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What do you think of Freelee?
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What kind of shit meme diet is this? Is there any merit to it?
Love her. Trolling that even /b/ would envy.
It's probably not good for you, but really the only think I can think of is a potassium overdose, where as I'm not sure even 50 bananas a day would cause.

I mean bananas are a legit fruit though. I usually have at least one a morning. Diet could work.
If i wanted humor i''d ask what your one rep maxes are
26 bananas a day hits the daily MINIMUM recommended potassium intake.

You read that correctly

contrary to popular belief, bananas aren't the food with the most potassium. For examples, tomatoes have more potassium per gram
Bananas are a god tier cutting food. Filling as fuck.
Well there you go then. Diet is legit.

Be hard to eat just one thing though.
Vague question. I'll just take it one by one.

Information on nutrition: 1/10. There are much better people to learn from. Much of what she says is trite and based on mom-science.
Presentation/production values: 7/10. For a one woman, low budget channel, her videos are pretty well edited.
Physical appearance: 6/10. Not my type. She does have a nice body and flaunts her looks quite a bit in skimpy outfits. Can't blame her. Male fitness personalities do the same thing. Whatever gets you views, I guess.
Personality: 2/10. Very passive aggressive in an older-sister-knows-best kinda way. One of the reasons I actually like the green man VG is his aggressive-aggressive persona. Freelee acts like she's doing you a favor by talking down to you. She reminds me of Oprah.

I've only watched a few of her videos but I get the impression that she's an unlikable tart. I also realize I'm not her target audience, young insecure women with eating disorders.
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Dude, if you go on Freelee's diet, you gon be DYEL as fuark
I want to punch this anoying bitch in the head until her skull fractures.
one banana has 100 calories.

50x100 is 5000 calories
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and all of it's carbs. How much protein is in each one? You're not gaining muscle,you just gon get fat.
1.5 grams of protein

So x50 that would be 75 grams of protein a day.
She's very pseudoscience driven. She's anti vax, thinks her diet can cure cancer, probably some other bullshit I don't know.

People say she's too skinny, but she looks like a typical girl in track.
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so 1.5 grams of protein in a 100 cal?
Her anus must be disgustingly caked with banana shits with all the fruit she eats.
Don't forget 155 g of fiber. Is there a such thing as too much fiber?
I think she's lying about consuming 5250 kcal every day. Like I know she and Durianrider bike all the time but still. She's a lightweight female so her TDEE probably isn't too high, she'd have to bike like 50 miles a day every day.
>almost no fats or protein
>all that fucking sugar

Who thought nothing but bananas would be a good idea?
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Stop posting this. It's already been done. Let it die
>I eat up to 50 bananas a day!
Yeah, I can tell.
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Reply of the month

>Who thought nothing but bananas would be a good idea?
Retards whose weight loss knowledge ends at "eat fruits its healthy"

So most people who fall for meme diets
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>roughly about 125 cals per banana
>50 a day
>about 6250 cals a day
u wot
bananas cause cancer
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inb4 her husband owns banana farms
They do raw till 4, they haven't done 50 bananas a day for a long time afaik. Raw till 4 is pretty retarded too, but a little less so. Closer to a typical vegan diet. She definitely doesn't eat 5000 cals a day, but I don't understand her diet. Some people gain a fuckton of weight trying to do it, some people lose a lot of weight, people with anorexia who do her diet seem to have better results with it but they might just still be restricting. Either way, she's a cunt and her diet is literally orthorexic whether she wants to acknowledge it or not.
how in the fuck would you even consume 50 in a day?

a few in a shake in the morning, maybe eat a few the regular way...banana cake for dinner? how many ways can you prepare a fucking banana
the real question
how the fuck does she intake that much fiber and not just shit none stop every few minutes.
170g of fiber
Does the food even sit in the stomach?
I really don't feel this is right.
I can't believe you can take that much fucking fiber and not have issue.
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What is Zyzz reacting to here?
ugly for being a fitness chick, ok otherwise
I mean I like a firm poo now and again
Isn't she being sued? Hasn't she also got some kind of poisoning from this diet?
bananas are radioactive

i dont want my skin to melt off no thanks senpai
If I remember correctly it was a video of Jojan being a jackass

Yes. How the fuck do you think apes are so strong? Bananas are the ultimate food.
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holy fuck i forgot all about jojan
huh? 12 * 26 = 100?

Am I missing something
He made a reaction video to his own youtube progress video
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Eating a single banana gives me terrible gas for hours

I would die following her diet
this, but with muh dick
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Hello GASter
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