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Hey /fit/ this is me after a year and a half of daily physical
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Hey /fit/ this is me after a year and a half of daily physical exercise. I've ran 1-2 miles 2-3 times a week for the past year. As well as 15-30 push-ups, sit ups, crunches, planks, and curls (15 lb dumbbell, I've slowly increased my reps a lot) every other day for the past year. In August I started lifting with my buddy a few times a week every week until now, and 3 weeks ago I joined my schools wrestling team (I'm 18) with daily after school practice, it's rough as fucking hell, I loose 2-4 pounds from start to finish of practice everyday after school. To keep hydrated from the amount I sweat during wrestling practice I drink 2-3 bottles of water throughout the day. And because I'm trying to bulk and not be so godamn scrawny 1/3 jar of peanut butter every night for protein and it's also very fattening/ on top of some bananas, I try to eat as much as I can to combat my calorie loss. Why the fuck do I still look this fucking scrawny I just want to it /fit/ help.
To be big*
>Why do I still look this scrawny
>Sucks in gut for photo
heres the thing. working out every other day? that's not gonna cut it. youre gonna have to workout every day if you want to make it.

15-30 pushups / situps / squats etc.? breh. not enough volume. gonna need at least 100 of each per day. no exceptions.

1-2 miles, 2-3 times a week? increase the milage to at least 6.2 (or about 10km), and the frequency to every day, immediately following your calisthenics.

bananas are good, but you shouldnt eat them at night - potassium inhibits protein synthesis when you sleep. move your bananas to breakfast (its actually okay if you only eat a banana for breakfast, helps to jumpstart the metabolism).

Do this and in another year you'll be looking pretty good.
I'm not sucking in my gut, I'm sort of twisted at an angle to show as much as I can. There's obviously a beer gut I'm trying to hide
bro you're gonna need to do like 300+ of the bodyweight exercises every other day and eat like 3k calories + to build any mass
I didnt read what you wrote but im 21 and have only been going to the gym for a year now and it makes me kinda happy seeing this pic because now i dont think my gains are inadequate.

But to answer your problem: Eat

and count calories for like a week to get the idea of how much you are eating.
If u just suck at eating big then buy nuts and eat a pack a day. 600 calories in 100g that are really easy to gobble up.

You're 18, hence not fully grown
You spend too many calories. Fucking eat more, and eat well. Meat, vegetables and fish. Fresh and cooked, not fast food AT ALL.

this will all help you grow. Start counting calories and start resistance training. Skip bodyweight bullshit
Eat more and start lifting properly ie read the fucking sticky
Okay. Then.
>Hides beer gut
>*Has* a gut formed from beer/alcohol
>Clearly hasn't read the sticky
>Why do I still look this scrawny
Isn't it amazing how I didn't read your paragraph and managed to uncover insights into this matter?
18 is more than old enough to have a good body
his age has nothing to do with the current state of his body
I don't drink bro, I was being sarcastic, I'm a skinny son of a bitch no matter how you look at my gut
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Thanks bro I'll take that advice. I should also add I'm planning on joining the armed forces in the next year or so. So I need to be in shape
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why does no one read the sticky?
Don't forget to avoid both air conditioning and heating.
Very nice post anon, well executed.
Mega kek
Perhaps you should consider a weight gainer.
Might I recommend
are you retarded?
>1/3 jar of peanut butter every night for protein and it's also very fattening/ on top of some bananas

uhuh, great

how many chicken breasts do you eat a day
lol still skinnyfat
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