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Thoughts on icf 5x5?
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Thoughts on icf 5x5?
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It's not bad, bit high in volume so expect to stay in the gym for a while.
I, and most people here, stick to 4-5 exercises per workout.
This is what I go with and many others here too. I add 1 or 2 accessory lifts to each workout and do cardio on the side.
Thanks anon
Absolutely disgusting.

Use Common Markdown you disgusting faggot.
Can I do this workout 4 times a week?

Don't see why not
I'm thinking something like this.
Bench 3x5
Row 3x5
Squat 3x5
Db curl 3x10
Lateral raise 3x10
Ohp 3x5
Chin up 3x5
Deadlift 3x5
Shrug 3x15
Tricep extension 3x10

Shrugs get an extra 5 reps because I have noticed they grow slowly on me.
Everything else look ok?
ICF is great. It's just an old skool full body bber routine like the 1950s to 1960s era dudes ran. Blaha is retarded but it's a fine routine. It's better than SS etc for aesthetics.
I would just deadlift once a week and squat 4 times. But you know, that's me.
Did it for 3 months before burning out, workouts were as long as 2 hours and my nervous system couldn't take it. Deadlift and squat on the same day are going to break you when things get heavy. Great for newbs as my stregth doubled but I'm better off with less volume in an upper lower split now.
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