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No money , no face. Why lift , when you can score someone out
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No money , no face.

Why lift , when you can score someone out of your league just by good personality?
Because then you're just the funny guy that she likes hanging out with and feels obliged to fuck? Personally i want a girl to feel a deep evolutionary compulsion to mate with me
Because I enjoy lifting.

That's cool , but why worry about gains and bodyfat and macros and supplements and steroids
chicks dig people who are confident.

When I was in high school I asked 3 girls to go out with me and pretty much struck out each time outside of prom. When I started university, I made it my mission to be social and enjoy my time as much as possible. I joined a lot of clubs and cultural organizations and I ended up having a lot of girlfriends because I was pretty social. Thankfully I wasn't very serious about keeping girls for long.
the pump

it's all about that pump

She loves him for his money and looks. But those will fade soon. He's a new-male and probably a cookie cutter porn addict as well.
I enjoy looking good.
>Why lift , when you can score someone out of your league just by good personality?

Good body can help you spark the initial attraction at which point you get a better chance to reveal your good personality to her.
Because there is no Starting Personality program.

Autists will do ANYTHING to impress a girl, except talk to her.
because I enjoy it and compete in powerlifting you fucking nigger
Make one then faggot. Ill throw money at you
I don't, being able to eat more food lets me eat more of whatever I want, and I don't take any supplements besides whey occasionally
>worrying about gains
not really because I enjoy it?
Because lifting properly (which includes refueling your body during and afterwards) helps you lift more?
Lifting gave me a better personality, believe it or not. Discipline and confidence are parts of who you are, some of the biggest parts if you ask me.

There are tons of other ways to learn those two but for me, lifting was that thing I "Couldnt do but still did". Lazy as fuck, born as unattractive skeleton with scholiosis and just awful at every physical activity.

Becoming great at something that life wanted you to suck arse at is just bound to change you.
Yeah, it seems obvious now, but becoming strong gave me confidence, watching myself lift incredible amounts of weight. And failing or having to deload taught me to be humble, as well as watching guys lift double what I can.

Lifting is really so good for you, if I were some sort of king or ruler I would make it mandatory for the entire populace.
I can't, I suck at that stuff. I just have a good face and wing it with brutal honesty.
The real trick is that /fit/ thinks about girls as a video game, that once they unlock the 400lb Dealift Achievement or reach Level 50 Lifter status that they'll unlock the Ladykiller class, but in reality everyone has different tastes, some girls will even *gasp* like you the way you are right now. Lifting just makes you more physically attractive, which makes it more likely a girl will give you the time of day and get to know you.

In pickup, it is all about your vibe. Is this guy creepy? Is this guy safe? How you view the world will automatically transfer to others via your body language. If you generally view the world with distrust, this will make others feel distrustful of you. If you’re nervous and fidgety, the girls are going to find you “creepy”, since scared animals creep away from danger. Ultimately, the best have one thing in common: They feel safe in the social sphere. The world is not out to get them. With this worldview comes a lightness, warmth and playful freedom in your behaviours, which other humans instantly recognize and want to be a part of. This is a cornerstone of charisma. f you can enter a bar and not only be entirely unfazed by the environment, but actually find comfort within it, 80% of the battle is already won before you even open your mouth.

Cultivate a daily meditation/yoga habit to begin conditioning relaxation and safety into your life. Even 15 minutes a day will have wide positive repercussions.

Get many new reference points about the world around you, by travelling, talking to many types of people, and facing your fears.

Broaden the scope from just pickup. Find a homeless guy and ask him for his story. Go down to the roughest pub in town and socialize with the locals. Face those fears daily, and get a real emotional grasp on what really is safe or unsafe in the world.

Put your focus on your desires. Pursue your pleasure. Have at least one hobby or job that requires your dedicated focus for at least a few hours each day. This habitually sets your Circuit I behavioural mode to "Advance" rather than "Retreat". Ever found that pickup was a lot easier after doing something you loved for several hours that day? By spending enough time in a mode of pursuing what pleases you, Advance begins to become your default script.

Get good male role models who can dominate others socially and mimic them, finding out how they do it. Hang around with them religiously, even if you can't stand them. Finding guys who already get women and who can stand up for themselves socially is the most important learning tool available to you in pickup.

Develop your own strong emotional bias. You should have an opinion for everything. If you don't, just make one up. The strength of your views determines how strongly you can influence (dominate) others.

