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I totally fucked up my macros today what do
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I totally fucked up my macros today what do
Hmm I dunno, get some protein in maybe?
Also I'm 200 over my calorie limit plz help
Bulk? Cut?
Eat 40 grams of lean protein and call it a day.
It's fine. Just don't make it a habit.
I'm cutting, and I'm 200 calories over
You're really cutting on 1800 calories? Wtf? Are you a 5'2" woman? I cut on 2800. You need to lift more.
Dude it days of eating a certain why to see any noticeably change to your physique.
That's why most people have a rest day and eat what they want.
You eat double your calories/fat/protein/whatever once a week if you wanted to and it would not negatively impact you more than having a full gut.
You're more likely to feel a change in your mind though if you eat under or over your calorie desire.
Usuaully people who eat over every once in a while are a lot happier. Since the brain needs carbs to work.
Clearly you should upgrade to premium senpai
Unless you compete in bodybuilding or have to make weight for a sport, who fucking cares? No need to be so obsessive.
What's the name of the app?
>bulking on 2500
>feel like I'm stuffing my face
I'm now lean bulking on 3400 calories. Only healthy shit like chicken, brown rice, oats, yogurt, fruits and veggies. I could eat 3500 in one meal if I wanted.
Looks fine d.e.s.u
I'm 5'10" 215 and I'm cutting on 1800.
Either you're a landwhale, or a cardio bunny.
I'm 6'2" 185lbs 13-14% bf. But I lift 6 days a week. Only do cardio 1 day a week.

>50% carbs
>25% fat

But why?
Fix your goal. 50% carbs? Bring that number down
Not OP but I'm trying to hit 40/20/40 C/F/P
Cutting. Is this a good ratio? I'm new (fat fuck) and can't even post properly apparently.
How the fuck do you guys do this?
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Me too senpai. My cheat meal day got a little out of hand.
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Here is a usual day of cutting
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