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what mode am i
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what mode am i
go home roid faggot
babyface mode
this is natty you probably dont lift :/
google search for images mode.

what's the point of making threads like this, you faggot?
But your head looks too big for your body now so bobblehead mode.
surfboard mode
Natty mode

I know OP is defined quite well but holy shit, why do I think that the body as a whole looks fucking retarded and asymmetric?
Nipples are unaligned mode
in all seriousness, is this even possible natty?

im thinking it would be at least 5 years
Doubt it. Look at those shoulders.
The chest and core is possible natty, arms and shoulders no
Look at his wrists compared to his biceps.

Not natty
damn, that sucks because i dont care as much about having chest and core, i want the freaky wide back and shoulders look


ashaha nice meme
trying to get gay male attention by using fake pictures mode
Better ride the bicycle then

100% not natty.
this is 100% natty achievable with SS and then a cut, don't listen to non lifters

tops 6 months SS to get OP physique
honestly you wouldnt even have to follow ss that strictly this is mostly just squats and curls once a week with a lot of oatmeal
As I gaze upon this image, I want to quit lifting..
John cena
insecure roidfag mode
Not even juicing but kek @ all the salty jelly natties ITT who will prolly always look like shit

Yeah this guy is roiding, but he has insane genetics, look at that waist/shoulder ratio and insertions. Comic Book tier perfect

Most people on /fit/ always whine like bitches, yet are always complaining when girls act the same way they do... Be the bigger man and mire people like this srs

Jelly beta kunts
>insecure roidfag mode
looks like your the one whos insecure
why? lol
>Be the bigger man and mire people like this
credit where credit is due but pic in OP is a diamond dozen.
He doesn't even look good. He looks cartoonish with those delts and the face of a 14 year old. Then he has the huge douche bag tat to top it all off.
Everything looks defined and all, but you just look to antihuman. Like some school kid who has no perception of proportion painted you.
That's bullshit and you know it.
No one on /fit/ prolly looks as good, let alone irl with rising obesity rates

He should grow a beard srs, would solve everything.
>No one on /fit/ prolly looks as good, let alone irl with rising obesity rates
>basing success against normies and losers who do not even lift
Winning by default isn't exactly winning

Pls go
Action figure mode
Your body looks good, unless you have one in a million genetics, you're obviously roiding though. But get a different haircut, your head's already quite long, and styling it up makes it look even worse. Plus, there's nothing on the sides, it just doesn't look good. Go for a flatter look.

If this is even you though, it's probably not.
>2.2mb picture

Fucking resize your photos man
He has zyzz tier insertions and proportions
>zyzz tier including anything but zyzz
Yuo didn't just go their
manlet roider with gay ring looks like he gay married mode
This is the first picture that made me think, This is too much.
I wonder how dull someone must be to achieve something like this and then I compare myself to him, I'm not near where I wanna be & I have quite the way to go. If I continuing on my quest for a better physique, and considering how dull I am as a person atm, how will I be down the road..
so many faggots crying in this thread

>acting like zyzz

k e k ull never be as aesthetically pleasing as mr /fit/ himself u faggot
That's a weird ass body. Your head is as big as your torso (like turbomanlet proportions), but you look taller.

Your core looks tiny. I know v tapers are attractive, but your waist / core looks frail.
>I wonder how dull someone must be to achieve something like this
autist mode
I want your dick mode.
his physique looks good, stop coping, doubt hes natty though
Well take comfort in the fact that you'll never achieve this physique and quit lifting so the gym will be less crowded with pathetic faggots like you.
Perfect mode
What you on about you cummguzzling phaggot
lmao did you forget to workout your bi's and tri's while on cycle?
Oh, to answer your question, you are basically wanna be zyzz mode
Scare females away mode. Unless they are 40+ or those ugly gym girls who think they are all that.
I hope this isnt supposed to e an insult
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>He doesn't even look good
lmao, okay

I guarantee he can fuck any girl he wants to
ITT: jelly DYELs

full natty brah mode
ducktoy mode d=f
itt: jellies

top kek

theres always jellies
No obliques and exagerated v taper
>diamond dozen

Is this a meme?
fake natty mode
Too aesthetic for this world mode
What about his tendons?

And keratin bodies? Hair, nails etc.
Horror mode
White Simeon Panda with less mass mode

You have the exact same bodytype
Nice job, how many cycles under your belt?

I'm personally not a fan of the tiny waist look, but no homo you look amazing. Squat and dead some more, thicken up that waist.
nice hip to waist ratio, OP
It isn't
weird as fuck physique. Guy is aesthetic for sure, but its just so unnatural looking, and not in a good way. Not really sure what it is, like he just wasnt meant to be that big...
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his shoulder/waist ratio is comical

that's what you get when you're a faggot, jump on cycle and don't know how to squat or deadlift

pic related, fixed
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oh ya thats it lol.

Buendia has a literal 2:1 shoulder/waist ratio I think but he has enough mass on top of it doesnt look so awkward
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wow guy isn't old enough to drink and is already injecting silicone.

Some quality parenting right thur
lol meant insulin, its late
>smaller legs than me
>squatting for one year
any girl under 16, sure
Post your sub 10% bf legs fatty
i really like his shoulder to waist ratio.
i got big ass waist.
funny how many people are hating this dude yet hes in better shape than 99% of fit, definitely on roids and unobtainable natty, the end.
i don't know if you eat the right kind of oats...maybe.
it looks ridiculous, bigger waist is so much more aesthetic once you have a bunch of mass up top

skinny waist only looks better than wide waist when both are DYEL
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Mode? Stopped lifting for a year started up again a month ago.
6'4 don't know my weight because ex took my scales when she left me.
this, he just looks so unnatural, even for being on crazy amounts of gear. needs to add mass or something
not sure its really hating but ehh
he as a rather odd physique that most people seem to easily notice
basically this is what happens when a 15-16 year old jumps on crazy amounts of gear right off the bat. Guy is on heavy compounts not just test/tren/mast/winny etc, as someone pointed out the guy is obviously taking insulin at this point and who knows what else
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>Unit 01 Mode
heap to waste...
fix it for ya
what else were you expecting?

fag juice mode

hope you die early like zyzz

Pretty boy faggot twink mode. You're prettier than my gf, want to be with me op?
Depeche Mode
Kek, exactly my first thought when I saw the picture.

Op looks like the type of guy that has a good time in the gay village. Just a fact, no jealousy.
ugly tatoo
mirin' body, stats?
big ass head mode
why are you guys hating on this guy??? he is making it and all yall do it hate wtf man!! i tought we were eventualy all in it together aint we???

because hes basically cheating by using roids. It's not impressive. Hes on the fucking juice, dude.

Jeff mode
ooh than i take it all back fuck him lmao

What's wrong with using roids? I'm going to use roids eventually.
These 3d delts look disgusting af
How is that comforting ?
He just has awful symmetry
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