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Current body thread H8 'em and r8 'em boys Pic related
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Thread replies: 235
Thread images: 62
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Current body thread
H8 'em and r8 'em boys
Pic related it's me
A couple of questions:

>Are you non-white?

... that is all the questions
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I've been told i look like channing tatum's retarded brother, I see it.
only because of the basketball shorts anon-san
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150 lbs 5'10

desu channing looks pretty fucking retarded too mang
>150 lbs 5'10
you should lift if youre goign to post on this board
is that planet fitness
Need to lose this fucking flab first before getting big
Looks like youfit
cheekie pls fug me

>tfw cheeky will never love you because youre not a fraud

dont make the mistake i made.... gain the muscle first if you're not obese already
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Progress pics

6'2 200 currently
Wont my mantits come out more if I bulk when already fat?
im going to assume you wasted a bit of time between oct 2011 to june 2013.

but you look very good now, completely natty you faggot?
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6'2" 195
This cheekie cheeky shit is still fucking with my head.
Impressive progress. Natty or not
Am not white
That is all the answers
wtf does this "desu" gay ass manga shit even mean?
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>150 lbs
>still 20% bf
Thats not 20%, not a fucking chance, probably 16-18%

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>Thats not 20%
>not a fucking chance
>probably 18%
Such is life
no, because your "man tits" are very small, it might be in your head

and secondly, dont bulk on a stupid amount of calories

dude youre 150lbs at 5'10'' You have NO MUSCLE to cut down to.

I would know cause I am 5'10 and I was 155lbs when i started!
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proof of gay.jpg
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Anything to confess desu?
I'm 5'10" but around 163lbs skinnyfat. Should I bulk as well? I REALLY don't want to gain anymore fat because I already cut down from around 186lbs skinnyfat, and I like being able to fit into this pair of jeans I'm wearing. How many calories over should I go? pls respond.
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5'9 ~160 lbs
>tfw not big
>tfw no abs
>tfw limbo
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2015-08-12 16.18.20.jpg
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6'1 170 pham
Hungry skelly coming through

Honestly, I'm kind of mirin a bit. Routine?
Thanks. Lyle Mcdonald's Upper/Lower with some lateral raisies and ab work thrown in
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Can I get a rough body fat % estimate from some of you?

I've never lifted a day in my life and a frame of reference before I begin would be nice to have. Just gotta know.
For me personally, it's really hard to tell. I would just focus on eating a lot now and lifting heavy. Do that for 6 months or so
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Shoulders broadened a little from last week and gained a little weight. Shit, I love progress

We're all gonna make it!
I'll just be doing a 200-250 surplus since I'm not in a rush at all. Already do loads of cardio; just figured adding weights would optimize everything nicely.

I'm 173 cm and 115 pounds. Does that help you whip up a rough BF % estimate? Even a range would be fine. I'm just curious.

How gay do you have to be to post half naked pictures of yourself on a board full of men and then ask said men to rate it? Pretty fucking gay no doubt.
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i'm straight and all buuut damn
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175 lbs - 6' and bulking
4 months of lifting

does my nipples look puffy to you?
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do you guys think my upper body is big enough to start focusing on legs. or should I wait a while before hitting legs
Start focusing on legs
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6ft 190
Nice, would just do a bit more front delts. Back pic?
Mirin. You're fucking gorgeous desu.
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yeah really working on shoulders in general.
Mirin brah

Wish I knew how to stay lean like you
thanks breh.
Lookin good brother. Impressed with your lower lats. How long you've been lifting for?

And are those scratch marks I see?
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May 22.jpg
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appreciate it. lats are actually a weak point from the front because im pretty sure i have wide ribs. But I've been lifting for 7 months after a 3 year stop.

Thanks my man. I'm sure in eight weeks i can start modeling for underwear ads.

Also, what's the source of that gif?
You're fucking hot desu. Full homo, but no offense.

