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Are there any /fit/-approved tv dinners or microwaveable meals?
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Are there any /fit/-approved tv dinners or microwaveable meals?

I'm usually very good at making my own food and preparing meals ahead of time, but this time of year when school is busy and I'm working more hours I usually get home at night and just want to put something in the microwave and be done with it.

I always get the impression that tv dinners are for lazy fat fucks, but there must be some good ones out there right?
You must have at least one night a week you're not getting home that late. On that night, cook four or five days worth of meals and stick them in the fridge.
Yeah, they're ones you make in bulk for yourself and you reheat them.
Thanks m8s. I think i already knew the answer, just needed it to be reinforced. Guess I'll just be buying more frozen chicken, steak and veggies next time i go shopping.
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No. You won't.

Frozen bargain bag meats are horrific and are actually terrible value for money. Find a good local butcher. Pretty much every butcher will give you really good quality for a fair price and you'll notice things like chicken tits and cow ass from a butcher have more individual volume than the frozen nonsense.

If you really want a good meal just waiting for you when you get home go and buy a slow cooker.

Fill it with lentils meat veggies spices ans some water and come home to a meal you never had to cook.
What do you define as "fit approved"? Do you want low calorie? Most of the frozen meals even with low calories are still quite high in sodium, or not much protein. You won't find a "perfect" frozen meal.

But in terms of low calorie meals the weight watchers ones come pretty low in cals, or lite n easy if you're in 'Straya. Fucking love that shit.
Don't know about fit approved, but I enjoy Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice meals. You may decide you want an extra side of veggies to go with it.
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I prefer lunchables to tv dinners
I have a lot of nostalgia for a few of those things. I miss that one deep dish pizza pack they discontinued.
Hey /fit/, I notice both of these packages making a big deal about 'white breast meat only' in their chicken bits.
Anyone want to talk about this? I've never come across packaging needing to specify in Australia.
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>chicken tits and cow ass
>slow cooker
Slow cooker master race here.

Family size recipes = days of meals. And you don't have to actually cook
>bake 5lbs of chicken breast
>put in a bag
>pull one out for each meal
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I use this if I need fast gainz
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Supermarket roast chicken + microwaveable veg = goat lazy meal.
Shit, add a bag of broccoli and you'll have a /fit/ dinner at the price of a big mac meal
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