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How much of a good idea is getting a chubby gf and getting her into fitness?

There's this girl who seems to be interested in me, and since she's kinda chubby (see pic, no her but she has the "before" body type) she's very shy so she's obviously not a whore, she has also has a nice face so she could be an 8 or 9 if she was fit.

I'm worried that she may get offended if I ask her to get fit or that she recovers her weight after she looses it.

Does anybody has any experience or advise for a situation like that?
Women seem to have no problem trying to control men I'm sure you'd have no problem mind raping one into getting fit.
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Awful idea

Fatties gonna fat

Slim girls or gtfo
If you become her bf then try to get her fit, the biggest thing to motivate her is your own positive reinforcement. When she does something good, when she starts losing weight, when you see any visible changes, you fucking compliment them and praise her.

Source: guy with gf of 2 years who got her into lifting and got her to stick with it and actually progress.
>Awful idea
>Fatties gonna fat
>Slim girls or gtfo

I know, but slim girls, specially attractive ones) are almost always insufferably entitled bitches, so maybe If I get this nice, shy girl to lose weight I'd get the best of both worlds.
>she's very shy so she's obviously not a whore,

ayy lmao

If you had some experience you wouldn't draw conclussions so quickly.
Do it OP. It's an excellent idea and you won't regret it.
This is what my bf did
>be 155lbs 5'5", chubby, short haired ugo
>saw me as a baby who needed guidance and protection
>he said nothing of my weight
>he constantly encouraged me
"You should come to the gym with me. I want to show you off."
"Wear this dress. It suits you."
"I don't want to be rude but you can't go out in short shorts like that. You're my baby and let's keep it that way"
>I'm currently 137lbs 5'6"
Still chubby but at least I have somewhat of an hourglass figure and I dress better too

I keep it up bc he enjoys showing me off. His friends/family are equally as courteous as him. He pretty much exposed me to a higher standard of living.

Focus on nurturing/caring/loving her. And she'll start to love herself more and take care of her body more.
A bad one,
>getting her into fitness
Your doing the work she should have done already
dont do it nigga
if shes that fat you better be a handsome mindfucker to keep her from leaving you when she becomes hot. Shit dude just listen to hotline bling, you don't want her getting nasty doing things you taught her for someone else.

caveat emptor buddy, you best make her psychologically dependent on you or shes gonna jump ship the second a cooler guy starts paying attention to her. Plus getting a girl that fat down to a qt size will take a lot of work. And stretch marks too. Idk man doesn't seem worth it.
>"I don't want to be rude but you can't go out in short shorts like that. You're my baby and let's keep it that way"

I don't know why, but this is fucking creepy.
Do it. Mind you it will take you a long time. And it will be very difficult if you know she doesn't enjoy playing any sports what so ever.

1.figure out if she has any interest or pasts in sports. If she doesn't be careful about making this commitment.

2. If you are not a good enough quality man for her standards she will build up the confidence and leave you. Or if you treat her offensively durring the process she will lose weight then leave you.

3. Skinny girls (who don't have to work out for a body) will have their metabolism catch up to them. Later in life they will gain a lot of weight and not be able to deal with it at that point. If you are able to ingrain this discipline into a fatty she will continue to understand that it's on ongoing process.

Eager to please
More accepting
Usually smarter
More appreciative of you
Long term sustainability

Risk of losing her
Long time commitment
Personality may change due to mood swings or deprevation
Maybe stretch marks
I'd be happy to lose with weight boyfriendo if he was willing to support me along the way anon, I feel better if I have partner when I'm working out/doing cardio (tfw no bf)
Be careful about this. If you tell her how good she's looking she may take it as though she wasn't good looking before.
Only acceptable if you've seen her at the gym for like 3 months so you know shes going to make it.
If she's a normal human being, when she starts to see improvements, she'll realize she wasn't looking good before.

Someone post the picture of the fatty with her dorky looking boyfriend and wanted to lose wait for herself and her boyfriend said he loved her no matter what size she was at and how much that meant to her and then she broke up with him and started dating someone else after she got hot.
My best friend was formerly obese and she finds this to be the most offensive thing. When someone see"s after a long time and says something along the lines of "you look so good now" it's taken very offensively.
>find girl with 10/10 personality and face
>she's fat
>don't care, everything else is perfect
>ask her to lose weight
>she does
>now have a perfect wife

It works sometimes. No guarentee the one you get wont just light your house on fire and tell the police you raped her when you tell her she's too fat for you, tho.
That depends. You can probably do it if you pick a girl who legit hates being fat.

