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Blaha brings back the pecan pie vid!
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Isn't blaha impotent?

He is confirmed infertile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lqxSI9iuqI

See if you can catch his voice cracking up just as his girlfriend starts laughing at him.
Puh-Kaahn pie. Fucking hell, Americans sound so retarded.
That poor woman next to him. Jesus he is such an enormous bag of autism.

I'm from North Carolina and I pronounce pecan as 'pee-can' , no emphasis on either syllable

How do Aussies Brits and others say that word?
>that fucking green beard
it will never stop being hilarious

also he obviously has some form of autism or at least asperger's
nutty buddy sweety pie
He has stage 3 terminal autismo
(dot) me / Vdv7

>Genova level of autism desu senpai
>eating thanksgiving dinner on paper plates
Pee-can is correct. Yet again Canada smashes the yanks.
Anglo reporting in, 'pee-can' is how we say it too. Meaning that is the correct way.
This it? I expected it to be much much worse desu
You must equally be as unaware as blaha. that was top level cringe.
fuck you.
Pi-kahn master race
It was nothing compared to his last navy seal video
His aunt didn't even seem that uncomfortable by the end deshita sempai
We exaggerate the whole 'blahautism' thing because it is now a /fit/ and rogue YouTube fitness meme
Half the time Blaha is actually a like able, informative dude, but we live for his hilarious occasional outbursts of delusion or trolling, and I truly don't know which it is desu
this isn't as bad as I was expecting. The CLASSIFIED video and the ISIS video put Blaha on a whole new level
I liked how she moved her chair away from him.
Blaha confirmed as Elder Scrolls fan :

sullenday 5 hours ago
oh my god Britons are such pussies. eventually I'd say, oh yeah, it is, thanks!

JuggernautFitnessTV 5 hours ago
true but their +50 magicka bonus is kind of nice.
literal cringe
> he hopes it has been informative
how many inches arms does this piece of genetic garbage claim to have again?
In one video a few months back he clearly left slack in the tape and rounded up an integer

He said recently he has 18 arms, 50" chest and is 5'9, 218. He claimed to be 195 like a month ago though, so since he's a chronic liar I'm not even sure of his weight.

Actually that video is a couple years old, but yeah he came up at 17.25" but had CLEAR slack on the tape - and that was just the part of the tape you could see. He also claims that since he just did fasted cardio he would go up to over 18" after eating lol. Plus he is about a million percent bodyfat.
What is controversial about this? I can't be bothered watching it, blaha is just too autistic
hahahaha fuck yea, i missed the autism the first time
you guys are fucktarded

3 different people from 3 different countries across an ocean from one another pronounce it the same way, and you think that isn't the most correct pronunciation?
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