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I can't wear jeans anymore, my thighs have exploded and
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I can't wear jeans anymore, my thighs have exploded and now any new pair of jeasn i get seems to just pop open

Help? What do? :(
Sweat pants
Stop buying skinny jeans that are 1 size too small.
3% spandex, buy normal jeans instead of those faggy skinny jeans
I feel you. I have to buy jeans that are too big because my legs and ass are too big for my waist. Dress pants have to get altered. Sucks.
I've been living in basketball shorts for two years
My work khakis are a waist size too big, so l use a belt

get the jeans that stretch a little

comfiest shit ever. never wearing regular jeans again.
Post pics if you're a girl.
So we can assess your situation.
don't listen to this anon, you can also post them if you're a guy
Same here.
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>n-no homo
Search for jeans that are classified as athletic fit, like the 541 Levi's.
Iktf all too well

Boot cut jeans are a godsend for us thanks to the cut of its quads. Give them a go. Bought American eagle bootcut a and they lasted for 10 years before the groin gave out and tore
Barbell apparel sells jeans that'll work. It's all I wear now.
Levi's 541s.
American Eagle flex denim
>implying i do
>implying i can even get skinny jeans on
yeah good call
They're called 'athletic fit' jeans. They have larger thighs specifically for this purpose and for more movement.
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