They're technically men, though they act like stereotypical women.
That's a very young Jodie Foster.
What did you do between May and Dec?
I'm the same as you, I've been lifting for about 3 months after a 2 year stop, where I didn't really make any gains.
Now I'm seeing results and getting stronger, but I think I'll do a cycle of lgd4033, just to sort of gain for lost time.

You natty man? You look great. Did you bulk or cut?
Damn I'm really impressed now haha. You burn the fat off and then start lifting again? I'm same height and 205 pounds right now at about 15% bodyfat. Stats are pretty good but I want my 6pack back, mainly my small love handles gone but I don't want to slow down on lifting.
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Aug 22.jpg
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I was a really strong kid in early highschool with maxes higher than a lot of seniors. Playing football also helped me alot, so once I started lifting again, it didn't take long for me to get back to where I previously was. The main thing that helped me break through was completely changing my diet, while also changing my routine from lifting 3-4 days a week to 6. Pic related was after 3 months of lifting 3-4 days a week, eating whatever I wanted.
Yes, I'm natty even though I get accused otherwise because of how fast my body changed.

It kind of all just came together, I do a lot of cardio.
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who took this picture?
I just put my phone against the wall and set a timer.
So what? You did a bulk but with clean food? Or did you eat at maintenance man?
And how much did you weigh in the May pic?
I guess you could say it was a clean bulk. I've never eaten clean in my life up until August. The picture in May I was around 185.
Keep cutting or start bulking?
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Don't do shit half way bro. You started and should finish. Keep the cut at least until christmas.
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Currently on lean bulk
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183cm 92kg

you look like channing tatum and joseph gordon-levitt had a son.

mirin that thickness

fuck you look good
mr medic sir do you shave your chest?
>gross body hair
>no muscle
Welp, you just turned me straight.
I do mainly because I compete in grappling so it's good to shave.
someone pls respond
Do you have pics of you grappling?

I bet you all the junkies offer sexual favors some fentanyl
Mirin bi's and tri's however you need to hit shoulder & traps more. Chest too.
It's hard to say without a picture but at that weight you should probably bulk. Just do it properly so your bf% doesn't increase too much.


lmao, it hasn't happened so far
C-can you post some pls?
Why anon?
'C-cause I want to see.
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I'm really not comfortable with posting the more recent ones, so here's an oldie from a couple years ago when I was still learning.
Thanks. Can I just ask: by "do it properly" I assume you mean eat healthy and proteiny food, but how much of a calorie surplus should I do?
Why is he snuggling you senpai?
You should read the sticky.
I usually eat 15%-20% above maintenance when bulking.

He isn't snuggling, I had just been put to sleep and he is keeping my head straight for me to wake up
>I had just been put to sleep and he is keeping my head straight for me to wake up
This is so many levels of adorable.
Post more pics?
Were you ok? That's pretty though.
yea it was just practice, will post webm soon, it's worse when it happens in an actual competitive match
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That looks dangerous. Impressed.
Can see your face. You're handsome. Do you ever grapple when naughty?
It's ok when done under controlled conditions

no face, sorry. and not sure what you mean by the second question
>no face, sorry. and not sure what you mean by the second question
I meant I can sorta see your face on the sides of the whiteout. You're hot. Naughty mean bedroom play :)
Do you have any webm of proper matches? If this is practice then the matches must be pretty badass.
oh thanks
and nah, no play wrestling in bed, not into it that way desu
Ok. What do you do in bed then?
I can't make webm of matches because there's too much moving around and I have my gym's name on my shorts, so that's two things to white out. Some of the matches are really tough that's for sure.
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oh my god you are so thirsty it is embarrassing please stop
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tfw skinnyfat

