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>tfw binged on white chocoloate >It's not even the
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>tfw binged on white chocoloate
>It's not even the "healthy" chocolate
Wow, nice to know I got no nutritional value out of that.
>Reasons he's not texting you

Reason #1: You didn't text him first you sexist bitch, stop expecting the guy to take all the initiative every time

Reason #2: That's a fucking landline you retard, you can't text with that.

anyway OP, just learn and move on. Every time you make a shitty diet decision you need to criticize yourself but don't dwell on it. And sometimes you need to just stop halfway through, throw half a candy bar in the trash if your willpower failed to stop you from buying it to begin with.

And even dark chocolate has some health benefits but is super high calorie so don't go binging
unpopular opinion: milk chocolate without any stuffing is nutritionally more viable than fruit
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Do Americans really eat stuffing with chocolate?!?!? They have no taste synergies
Maybe the nutrient profiles are similar, fruit has more fiber though.
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what the fuck is that?

white chocolate is chocolate without cocoa butter in it I think
it's just the sugar and cream lol
White chocolate is just cocoa butter with the cocoa solids, meaning it has all of the negatives of chocolate and literally none of the positives. Of course it has to be my one weakness.
I meant w/o the cocoa solids.
I'm American and I have never heard of someone doing this
What source told you Americans do this?
As long as it goes to your ass who cares
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That's Jeff Seid brah.
Do Yuropeons really tongue kiss for 5 mins when they greet each other?
Yes. And it's hot as fuck.
I wish.
Don't be dumb. By "stuffing", he means like nouget and caramel and shit.
I... okay.

then why. Why is Jeff's face on that ladies body?
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im ju asking questions
my faggot jeff always pulls this face.
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