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>start lifting >get fit >people say things like "anon
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>start lifting
>get fit
>people say things like "anon use to be sexy when he was alive"
>"your appearance looks dead"
>"you look like you got smashed in the face by a bus"
>mfw my default facial expression looks dead even when I feel healthy and strong inside
>wut do fit
Smile and be confident faggot
Was your facial expression any different before? If not, they probably want to say that you took fitness to an extreme and are not spending as much time with them as you used to. Or they hate that you got more attractive and want to bring you down.
Nah, I've sort of had this problem for a long time. But the thing is, so often I feel like I do express myself and smile and have fun. I've also thought about the second point you made. People want to see you do good but not better than them basically.

Also, I've decided to tell the people who said it to themselves the next time I see them.
It could be crab mentality or you could have sagging skin. Post a b4 and after faggo
What the fuck is crab mentality?
People that aren't making it trying to stop you from making it because they feel bad when they see other people accomplishing things.
It's exactly what I thought too,
Look up crabs in a bucket on google
Does it help that the people who say these things are fat asses?
Yup, they're jealous of you and don't want you to succeed.
But why do they look so happy and comfortable with themselves?
to hide their intentions and validate what they say in your eyes
It's quite simple anon, those people are cunts who want to establish themselves as being higher in the pecking order.

That's all it is, don't let them get to you, find better friends and avoid those people, if you have to work with them I feel for you.
Thanks bros. I had a chat with my father too. I feel stronger about it now.
get new friends
It's colleagues.
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Get some sunlight, smile and shave your beard.
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