only been working out for like a 1.5 months

still need to pick a program to follow
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from the back
I can understand that. Thanks for the practice vid mate.
No offense, but gay or straight?
Ok :( Will stop now.
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>fuck you look good
thanks breh. mirin the armz.
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I live in an Instagram filter
5'8" 137 lbs
Whats ur bemch squat dl ohp
You've gotten fat since last pic. And you still look 30.
No, I've dropped like 3 lbs since last CBT pic, I'm definitely leaner
0, 15, and 25.5
That might have been muscle breh. You gained some fat, definetly.
Is that per side or all together?
C-can I still husbando you?
>tfw I can be a girl for you senpai.
why are fags so degenerate?
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Bro hug fit.jpg
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Don't get mad bro. This is /fit/
that wasn't me >>35175592

but yeah I haven't joined a gym yet so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I bench 40lb dumbbells that's all i know
That looks pretty uncomfortable.
My lifts have all stayed the same over last week, except squat and pull up which both went up.
I've lost LBM in the form of water and glycogen but I assure you there's no muscle loss.
I took this picture from a totally different angle and with different lighting also, which contributed.

I'm 11 days into the cut now, last pic was from the 3rd day of the cut, November 29th
>having your blood supply cut off until you pass out
yes it is uncomfortable
Whatever princess. Not gonna argue. You still look 30 tho.
Are you attracted to guys who are 20 but look 30? I don't get why you're telling me this
You look old. Nice watch.
33, 5'11, 185. Am I ever going to escape dyel mode?

Is that a quarter stuffed in your weird bellybutton? Looking good tho.

No. You using gear or something? That's good progress for a few months in.

Nice core. Your abs flexed in that pic? I don't do shit for core, starting to think I should.
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Fuck, forgot pic
>Nice core. Your abs flexed in that pic? I don't do shit for core, starting to think I should.
yea they're flexed, i still get some definition unflexed but not that impressive. your core looks pretty good for someone who doesn't do shit for it.
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Do you really know what kind of watch it is?

Also, I just remembered that I had a small arm and shoulder pump in pic related
Mainly the lighting was good and I had more glycogen.
I'm flexing my abs, nothing else. I have maybe a single faint horizontal line when relaxed. I cut for a while to see them and my lifts, which are shitty, got worse and I looked generally deflated.. No better ab definition. So I said fuck it and went back to my usual diet, beer and all.

So what works? Captains chair? Planks?
hanging leg raises, planks, good old crunches all work man. They take longer to show results though, gotta be patient. Just hit your core at the end of your workout until failure instead of counting reps
can I cum in the canyon that runs through your pecs bby? I'd cum so much that it would run like a little river straight into the abyss of your bellybutton
after it's crusted I'd scoop it out, add pepper and salt, and we would eat it while watching The Notebook, hands interlocked
The fuck, mayne?

Are you one of them queers?
Wow, this just got even gayer than usual.. Every time I post something in one of these threads I figure some fat faggit somewhere is probably wanking it to all these pics. I bet these threads are why so many homosex hang out on /fit

I'm not him btw.
Nah man - no homo

it'll be even if this is a girl posing as a gay guy to fuck with us.
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Mfw privileged faggots are trolling me

I shaved with a razor for the first time, I think I look younger
uhu, you do look sexy and stern bby
you're the type that likes to take charge in the bedroom right?
Bulk you're small as fuck
Only when dick hangs lower than my balls. Right now my balls hang lower than my dick and I'm so ashamed that I can't get it up

I'm trying to cut until I no longer exist, I.e. auschwitz mode
somewhere in the 10-15% range
also, do you have a kik and can you be in Springfield?

>captcha: select milkshake
Sell the protein and buy some lights sheeesh
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god damn i didn't see this thread and started a new CBT like a dirty pleb.

1rm's are 325 squat, 245 bench, 385 dead, 145 OHP
1. why such crappy quality
2. why not show legs
3. get more light.
Why do guys do this?
your face literally looks like the love child of fear, arteezy, sumail and universe all mixed up in one
ayy the leddit user you're posing as has some nice lewds.
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6'3 155lbs. Started lifting about a month ago, will I look good eventually?
You're 6'3", you could be fat and still look good
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Starting to lean out again, 5'10" 194.

