonna to happen unless you take ~2g like that idiot UKfag, the reccomended dosage is 500mg ed at most (2 caps) and that fucker popped like 8 pills within 24 hrs
Why the fuck would he do that to himself
I went to high school with the girl on the right

What a small world
not OP but Can i take CLA and bronkaid and caffiene all together?
She's a filthy woman
500mg forkputdownium
moosefix on tumblr, click on the "my Face" link down the left hand side
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