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the meme routine to end all meme routines
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You are currently reading a thread in /fit/ - Fitness

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Thread images: 8
File: Routine Mk 1.png (117 KB, 1330x1460) Image search: [Google]
Routine Mk 1.png
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Hi guys, I'm fed up with all the faggots asking for routines who havent read the sticky - help me make a new routine to give to them. Basically all I need to do so far is to put pictures of ripped guys on for authenticity, and maybe a few pictures of obese people to show what "SSfags look like".

Also any ideas on exercise are welcome.
Oh, and does anyone have the "Bicep Leg Curl" Witcher Workout pic?
>8 days in a week
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>crunches to reduce belly fat
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Routine Mk 2.png
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I need some caricatures of SS fags now and then im almost done i think
Needs disco presses and genova rows
Guy with the beer crate is literally disgusting doe
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553 KB, 1432x2020

id incorporate some of the trap workout and diet advice

thats the joke
look at his legs
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Routine Mk 2.png
1 MB, 1414x1583

good idea. I forgot to mention "Tone" also, ill put that in.
Getting ready for NYR fags I see

>you can actually make OK gains on that

not at 1k cal defecit
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there are some funny fake Mark Rippetoe quotes in the ongoing >>35325332 SS thread

mb u get some more inspiration there

gl anon! if you put in enough effort and tweak it around a bit you can bait many new year resolutioners in 2016
I know, but if the point is to troll people into doing this, that picture achieves the opposite, is what I am saying
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I have to go do some work now lol, but heres what ive got so far. I'll come back and do >>35339262 and >>35339166 later

You can't be this retarded
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how can people be so dumb
and with this just a few posts below

/fit/ confirmed for retarded
>rest day-couch to 5k, look it up

Add the Triclosan sanitizer from >>35339166 and say it has anabolic properties.
Thread replies: 22
Thread images: 8

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