Probably going to keep current deficit until 187 then switch back to maintenance calories so I can continue fixing my chest
Don't worry anon I understood that reference
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5' 11"
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>6'3 155lbs
i think you're handsome
Nah, it's the tattoo.
already jelly of thin and narrow hip bones so yea.
nice body, but what is up with your nipples?
Why did you neglect legs that much...
Fuckkkk you look bigger than me and I'm 6'2 180 14% bf. How do you keep your arms from being skelly mode? All my gains go to my chest, back, and shoulders.
Nice dick brah. No homo
Routine? How do you stay so lean

Fat just goes straight to my gut. I think my genetics just suck
lol at that bellybutton blockage

didnt care about legs that much. until today that is. really do wonder what they would look like if i started squatting again.
gayanon, never leave. it is funny as shit watching you flirt with these autists
Yeah, it's kinda sad, though, gayanon was flirting with some fat neckbeard, using people's pictures from a gay subreddit, roleplaying as straight.
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Almost done with winter bulk, then I'm gonna cut hard and see what I look like at 180

5'9" 210
mirin as fuck senpai, after you cut you'll be my goal body since we're same height
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What mode am I? Bf percent too please? Thx.
6'0 198 atm
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why you.png
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T-thanks anon!
No, it's paint.exe :/
I do a full-body routine - last time I posted it I got plenty of keks, so I'll post it later. Basically, 3x5 everything. However, my secret is that I incorporate cardio days into my programs. It's ABABAXX, with A being the FB routine and B being 15 mile run on a treadmill. As long as you split it up rationally and eat well that day, you retain muscle and burn off a little fat easily.

It's fairly autistic though
God damn it it's paint
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6'4" 215lbs. I was 180 about a year ago.
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This has been in
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6" 160lbs
Look like a douchebag.
I second this
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Please help. What should I work on. Rate please. Will I make it bruhs?
6'0 204
>ease help. What should I work on. Rate please. Will I make it bruhs?
cut breh

everything looks good besides that, except maybe triceps
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You too lol.

But anon, I don't always wear a tight lipped scowl
Fuaaark mode. Mirin hard. I wold say 11-13 % but I know jack shit about it. Goal body
Was think the exact same thing
I bet you could crush me like an insect if I behaved naughty.
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See, I retook the same photo this morning.
I'm clearly leaner
You need a cut. Pissening
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How do you train dork face?
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160 ;-;
Down from 200. Looking to lose 5 inches off my waist, so probably another 40-50 lbs.
>Tfw you don't want to lose your tiddies but it's bound to happen

Lose a lot of fat .
You don't have a recessed jaw or big nose, you're alright.
>not big enough to get away with not very lean
>Not lean enough to get away with not being big

I'm like 175lb, 16%BF, 5'10" manlet. I'm in the army and go for phase 1 training on the 10th of January so I feel like that'll lean me out a bunch and then I'll be 160-ish and on track for a dank clean bulk
Unfortunately I'm a Canuck. Sorry familia
You're from SoCal
175 16% is huge at 5'10"

Post yourself
Idk where you got that from. I live in Alberta. Least so-cal place ever
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>thinking socal allows whale immigrants
Then you have a doppelganger living in SoCal with those exact same tattoos.
Post pics pls. I'm genuinely curious now
im 6' at 180lb
feels like im small as fuck.. what do i do?
It's not. This is 170, about this time last month.
Ok, so you're actually not 16%. You are around 20%
On the right I'm definitely not 20. Granted on the left I am
Right side is 15 - 16%
>Right side is 15 - 16%
>On the right I'm definitely not 20. Granted on the left I am
you guys are delusional, judging bf from some turbolighted side pose that reveals nothing-- what about his legs? his fatceps? his complete lack definition
>inb4 pec contour and collar bone shadow

i agree with the 20%+ number

if you want to know for sure, go get a dxa, you'll be surprised
They're both the exact same pose, and I'm 8lbs lighter in the second photo
You again with those tats. You look good. Would wife but married already, 3 way an option tho.

