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Is this the skateboard squat for today's kids?
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Is this the skateboard squat for today's kids?
This is how you break your neck
bradley martyn can do it because he's balding so he doesnt have much to live for anymore.
that's why he keeps shilling his fucking stupid hats.

Leave based Bradley alone, you big stupid bully! ;_;
That is ridiculous! Here's for all my webm hating senpai.
you are fucked cunt
>5kg crossfit plates
This triggers my autism
Does this cunt squat like 750?

315 for him is essentially like you squatting the bar.
>this posterior tilt
Doesn't have proper form and does this kind of shit. All of my kek
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>thinking those are 45lbs plates
They are 20kg/45lbs. I have the same ones in my gym. 5kg ones are similar, just way less thick; about 1/4 of the size of the ones you see here.
There are probably dozens upon dozens of different plate manufacturers and sizes, and many look roughly exactly the fucking same.

Let's assume that you're a moron and that you can't correctly identify the plates from this shitty-ass video taken on a potato, instead of assuming that this dude is squatting 340kg to parallel on an electric fucking skateboard with apparent ease.

Just a quick google says the recommended weight limit on those things is 90kg, which Bradley Martin already exceeds by himself with a good 10-20kg depending on sources.
It will NOT handle four times that weight.

>this post was brought to you by Critical Thinking(tm)
>in cooperation with U Should Try It Sometime U Mongo
Where'd you get 340 kg? That's a 315 lb squat with a 200 pound man.
Where can I get 45lb-sized plates that don't weight 45lbs?

I want to look strong.
Ye wtf man. Bradley seems to keep a super chill dude family.
Your local CrossFit gym
Seriously, are you full of shit or do any places actually sell plates that size that weigh significantly less than 45lbs?
Its just as gay as doing it on a bosu ball
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>tfw you'll never have a 2qt squat or a 2qt chin up
>He's never seen bumper plates before
>Literal poverty gym
>Does this cunt squat like 750?

Cool, I figured you were just shitposting. Only prop houses have plates that size weighting less than 20kg.
He meant Bradley squats 750 conventionally not on one of those roller things. How about some reading comprehension?
Yep you're right he brought 6 fake plates into the gym just to make his videos. It's not like there are hundreds of other videos showing his strength with iron plates or anything. 315lbs for someone like him is nothing. You ought to focus on getting stronger rather than shit posting m8o. Tryin to put other people down will never get you anywhere.
They say 45lbs right there on the side. You mad he's stronger than you?
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> bradley martyn
Fuck me, if I was loaded I'd be walking around in comfy gym clothes as well
> perfect
> n-not as good as my 1 plate squat baka
Don't forget the fake bar that bends with the fake plates
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>implying he cant pull an infinite amount of bitches while he's bald.
dude, the guy hatfield squatted fucking 700lbs. i'm pretty sure he could pull this shit off without faking it.


This >>34943212 is the only guy who caught me out on my mistake. The rest of you are probably as shitty at reading as I am. And I'm black.

Then that's pretty impressive you can use a computer for other things than world star.
>i don't understand bumper plates so ill just call them crossfit plates

really embarassing for you cause it says a lot about how much you suck at lifting
Lotus turn your trip back on and stop shitposting
If you watched the video you'd know the thing snapped halfway through.
>mfw this goober doesn't realize perfect form is intended to give you higher lifts when not related to ROM
>doesn't realize that his perfect form giving him shitty lifts means he's even weaker than he thinks
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