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Has anyone here tried the 100 jumping jacks a day challenge?
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Has anyone here tried the 100 jumping jacks a day challenge?
Not sure it would do much for you other than burn maybe 30 calories???
Not everyone had parents who forced their kids to be jocks in high school. We all have to start somewhere.
>100 Jumping Jacks
Nigga thats like 2 minutes of excercise
even a fat kid can do 100 jumping jacks easily wtf
Has anyone here tried the 2000 breaths a day challenge?

thats not a challenge
i do this for warmup

300 pushups 150 pullups is a challenge
I was 300 pounds in high school
I could do 100 jumping jacks then
Fuck off
that sounds like it would drive anyone crazy

You don't even have to be moderately athletic to do this. Literally, as long as you don't live a sedentary life and shove mcdonalds in your face every day, this shouldn't be a "challenge"
>the bait is strong with this one
In the Navy here. I was stationed in chicago for a year for training, and I was in the barracks with the pre-seals. hey were always up before everyone else getting their ass kicked doing work outs on the foot ball field. I was walking to the galley, saw them doing jumping jacks, ate my breakfast, and walked back to my barracks and they were still doing jumping jacks. I talked to one of them later on and they said they had to do 5000 jumping jacks as punishment.
How long do I hold my breaths for? 1 in 1 out? 2 in 2 out? 1 in 2 out? Vice versa? I want to practice breathing before I start running 10km every single day.
>over the age of 9
>doing jumping jacks

Start with running and bodyweight exercises if you really don't want to go to the gym, and proper diet of course. Unless you're morbidly obese, in which case look up Jesse Shand
I do the 1200 stairs a day challenge.
>300 pushups 150 pullups is a challenge

Uh, do you mean timed? Because if you think doing 150 pullups is hard you must be fairly new.
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