I don't know how the he'll you could weigh 160 and look like that t.b.h. even at 5'8 I would think you must be pretty fucking fat. You sucking it in big time or are dem titties even bigger than they look?
Anyway, yeah. Not as big as it sounds. Once I finish my training I'm aiming to get to 220 without going over 16%, then cut down to 200-205 at ~12%. 17 right now.
You're nuts. I'm 185 and 5'11, far from huge.
Edit: you are probably 17-18 now and were 22 in the before pic at 175.

The change in body fat is still significant. Continue what you're doing I guess because it's working
Much appreciated - any change is good change. I think I'm half decent for 17 years old
I'm the lightest guy in this thread
(>>35182778 this guy)
I weighed 136 pounds this morning at 5'8".
To me, the extra 20 lbs of muscle that all of you have on me seems like a ton.

I'm thin-wristed and ankled and very strong for my size, but still, all you guys weigh a shit ton more than I do.

Tall, light, and looking good for girls.

Unless you wanna be big for dudes, you're doing good bruv.
>le reddit
take this guy for example

>474 squat
>319 pause bench
>474 DL
>163 lbs
18.1% DXA

or this guy

>355 Squat
>245 Bench
>450 Deadlift
>165 lbs
22% DXA
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>40 yd NFL meme guy
Christ, you've hit a gold mine.
Saving pics of both if those niggers for FATs

Top Kek! Holy shit.
I'm not sucking in anything, my ass/tiddies are just enormous. Plus my arms/back are fairly muscular, just because I'm a bartender, and I have to do some pretty heavy lifting
For example, moving in kegs with no dolly. When the liquor order comes in I have to bring about 30 kegs in. Adds mass pretty fast
Well you're mad fuckable so go you
Idgaf about the body fat argument but I am seriously doubting that the dude in the top photo is pause rep benching over 3 fucking plates. That's some fucking estating right there friend.
Yep. I concur. Would be nice to see said tiddies.
He's obviously a geared powerlifter.
See how his squat and deadlift are equal?

Slap 50 pounds off his bench and 80 off his squat
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>52kg (114lbs)
>168cm (5'6)
>7% body fat
Should i start training, /fit/ ?
You have ideal squat and swimmer proportions.
You look a lot taller than you are. You should absolutely start lifting.

Also, you're like 13% in reality.
fairly certain his numbers are legit. he actively competes and is pretty knowledgeable.

regardless, my point is that people underestimate their BF by crazy margins (just like they estat.)

sure, strength can vary between people, but claiming 15% bf with 0 definition is just idiotic.

actual 15% is quite solid.
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>my ass/tiddies are just enormous
hi joruto
mirin hard
Alright, so measuring body fat with a tape isn't viable then.
I like swimming, swam irregularly, i could start doing it at the local swimming pool.
I was also at a point cycling for minimum a hour a day everyday two months ago, for about three weeks but had to stop due to my bike getting stolen.
I was always lanky and never gained much weight, but i'm eating rice very often along with chicken/pork, plus a chicken/tomato soup with macaroni.
So... I'll mark the photo as my first day and take up swimming.
Thanks for the tip!
mirin bro, how about you rate mine?
You think we don't see that injection site on the left delt? And look at those stretch marks right under it...

Why don't you tell us what type of B-12 and whey prot0nz you're on
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went full autismo
Then here is also proof that being strong doesn't make you big and roids can't fix ugly.
if you value aesthetics more than strength, go on a 6 month lean bulk, lifting 4-6x a week with volume as the tenant of your routine.

Hit bodyparts twice a week, and you will explode i fucking guarantee it. Dont do a strength routine that has you lifting 3x a week, sure youll get stronger but youll be spinning your wheels in terms of hypertrophy (when compared to a volume oriented routine).
File: image_1.jpg (603 KB, 1568x2791) Image search: [Google]
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Fuck you are so hot. MOAR
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