My sister was fat most of her childhood, she even has some traumas regarding it. Now she's addicted to cardio and thinks about fitness 24/7. But she HATED being fat.

Most girls, however, are not like that. The majority of fat women are completely okay with being fat, the only thing they are not okay with are the consequences to being fat. But rather than stop being fat to stop dealing with the consequences, they prefer to just try and yell so that the consequences would cease existing.

And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that the majority of women who are NOT fat will only remain so until they marry or feel their current partner is safe and won't be leaving. Then they just eat whatever they want without a care in the world.

So you either pick a girl who is addicted to fitness, or you're picking a hidden fattie at best. Honestly, it's best to just go gay senpai, men are much better.
your bf is going to beat you when you get married.
I get angry at those kinds of "compliments". Mostly because I do not agree with them, I feel I still look like shit and like the progress was small or inexistant. So I get angry because I feel they are lying to me.

And possibly because I don't like being complimented on things that I am not happy with. If I did something badly, I know it's bad, so if you come and say it's good... yeah, no.
He already spanks me during sex
fucking weirdos
Odds are bad. If she didn't want to be fat, she wouldn't be fat. I tried it once, I just couldn't convince her to stop eating junk food. It was pathetic to see into the life of a fatty and realize just how much in denial they are, how much "I try so hard to lose weight but I just can't" I had to listen to from somebody who'd eat junkfood every day
You're the worst kind of person. If someone gives you a compliment and you get angry at it, you should kill yourself.

That relationship sounds like shit desu senpai

Unless you're literally a teenager than carry on I guess and enjoy domestic violence and being a single mom at 25 when he leaves you for his next shiny toy.
>How much of a good idea is getting a chubby gf and getting her into fitness?
Bitch will be leaving you as soon as she sees chad putting his eyes on her shoes
Never date or marry a fat girl. She tells you everything you need to know by her inability to care for herself when she has few outside obligations.
Let me break this down for you OP.
You don't date girls unless
>they are paying for you
>they look good
>they are symbiotic to your lifestyle
If they are not one of the above you do not date them.
And why the fuck would you date down?

Punch up never down.
I don't act angry at all. I thank them for it and even smile. I only die inside.
Oh, okay. I take back what I said then. This is fine.
Are you mentally retarded?
Well if she's interested in you, make it known that getting fit is the catch to dating you.
>I know, but slim girls, specially attractive ones) are almost always insufferably entitled bitches

This is sadly true, for the MOST part. My girlfriend is slim as hell with a decent rack and fat ass. Her mom is also slim and definitely bangable. However, my girlfriend is far from being an entitled bitch because she has shitty self esteem/self worth. Probably because her dad was never around when she was young and he's kind of a dick to his entire family, but oddly enough, he's a total bro to everyone else. It's almost like he hates his family or something and honestly goes out of his way to make them all feel like shit.
Fat girls are the most whore like of all girls. Followed buy "whooooo drinking!!! XD" girls
>slim girls, specially attractive ones, are almost always insufferably entitled bitches
I know that feel. Pump then dump, I don't want any of that bitchiness in my life. Also, bitchiness is an actual word.
Can your bf make me an inch taller too?

Listen to the "no" replies.
No amount of pep-talk is going to get someone into fitness if they dont give a crap.
Fitness is self-motivated and you cant change people.
You are doing the classic
>"[Theyre] bad, but I can ~CHANGE~ [them]!"
Its sad. Stop.
shes obviously a teenager you fucking imbecile, which explains both her embarrassing opinions on relationships and her growth in height
30%, maybe even 35% of women really do love to be treated like objects, I could fucking swear.

want to see this
*100%, maybe even 105% of women really do love to be treated like objects, I could fucking swear.
Everyone wants to be treated like an object anon, people take care of and love their belongings
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First, you aren't going to get her to lose her weight.

Second, if she is already fat this young, she is even more likely to end up with cancers of the breast, cancers of the sexual organs and infertility compared to what /fit/ considers "high test".

Ideally, you want a thin girlfriend who has been thin her whole life. This is a good indicator that the hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle will not result in the afflictions i stated before.

Remember, "high test" is unhealthy. even a small excess of a woman's hormone's levels can be very detrimental to her sexual health.
My ex was obese, got her down to a slim weight because she actually wanted to work on it. Her breasts were saggy and she had loose skin and stretch marks but she had really good shape in her lower half and was wife material in terms of personality. She was 21 by the time she lost all her weight, if she was say 18 she might have looked a bit better and had more elasticity in her skin etc., who knows but its worth a try anon. Just keep in mind once she's slim she'll get significantly more attention from guys so if she's not loyal she might start looking elsewhere with the greater options she now has
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