Take up a martial art such as MMA where you get beaten up every session, and get to beat up other people. This desensitizes you to the “fighting” possibility of domination games: with the fear of physical fighting removed, you’ll better hold your emotional state, and become a domination tour de force.

Decide what you will and won’t put up with socially, and defend it vigorously. Regard your own mental and physical space as sacred ground, and forbid others from trespassing on it. If someone openly disrespects you, call them on it, and find out where their boundary really lies. Winning or even just surviving a few of these confrontations will do wonders for your confidence

. Your imprint will change to assume a higher default position in the pecking order, and your body language will follow: bye-bye hunched shoulders and submissive pose, hello confidence and standing up straight. Balance this however with learning to take a joke. The goal of this exercise is to develop self-respect, not become a walking assault charge.

This is the shit that turned me off PU when I was pretty deep. It seems every school besides DeAngelo's old one (and even he had guys reading dog training books to apply the techniques to women) has such a "Us versus Them" mentality, like girls are the enemy, that either they win or you win. That sex is a prize rather than a beautiful surrender of your defenses to another human being.

Whatever, I sound like a permavirgin, but I would honestly rather be ten times less "successful" with women than view the interaction in such a jaded way. That's why Style left.
>Get good male role models who can dominate others socially
That one's always been hard for me. 80% of the males in my friend group are Michael Cera-lite
>Implying I have a good personality
this guy gets it.

Who the fuck wants to hang out with a dude who is constantly trying to dominate people, serial?
the first time I ever dominated someone:

>be in uni eating breakfast by myself because i like the calm in the morning

>friend and this girl he's orbiting come over and say hi

>let them sit down at my huge ass table

>friend makes a comment about how he's not getting any girls

>look across the table and ask the girl, what? Wouldnt you give Beta your number?

>she laughs and says nah giggling

>can literally see beta's soul die

>so i say, for fun, how about me, wouldn't you give a guy like me your number?

>she goes yeah you're right, giggling again

>laugh and go back to enjoying my pancakes

>she asks again, hey didn't you want my number?

>i laugh and I go nah i was just joking I dont want your number

>she writes it down and gives it to me since i wouldnt use my phone

had fun times in uni
because I don't wanna be the guy who got lucky or just got in by the skin of his teeth

i want the woman to feel like that when she gets me

don't bet on luck and the generosity of others when it comes to life cos 99.9% of the time nobody is giving you the benefit of the doubt.
>You used to be that beta
>You used to orbit women
>As soon as you change, you shit on your former bretheren and take advantage of their situations

It's like, who's impressed by this? Take the poor fuck under your wing, or better yet, make him look cool in the eyes of the girl he likes. Positive reinforcement from a "cool" guy could do wonders for his ego and lifestyle but you're too pathetic to even help him

Fucking PUAs. This is why nobody likes you except for the girls you trick into bed.

BTW, Normies like be blow you the fuck out when you pull out your tarot cards or furry hats or whatever the fuck. You're a poser and you will never find true satisfaction.
im no pua or former beta, im just a dude who occasionally steps on his friend's toes.
I had a friend who legitimately got paid to teach guys how to get girls and it was hilarious seeing this 5'5'' kid talking to all these girls without giving a fuck
You're not cooler than anybody else, man. Much less when you think you're better than others. You're on a fitness board but you seem to lack any basic humility.


beta orbiting for the most part isn't indicative of an issue w/ social conditioning

it's indicative of genetic limitations, specifically you're too unattractive to get the girl you're trying to pursue.

if you're not attractive to the person you're trying to hook in with then there's really no social dance to be played, there are no moves to execute, you either move on or you orbit and get get 'le friendzoned'.

the message to betas is to recognise when this happens, and to not be so fucking pathetic and move on, because if you don't attractive males are going to tread on you for sport.
>genetic limitations

What? /fit/ is literally all about overcoming your shortcomings and being the best you, you can be, as trite as it sounds. Lmbo if you really think you're inherently better than anyone else. Human pair bonding is about pheromones and compatibility, there's not a fucking "scale" where some are just above others.

Holy shit I hope I'm being trolled.
There's absolutely no reason to baby people and wingman them especially if he didn't ask me for help. you don't have banter with your friends anon? I have friends that pull shit like greentext on me all the time, if you can't recover from it then I'm sorry you need to be coddled.

I dunno man maybe just put up the people you call "friends", make them seem cool, like you, I dunno, LIKE them? Hint: it makes you look cooler by association to be hanging out with cool people, associating with people and putting them down makes you look like a retard. If I had "friends" like you I would never call them again.

