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Hey /fit/ I'm completely new to this board and read the
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Hey /fit/

I'm completely new to this board and read the sticky but don't see anything related to my question so I'll ask away after I explain myself in bullet points.

I have weighed 300 pounds ever since I was 16 from being lazy and terrible eating habits

21 now and decided back in September to get fit and thin and muscular like every fat piece of shit

Surprise, surprise, I actually lost 50 pounds and look a lot better and a shit ton more muscular from proper work outs and dieting

I eat no more and no less than 1800 calories a day and eat 225 grams of protein and less than 150 grams of carbs and do full body strength training every other day

I am at another plateau and wanted to know if a supplement will help and which one is not a rip off brand. I'm hoping to buy on amazon if possible.

I wanted to try Garcinia Cambogia.

My goal is 200lb's so I have 50 pounds to go and then it's mainly muscle building from there.

Pic related, it's the exact body I am working for.
jesus christ the NYR crowd is worse than summer

because i am in a gracious mood i will humor you.

if your "plateau" is in weight loss eat less you fat fuck.

if your "plateau" is in lifting, deload, eat more, sleep more faggot.

not brain surgery.

What's a good recommended brand of Garcinia Cambogia?
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It's not a NYR if I already fucking started 4 months ago shit head. There nothing more I can do to my strict diet that's why I wanted to try a supplement.
dude if you have another 50 pounds to lose you should not be looking at supplements for help.

adjust your diet and reduce until you're losing weight again.
Ok well thanks for no advice I guess. Won't be coming back. I decided to get the Muscletech brand since I already take CLA in my protein shakes from them.
There is literally nothing I can think of to adjust. I was told that 1800 calories a day is the lowest amount to have to not lose muscle and prevent my body from going into starvation mode.
>i have the perfect diet
>i count 1800 calories perfectly
>anything under 1800 calories is starvation mode
you can't possibly be this autistic.
You shouldn't really focus on muscle for now, you should focus on losing the fat, although 1800 is already low, how tall are you?
You stupid fucking jew nigger faggot.

Starvation mode isn't a thing. Hence why there aren't any fat Ethiopias.

When you stop eating, your body will eat itself. Muscle works, fat does not. Work your muscles, and your body will eat your fat.

It's as simple as can be. You just don't want to do the fucking work.

Stop. Fucking. Eating. You. Fat. Fuck.
chill man, he already lost 50 lbs and is eating at a defecit

>i lost 50 pounds already doing what i do
>i was told


Elliot is here for you with wise words anon
I'm exactly 6 feet tall.
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Wowy wowy zowy you sure hurt my feelings. You seem like an expert with your helpful advice so
i'll be sure not to ignore it :)
hes right tho,
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he's right thu, also you're a fucking retard
1) read the sticky
2) pretty much all supplements but creatine are scam so jews get to your shekels
3) while working out EOD you'd lose weight at 1800 calories even if you'd be 140lbs
4) obviously you'll lose weight at much faster rate first cause you were such a fat fuck, atm if you weigh 250lbs i'd estimate you'd lose no more than 10 pounds a month with your current calories in/out but as you're obviously such a fucking retard that you talk about starvation mode and thinking of buying diet pills you probably have no actual clue about how much you're really eating and how much you're really burning
He's not because I did cut down to the bare minimum just to survive 1200 calories for october and november and hit a big ass plateau until I upped my calorie intake to 1800 and started losing the weight again. 1200 calories a day isn't healthy for any man. Don't feed me some meathead bullshit.
I track everything I eat with myfitnesspal, and my exercise with a Fitbit HR.
I also work a very active job as an auto parts delivery driver where I deliver a lot of car batteries and other heavy shit on and off a van every week day for 8 hours and then do strength training every other day on top of that and I run 4 times a week when I can. Don't talk to me about doing the work.
You should be dropping your weight at a decent pace then, not that you'd see any results in a week though but if you're honestly doing what you're doing right now and counting your calories right you should be below 200 pounds within 5 months easily.
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Well this isn't the first plateau I've been in but I've always adjusted my diet to break out of it. I guess I'll just wait it out and try switching up my cardio a bit more. Either way thanks for the advice but man I'm never coming back here. I thought you fitness guys were supportive and always tried to help people who want to make lifestyle changes but what I got was insults and arrogant assholes when I came here for advice. I hate to say this but I'd rather go to Reddit or Bodybuilding.com for future advice.
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You got plenty of advice, and then repeatedly denied that what you were doing could possibly be wrong or off. You kept denying that thermodynamics could possibly apply to you, and instead thought that magic pills would somehow increase the amount of energy you expend in a given day. Anyone outside of a hugbox like reddit or tumblr will tell you that something is very wrong if you're eating 1800 calories at your weight and somehow not dropping pounds like sacks of hammers.

If you expect anything other than derision, you're either very sheltered or very stupid.

fuck off and die NYR faggot. continue stuffing your face while deceiving yourself that you only eat 1200 calories. stay fat forever.

get the fuck out.
Hmm. I'm six feet tall and lost 50 pounds as well (220 to 170) and ate at 1500 a day. If your eating as many calories as you say your eating there's no way 1800 is the maintenance intake at the weight your at, especially considering you exersise. What exactly is your diet? And I mean exactly.
Many people suck at estimating calories eaten. Unless you own a food scale, you're likely to be off by as much as 25% daily.
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