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ITT we pretend its the 90's HOW DO INTO MIKE TYSON MODE?
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ITT we pretend its the 90's

Rape a bitch and get locked up.
alright heading downtown
Lisp things up and put them down
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i cant believe its already 10 years since Top Gun!
Be genetically gifted along with taking Test & training hard enough to become a world champion from 15.
You say he work from child?
Warcraft II is really fucking with my gains bros.
if this is 1993 and this is the best bodybuilder in the world right now I wonder how big 2015 Mr Olympia winner will be
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>he is 1,7 m
>remember seeing the flick thinking about how jacked he is



Lol, no he doesn't, and those movies are old as shit.

Come on, man.

Mike Tyson when he was 15.
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What side are you on /fit/ ?
East side niqqa
lol yeah this. big asses used to be a thing girls hated. when exacctly did that change? early 2000s still saw the classic "does my butt look big in this line"
lel I live in europe and still all the kids asked what side they're on
Why is it that people from garbage European nations say that they live in "Europe" and not their country?
>it's a flick
nonsense, it's clearly a movie
well what's the difference?
very sobering thought
In the 90s it was bleached blondes with big tits, in the 2010s it's shitskins with fat asses. Maybe the 20s or 30s will finally be about legs.
You'd know if you were patrician, pleb.
one cannot natty his way into Tyson mode
It's all about dat pawg doe.
lol i love 4chan. this already got spoiled for me on the 4chan subreddit by bottomlulz. thanks!

not him but im not from a garbage nation its mostly cause you dont want to identify yourself here as X because theres always some cringe tard in these threads who tries to communicate with you in your language and does some stupid shit

at least for me.

I wouldnt be here if i'd enjoy talking to the retards in some domestic forum.
What the fuck, guy
Why is she so perfect?
I see your point but then why say were you're from at all then? Europe is very heterogeneous.
she's totally tubular
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i think its mostly just a way to say "im not from NA". You put way too much thought in it i think.

also some fucking americans here dont even know where some countries are that are actually in europe and respond with "hurr durr 3rd world fag" when some anon says Luxembourg or smth.

We have seen it all. Communicating with americans can be frustrating.
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Pamela Sex Tape when?
>west side

Unless you actually live in Oakland its not even fair, even based on a list that excludes Wu Tang.
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5x5 ear biting
>Newark, NJ

Can someone explain this to me?
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no idea but have this instead

>implying he raped that lying cunt
Desoray pls go

>too short
>Mack 10
>royce the 5'9"
>Big Pun
Quote from Han Solo
There's a new movie of Star Wars.
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>implying there will be whites in the 2030's
Outlaws came from new jersey, but they met up with west coast guys and started their shit over there. They even mention it in hit em up
It's hilarious how culture changes like that. I will never understand why niggers rate asses over thighs.


you ever seen this high test thread? people here love big fat asses
Whats your favorite spice girl guys?
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Ehy dats not verry nice
>3x5 of CANT BE TOUCHED.mp3
tyson is one of the few people that i don't think took steroids. he was benching 200 pounds for reps at age 13. dude is just genetically gifted.
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