> Human pair bonding is about pheromones and compatibility


and yeah you can build some muscle, but that won't magically overcome an unattractive face, poor bone structure, poor hormonal development, poor genes.

thats what I don't get about you beta boys.

you say shit like "oh man why don't you help us"

so we tell you why you're fucking up, you're just unattractive, and the girl isn't interested in you because of that.

but we tell you this and you respond with

" f-f-ffuckn that's nn--nont not true you peiceee of shit .. g-girls don't care about how u look! they only care about ur social status & money!!!!!!"
No one wants to be friends with obnoxious people
It's a hassle
I don't even know what to say to this besides if you really think anybody but you cares about fucking bone structure over how fun they are to be with, you will have a lot of trouble having a meaningful relationship with other humans. The word "autist" gets thrown around a lot here but life isn't a video game with 8 points in facial structure and 4 points in "hormonal development", whatever the fuck you mean by that.

Go outside.
>cant handle the bantz

> girls don't care about how you look

you can work on everything. Better question is - why wouldn't you lift when you can add looks to your great personality?
Don't piss me off, trooper.
When the only thing a friend can do for you is dish out banter then it's not a very worthy friendship tBh
It literally feels good you DYEL homosexual
you're a social leech who keeps people around because they're of use to you?
I keep people around because they're nice and likeable
Because I don't have an interesting personality? That's not something you can really fix
Part of lifting
Cause despite what tumblr will tell you, excess fat is unhealthy
Part of lifting (if you want to progress)
Cause some of us are taller then 5'6 and dont feel like Eating a whole chicken every day
Pic related is you
>nice jawline faggot
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away with your weapon, he means you no harm
>talk to her
But why?
Most things women want to talk about are shallow shit.
Welcome to women son. They would rather talk about other people rather than ideas or events.

If you want to be with a woman, you have to deal with the trivial bullshit.
plenty of guys are like that too
not all women are like that
It's all about being alpha faggot. Hold frame, never give in, you may see some success. Only retards thing "good personality" amount to anything.
Pffft, at least he isn't fat or exceptionally ugly. That guy's actually good looking by the standards of guys batting out of their league.

Now THIS asshole. Fuck. He must be rich or something.
Well Good personality is subjective. I would argue that good personality in the context of women entails holding frame, controlling conversation, remaining relaxed etc.
I don't have a good personality.
Cookie cutter?
Pls explain pls
>Starting Personality by Jeff Seid.
Co-author Supermong.

>Tfw author's note: Islee Islee Islee; I wasn't inspired by Zyzz.
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I guarantee you lost him once you said subjective. People don't like getting told their opinions aren't facts.
Post face faggot
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no, this is eastern europe, where women are okay with normal guys and WILL settle down, unlike spoiled american/westerneuropean whores who only accept 10/10 billionaire, six-pack, princes from roayl families with 2000 inch dicks. you all have literally been keked when you think i/he doesnt deserve a girl like this, the more you keep saying/thinking that the more cunts will triumph over us
I like that attitude. But you realize all it means is that the men in your area are of a lower value. Women will always be attracted to men they perceive, for one reason or another, as having a higher value.
But that's not bater f.am, you're just being a cunt. I should know, I'm the fucking Bantersaurus Rex, nigger
Pls be in london
I would fuck the dog shit out of this woman
>and him to show dominance
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Sorry, m80, she's an 11 time world champion in Muay Thai so it's very likely she'd kick your ass and peg you for good measure if she thought you wanted to fuck her man.
Not exactly true anon, women in eastern europe act more and more like entitled cunts. Hence the popularity of pua trainings in these countries.

Having said that, yes its still much easier to stand out in eastern europe as a guy. Since a good part of them are alcoholics, do drugs, are in jail and/or jobless, doing military service or killed in a war.
>implying watching her man get fucked isn't her fetish
Every person I've ever met that claimed to have a "good personality" was fucking awful. It's always used to justify easily correctable flaws like being fat or having poor hygiene.

I was a fat shit when I met my wife and yeah she's thin and cute and all but she wasn't attracted to me because of some vague notion of a "good personality." Mostly it was that we shared a particularly narrow set of interests and belief systems, if anything rather than being good I was just the same type of asshole she was. I actually ended up lifting and biking because I didn't want to embarrass her when we went out together and at a certain point it's disrespectful to your partner to remain disgusting while they put so much work into their appearance.
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