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Dog shit in my power rack.
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Be me
> wake up, go to the garage to let the dog out, find a giant pile of shit in the middle of my power rack. What do?

Is he challenging me? Did he do some squats last and strain so much he shit?
He's 178lb Great Pyr/St Bernard mix.
Getting a dog was the worst mistake of my life.

>walking it takes up 2 hours everyday
>can't stay overnight anywhere/no social life
>can't work overtime
>neighbors use dog as an excuse to fuck with me
>occasionally get to clean up shit, piss and/or puke in the middle or the night or right after waking up
>don't really understand what the dog does for me since I don't find it that cute
rape him to establish dominance and alpha male status
It's a western culture thing.
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>don't really understand what the dog does for me since I don't find it that cute

Shit man, maybe you're just a soulless husk. Where the fuck are you walking it to take up two hours every day anyway? A little overkill it seems.
Nah, you gotta live on a farm, then the doges really start shining. My parents have like 4 German shepherds on their ranch, and the dogs work together to defeat the foxes, coons, and deer who are always threatening to devastate the chickens and or the avocados. Deer are the worst, btw, you think they'd be nice and elegant grass eaters, but no, those fucks will eat your chickens like any dumbass fox or coyote. They also obliterate blue berry bushes.
big dogs need around 2 hours a day bro.
why are there some many shit threads today

I don't mean bad threads

I mean threads about shit

>getting big dog to apartment
I dont understand you people. Big dogs need huge spaces for them to run and have fun. I despise my neighbours having husky and walking with him evryday.
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My mum has a couple labs and it saddens me that they don't get walked enough. I go over there when I can and take them on a long 3-4 hour hike but it's not something I have the time to do very often
dogs are a family pet, why would you get a dog if you're single?

Try to take him running or whatever cardio you do
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